The Seventh Angel. Crypt of the Seven Angels - Natalie Yacobson страница 2.


«Which? Finding, track down, lure to the trap and specifically beheaded, and not just kill, your worst enemy, even if this enemy for some reason can be dear to you?»

«Bring me his head separated from the body,» he suggested.

«Whats stupid in this? Who did not dream of keeping his enemys chopped head in his hands?»

«You talk about it so»

«As if I am not a woman?»

Mario nodded.

«What woman could do what I do for you?»

These are some kind of puzzle. Blaise loved to speak in riddles, but she performed her part of the work perfectly, so no problems have ever arise with her. Only he has a feeling that they were about to arise.

«There is a demon in you.»

A beautiful girl like her on such a definition would be offended, but Blaise only smiled crookedly.

«It is possible that it is.»

«But you pray like each of us, and whats the difference that you bring prayers not Jesus Christ.»

«Prayers are different,» she began to correct. «Sometimes you even pray only that God gives you the opportunity to kill once again. My prayers about much more serious things.»

«What about, for example?»

«About such, for example, as to bring the apocalypse.»

Yes, she is really crazy!


«Ask him!» She nodded on a box with a severed head.

«Blaise! Even if he was a man, after such a cut on his neck, he would have been dead. And the corpses, as everyone knows, do not say,» Mario did not notice himself, as he began to talk to the mentoring tone of a psychiatry specialist, stumbled upon a particularly difficult patient.

«Only in the Middle Ages believed that dead bodies are bleeding, barely the murderer entered the court, and the chopped heads reveal the lips to call the name of their murderer or tell some secrets.»

«I have a somewhat different experience in this business,» she sharply clicked with a butt of some weapon, which managed to carry past protection posts. The shot was muffled, and some disgusting look, the gray animal was already pierced on the floor in a puddle of its own blood. Well well! Blaise managed to shoot the rat, which he did not even notice. It is necessary to finish those who traveled rodents here. Their packets with poison did not help, and the girl coped with one sight. It is only strange that his bodyguards did not come running on the roar of the shot. And even more suspicious that Blaise did not bother to apply the muffler. Apparently, she considered herself here the second leader, and worse what his people began to consider the same.

«You probably guessed what kind of purpose I am pursuing, ordering you such trophies. You are smart. I would never have thought that I would say such a woman, but you are extremely smart. Much smarter than all my male relatives, already pretending how to share my power. Although Im not going to die yet.

«Therefore, someone can help you to navigate faster. Such a person instead of looking for somewhere far from his enemy would cut off and brought your head to the meeting, would demonstrate a trophy as proof that he is worthy to be your successor. You wanted to identify such a person, and you gave a task with a special purpose. Before the meeting, such a person came to kill you, because it would consider you to be your main obstacle, that is, the enemy. Other heads he would not seek.

«Im sorry, but under suspicion you are now. With your unsuccessful joke,» he nodded on a box with a trophy more like a white fragment. In essence, only a fragment is and was. Where is the sculpture? Already buried in the grave with the mark «Predecessor Mario»? Or is it waiting for hours at the door like a ghost to enter and kill? What thought? Blaises thought was even more mystical.

«This is not a joke,» she did not even flinch in response to charges. «This is, in fact, the head of the one I hate the most. He destroyed my life.»

«And how? He did not answer your prayers? Whether you are from the Orthodox confession, now with the same success would have taken off the heads from images on icons.»

Blaise did not appreciate his jokes. Probably because she has never seen an icon in her life. And here he has several stolen museum icons in precious dresses, and now he was thinking about to resell them into private collections. Maybe for the head in the box there will be a worthy buyer. Even with glance, he will be discovered that the head has a more beautiful face than Michelangelo or Cannovs works. It is a pity that it is not even a bust, and that there is no statue. Otherwise, the price could be raised until the transcendental heights. Maybe Blaise knows where the statue is, then it can be fixed. He thought only about the benefit. Blaise kept behind the weapon as if she was waiting for some fall, but not from Mario, but from the marble in the box.

«This is my main enemy,» she repeated clearly with an obvious desire to emphasize the significance of what she brought. «Main from seven.»

«That is, you have their seven. And you managed to get only one?» He already told as she. As the girl allowed him to involve himself in her games. This is either a fun of young hooligans, or focuses of a crazy, or a thinly thoughtful game, so that you are crazy about it yourself.

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