S. drag.You can'tsee it,
youdon'tknowwhereitcomes from.Take oneof those
cocktailloungesattheendofa subdivisionstreet --
and market and liquorstore. You walk in and it hits you.
But where does it come from?
Not the bartender, not thecustomers, northe cream-
coloredplastic roundingthe barstools, northe dim
neon. Not even the TV.
And our habits buildup withthe drag,like cocaine
will buildyou upstaying aheadof theC bring-down.
And the junk was running low.So therewe arein this
no-horsetownstrictly fromcough syrup.And vomited
upthesyrupand droveon andon, coldspring wind
whistlingthroughthat oldheap aroundour shivering
sick sweating bodies and the coldyou alwayscome down
with when the junk runsout ofyou.... Onthrough the
peeled landscape, dead armadillos inthe roadand vul-
turesover theswamp andcypress stumps.Motels with
beaverboard walls, gas heater, thin pink blankets.
Itinerantshortconand carnyhyp menhave burned
down the croakers of Texas....
And no onein hisright mindwould hita Louisiana
croaker. State Junk Law.
Came at lastto Houstonwhere Iknow adruggist. I
haven't been therein fiveyears buthe looksup and
makes me withone quicklook andjust nodsand says:
"Wait over at the counter...."
So I sit down and drink acup ofcoffee andafter a
while he comesand sitsbeside meand says,"What do
you want?"
"A quart of PG and a hundred nembies."
He nods, "Come back in half an hour."
SowhenIcomebackhehandsmeapackage and
says, "That's fifteen dollars.... Be careful."
ShootingPGisaterrible hassle,you haveto burn
out thealcohol first,then freezeout thecamphor and
drawthisbrownliquidoffwith adropper --have to
shoot it in the vein oryou getan abscess,and usually
endupwithan abscessno matterwhere youshoot it.
Best deal is to drink itwith goofballs.... Sowe pour
itinaPernod bottleand startfor NewOrleans past
iridescentlakes andorange gasflares, andswamps and
bottlesandtincans,neonarabesques ofmotels, ma-
roonedpimpsscreamobscenitiesatpassingcars from
islands of rubbish....
away. It's asmall placeand thefuzz alwaysknows who
is pushing so he figures what the hell does itmatter and