Лучшие смешные рассказы / Best Funny Stories
Джером К Джером / Jerome K Jerome© Матвеев С А. , адаптация текста, коммент. , упражнения и словарь© ООО « Издательство АСТ» Should Married Men Play Golf? People know that we Englishmen attach too much importance to sport, it is wellknown, indeed One can wait: some day some English novelist[1] will
Трое в лодке, не считая собаки / Three Men in a Boat (to Say Nothing of the Dog)
Джером К Джером / Jerome K Jerome © ООО « Издательство « Эксмо», 2015 Preface The chief beauty of this book lies not so much in its literary style, or in the extent and usefulness of the information it conveys, as in its simple truthfulness Its pages form the record of events that really happened Al
Лучшие произведения Джерома К. Джерома / The Best of Jerome K. Jerome
Лучшие произведения Джерома К Джерома: Трое в лодке Трое на четырех колесах Мир сцены Three men in a boat (to Say Nothing of the Dog) Preface the chief beauty of this book lies not so much in its literary style, or in the extent and usefulness of the information it conveys, as in its simple truthful