Office Series
This book will help you remember a lot of necessary and useful words and combinations that you are going to use in situations and small talks while talking about working at an office.
The following episodes are combined in order to provide you with an opportunity of memorising some words and phrases
Job Series. Part ONE
This book will help you remember a lot of necessary and useful words and combinations that you are going to use in casual situations and small talks while doing the shopping.The following episodes are combined in order to provide you with an opportunity of memorising some words and phrases just read
Shopping Series. Full
Изучаете и используете английский? Хотите освежить свой словарный запас или просто прочитать чтонибудь интересное? Тогда эта книга для Вас! 3 части и 30 рассказов о самых распространенных ситуациях при покупках в магазинах и не только. Разные герои и сюжеты. Только на английском! Читай, изучай, полу
Travel Series. Full
Изучаете английский? Используете его в поездках и на отдыхе? Хотите освежить свой словарный запас или просто прочитать чтонибудь интересное? Тогда эта книга для Вас! 5 частей и 50 коротких рассказов о путешествиях и самых распространенных ситуациях на отдыхе. Разные герои и сюжеты. Только на английс
Job Series. Full
This book will help you remember a lot of necessary and useful words and combinations that you are going to use in casual situations and small talks while talking about your job.The following episodes are combined in order to provide you with an opportunity of memorising some words and phrases just
Travel Series
Изучаете английский? Используете его в поездках и на отдыхе? Хотите освежить свой словарный запас или просто прочитать чтонибудь интересное? Тогда эта книга для Вас! 5 частей и 50 коротких рассказов о путешествиях и самых распространенных ситуациях на отдыхе. Разные герои и сюжеты. Только на английс
Promotion Series. Full
This book will help you remember a lot of necessary and useful words and combinations that you are going to use in situations and small talks while talking about advertisement. The following episodes are combined in order to provide you with an opportunity of memorising some words and phrases just r
Promotion Series Free Mix
This book will help you remember a lot of necessary and useful words and combinations that you are going to use in situations and small talks while talking about advertisement. The following episodes are combined in order to provide you with an opportunity of memorising some words and phrases just r
This is a book of short stories for beginners. The stories are designed that they are going to increase the vocabulary. The kid should be accompanied by some adult who can help him understand new words and their pronunciation.
Vacation series
This book is full of texts about vacations helping you to enrich your vocabulary on this subject.
School Series
Short texts about a school. This series is for those who would like to learn how to compose a text about a school giving the examples and rich vocabulary on this subject.
Cinema series
This is a series for cinema lovers. The book contains stories with a rich vocabulary and structure to learn how to talk about cinema going.
Family series
Short texts about a family. This series is for those who would like to learn how to compose a text about a family giving the examples and rich vocabulary on this subject.
Weather series
How to talk about the weather? This book is for those who want to learn to describe the weather with the right words.
Business trip series
Talking of a business trip you can rely on a structure and vocabulary used in this book.