In resonance with cosmic energies: terrorism and marketing
This book is about the facts of fundamental dependency between the mankind development and cosmic energies: both electromagnetic and nonelectromagnetic ones. The facts are systematized in graphs.
Economic crisis: Cosmos and people
Resonances of the gravitational and magnet field of the celestial objects appear to be one of the most important factors that impact the development of the mankind. Economic crises are the consequence of the actions of people. And these crises begin more often when the Earth gets into the zone of th
Psychoeconomics: globalization, markets, crisis
This book is about the facts of fundamental dependency between the mankind development and cosmic energies: both electromagnetic and nonelectromagnetic ones. The dependency of peoples emotional state on the Earths rotational velocity and magnetic sphere permits a more precise prognosis of the change
Psycho-cosmic energies and Russia
Earth is continuously supplied with energy coming from Space electromagnetic and nonelectromagnetic, primarily vortex energies related to rotation of the celestial bodies and gravity energy.Some cosmic energy spectrum directly influences human mind. This is psychocosmic energy. Through the activity
Cosmic energies and mankind: graphs for reflection
This book is about the facts of fundamental dependency between the mankind development and cosmic energies: both electromagnetic and nonelectromagnetic ones. The facts are systematized in graphs. Their interpretation and conclusions are a prerogative of the readers. It's not a simple one.For those w
Psycho-cosmic energies and economic growth
Earth is getting continuously supplied with energy that from the space in both electromagnetic and nonelectromagnetic forms, as well as in a form of ether vortex. Studies have shown that the human brain, EEG (electroencephalogram) remains the most accurate among all the devices set up sophisticated
Психоэкономика: глобализация, рынки, кризис
Предлагаемая методология психоэкономического анализа позволяет понять глубже причины переживаемого человечеством кризиса. Зная закономерности циклической смены психотипов, можно уточнить прогноз развития стран мира. Зависимость эмоционального состояния людей от солнечной активности, от магнитосферы
Дыхание истории
Почему нашем мире нет ничего вечного? Почему возникают и распадаются этносы, государства, социальноэкономические системы, корпорации? Почему одни могущественные империи существовали многие столетия, а другие не...
Economic crisis: who is to blame and what to do
This book reveals the interconnection of the economic crisis and the cyclic process of the changes of the relations in the elite and the economically active population of such psychotypes as social motivator (all the attention is paid to the system of the interpersonal relationships) and the domain