В романе «Мари» мы вновь встречаемся с Алланом Квотермейном, который известен читателю по книгам «Копи царя Соломона» и «Дитя бури».На страницах этого романа автор рассказывает о полной приключений и
Древний Аллан
Прикосновение к тайнам и святыням древности сильно повлияло на участников путешествия в дикие земли африканского племени кенда. Не всем была дарована долгая судьба, но оставшиеся в живых сильно изменились и, как ни странно, мечтают о повторном визите. Лишь охотник Квотермейн считает, что остался пре
В новый том Генри Райдера Хаггарда входит долгожданный «Рассвет» первый большой роман писателя. Несмотря на название, книга далеко не так проста, как кажется. Она написана в духе сенсационных романов тайн. Но вместо хитроумных полицейских и частных сыщиков за детективный сюжет здесь отвечают нескол
Полковник Кварич
Ветеран жестокой войны в Судане полковник Кварич выходит в отставку и возвращается к тишине и покою, к своим корням, туда, где по колено в цветах пасутся коровы и колышутся на ветру пшеничные поля в самую глушь на востоке Англии. Но патриархальный уют обернулся обманом. Здесь тоже кипят страсти, пл
Рыцарь пустыни, или Путь духа
Молодой лейтенант Руперт Уллершоу вмиг потерял все, лишился былой легкости, стремлений и надежд. Виной тому были дурная кровь предков, жестокий рок, неумолимый фатум да какая разница?! Жизнь утратила смысл, но она продолжалась. И с этим надо было чтото делать. Прислушавшись к совету матери, Руперт р
Ayesha, the Return of She
In this heartstopping sequel to the classic novel She, Allan Quatermain discovers a lost kingdom in the heart of Africa, ruled by the mysterious Ayesha. A haunting story of love and enchantment that spans the...
Мистика, Литература 20 века, книги о путешествиях, книги о приключениях, классика приключенческой литературы
Allan and the Ice-Gods
This novel is the final volume of the Allan Quatermain saga. Once more Quatermain takes the hallucinogenic taduki drug, as he did in previous novels, and he finds himself reliving as Wi, an civilized man living in the barbaric ice age as part of a clan of cavemen. The novel has been noted as a treat
Ramose is the offspring of an Egyptian Pharaoh and a Greek woman. Brought up in a life of luxury he is catapulted into a life of adventure which leads him to the fall of Babylon at the hand of the Persian Empire under Cyrus. The last novel written by Haggard; finished just before his death and publi
Cetywayo and His White Neighbours
Cetywayo and His White Neighbours is a 1882 nonfiction book by Henry Rider Haggard. It was based on his time working in South Africa. Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set in exotic locations, predominantly Africa, and a pioneer of the Lost World literary genre.
Philip Caresfoot is all but promised to marry the local heiress, Maria Lee. They are both to inherit small fortunes in their own right. And thus their marriages to each other would make an ever wealthier household. However, when Hilda, a noblewoman with no wealth of her own, arrives in town to becom
Dr. Therne
A confessional narrative from a mad scientist Dr. Therne obsessed with one of the great issues of his day in this case, vaccination against epidemic diseases like smallpox. His personal fears meet the tragic legacy of...
Elissa: or The Doom of Zimbabwe
In Elissa Henry Rider Haggard takes his readers to the Phoenician city in South Central Africa the mysterious ruins of which have been the subject of so much speculation and research in the recent past. A trading town, protected by vast fortications and adorned with many temples dedicated to the god
Marie: An Episode in the Life of the Late Allan Quatermain
The youthful Allan Quatermain is bound for strange adventures, in the company of the illfated Pieter Retief and the Boer Commission, on an embassy to the Zulu despot, Dingaan. Yet he is bound, too, for one of the deepest romances of his life for in Marie he tells of his courtship and marriage to hi
Joan Haste
The author of adventures as King Solomons Mines and She turns to domestic drama in this romance. Joan is a shop girl of illegitimate birth a single mother at the same time. Torn from the love of countrydwelling Captain Henry Graves, Joan endures exile with a Dickensian London family, and pursuit by
Mary of Marion Isle
Haggards penultimate novel! His cousin Algernon was different indeed. To begin with, his attire was faultless, made by the best tailor in London and apparently put on new that moment. Within this perfect outer casing...
She: A History of Adventure
She is the story of Cambridge professor Horace Holly and his ward Leo Vincey, and their journey to a lost kingdom in the African interior. The journey is triggered by a mysterious package left to Leo by his father, to...
Мистика, Литература 20 века, книги о путешествиях, книги о приключениях, классика приключенческой литературы