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The Stand

читать The Stand
In 1978, science fiction writer Spider Robinson wrote a scathing review of The Stand in which he exhorted his readers to grab strangers in bookstores and beg them not to buy it The Stand is like that You either love it or hate it, but you can't ignore it Stephen King's most popular book, acc

Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption

читать Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption
There’s a guy like me in every state and federal prison in America, I guess — I’m the guy who can get it for you Tailormade cigarettes, a bag of reefer, if you’re partial to that, a bottle of brandy to celebrate your son or daughter’s high school graduation, or almost anything else … within reason,

Dolan's Cadillac

читать Dolan's Cadillac
Месть это блюдо, которое лучше всего есть холодным. Испанская поговорка I waited and watched for seven years. I saw him come and go—Dolan. I watched him stroll into fancy restaurants dressed in a tuxedo, always with a different woman on his arm, always with his pair of bodyguards bookending him.