by Robert Sheckley KENNY AND THE REST OF The People were in the hold of the spaceship as it continued its interminable trip through space There were about a hundred of The People lying naked together in a big tangled mass in the ship's hold This was not due to lack of room, however: the hold was imm
BY ROBERT SHECKLEY Chris was in the grip of a great flood of feeling It was unfamiliar, but not unpleasing Unsettling, but not unbearable In fact, it was quite bearable Who would not like to be in a great wave of feeling? If you had been standing in the little thicket beside the footpath, you would
Love Song from the Stars
Lollia was a small, pineclad cone of rock in the eastern Aegean It was uninhabited, a difficult place to get to, but not quite impossible Kinkaid rented an aluminum boat with outboard in Chios, packed in his camping equipment and, with a fair wind and a flat sea, got there in six hours, arriving jus
Conversation On Mars
By Robert Sheckley The ship came down in a flurry of red dust, which the pilots saw through their tinted windscreens The added correction of their tinted sunglasses made the dust appear greengray There was a moral to this, but it was not immediately apparent In the main cabin, the passengers sat in
Legend of Conquistadors
EARTH CB122 XA IS ONE OF the alternate Earths spilling out of the matrix of quantum mechanical points of possibility that make up this part of the multiverse They do things differently here Earth CB122 XA, or " Earth," as the locals called it, was a quiet place A single king ruled the entire planet
A Thief in Time
A Thief in Time by Robert Sheckley Thomas Eldridge was all alone in his room in Butler Hall when he heard the faint scraping noise behind him It barely registered on his consciousness He was studying the Holstead equations, which had caused such a stir a few years ago, with their hint of a non Relat
Роберт Шекли ТУФЛИ У меня износились туфли, а я как раз проходил мимо магазина « Гудуилл» [ Сеть магазинов, куда можно сдать на продажу или просто отдать ненужную вещь (Прим перев.) ], поэтому и зашел посмотреть, не найдется ли у них чегонибудь, подходящего для меня Ассортимент товаров в таких места
Забавы чужаков
Роберт Шекли ЗАБАВЫ ЧУЖАКОВ В один прекрасный день в мою дверь позвонил человек Вообщето он выглядел не вполне человеком, хотя передвигался на двух ногах С лицом у него было чтото не так: казалось, его уже начали плавить в духовке на медленном огне, но вдруг спохватились и поспешно заморозили Поздне
The Dream of Misunderstanding
Fiction by Robert Sheckley Brenton's the name. I am a fairly wellknown psychologist, well off, and with a respectable list of publications. Maybe you've read my popular book, "The Dream of Misunderstanding." It has helped a lot of people. I know a lot about misunderstanding. Despite this, I have a l