«If spiders attack, remember student, the Poison Mist spell will save you from them. Think with your head, not your head. Get dressed and go, or your husband will be back soon.» Go through the sewer. There are fewer extra eyes. And there are more spiders. Here is the spell and come in handy. The image of Cyclops Elsa, the teacher of the most dangerous magical creatures, appeared before me. I remember her blue eye and the apartment on the fifth floor. And how he ran around the rooftops in his underwear. My husband taught us practical classes on catching magical animals, his name was Julius. A smart and nimble grandfather in his late seventies.
In his delirium, he cast poison spells. The body in my arms began to cough convulsively. We need to protect her.
General defense spell. It saved me more than once, when you get drunk, you make a general defense with a sober person and you can continue drinking.
The coughing stopped. I opened my eyes and saw twelve spider corpses lying next to me. One of the spiders fangs bit into my leg. I yanked it out. I hid them in the void, just like the rest of the bodies. They will be useful for trade or for medicines. They paid a lot for them in the city. Although they wont let me go there anymore, but the world is big, there are many cities.
The cocooned body began to move, hissing like a cat. I examined her, a beautiful young cat. The ears are black, the tail is white. Freckles on the face, no older than twenty. Cutie. Ill hang out with her tonight.
«Let me go, let me go.» The young lady began to kick. Its brisk, but it doesnt weigh much. Light and soft where necessary.
«Of course, dear young lady. Your savior will set you free.
He took the knife and freed her, while accidentally, almost, touching everything of value. Not much, but just right for me. Her face was rough. But nothing will survive. The spider would have done more to her than that.
«Who are you and why are you groping me?» The cat hissed. Tail sticking up. Her face twisted. Shes really cute. So would zatiskal. But all in good time.
«I am your savior, Mikhail Urnov, future Baron of Belaya Skala Castle. He said as proudly as possible. He puffed out his chest and lifted his nose. She got to her knees. A short blue vest and a short skirt were all she was wearing. Torn in places. Therefore, there were interesting places to see.
«For saving me, I will serve you.» Heres my vow to you.
«I accept it. «I can use a lady as my servant.» Maybe it will grow together with her.
A bright flash lit up the room. A small chain mark appeared on her neck. What an interesting service magic. It is weaker than the magic of slavery. Whoever serves you with such an oath is loyal to you to the death. You cant let him go. Although there are also restrictions. You cant force something that he or she doesnt want. To sex or murder. But if there was an oath of slavery, then there are no prohibitions. Take it out with all your might.
«Whats your name, my friend?» I said, following the ritual for such spells. It doesnt matter if you know the servants name or not. Such are the customs.
«Sonya, my Lord Mikhail. But call me Sophia
«Serve me faithfully.
The ritual was over. Now the real conversation begins.
«What buka made up these oaths?» She scratched behind her ear. I put my hand to my ear. What are you thinking?» I was hit hard on the arm. I dont like guys, so keep your friend to yourself.» Ill go with the ladies.
Thats a bummer. Of all the beautiful ladies in the world, I saved the special one. And Ill have to live with her for the rest of my life. Thats how life laughed at me. Although it was his own fault, he saw the lady and immediately took the oath. I shouldnt have listened to the teacher and thought with my head.
«Why dont you say something?» Are you going through the options master? Not worth. Ill never be with you again. So dont think about it. But as a companion and friend, I will be faithful to you.
«Thats a good thing. Lets get closer to the exit and close up the passage. Otherwise, the friends of these spiders will come. Well spend the night in this cave.
«So you dont have a place to live either?»
Thats the news. Shes homeless, too, just like me. What a meeting.
«I left the mage Academy in Melua City. I dont like it there. I got bored. So I decided to go around the world. Make a name for yourself with adventures.
«I see. Sophia rose from her knees and brushed them off. Cute little legs. From the academy means kicked out. Booze or girls? She looked at me sharply. «Girls. Maybe the teachers daughter. No, youre a big, proud guy. The directors daughter. They say thats another berry. I used to see her when I was going through my pockets in the city. I would have eaten it. The thief licked her plump red lips. Then remembering, she continued.«So what am I talking about?» And Im not a simple thief, but a specialist. I steal big. I work alone. There is no trust in others, they gave a lot of it. I stole a nice six-gold jackpot.
«Not bad. «Thats half my money on interest a month.
«What am I saying?» You wont be disappointed in me. I can do a lot of things. Ugh. Dont look at me like that. The look is painfully disgusting. Like an animal at a feeding trough. Ugh guys. I cant stand you since I was a kid. Youre nasty.
«Dont get distracted. And youre right about the director. The lady was really a berry.
«I knew it. But here I was, stealing money from a merchant at home. Snuck in at night to see him. He is a noble merchant and has a lot of money. Dont worry, I didnt kill the owner. Well, today for sure. But he saw me and called the guards. So I ran away. I ran out of town without looking back. I see the cave is empty. Night vision looked, empty. Let me wait it out, I think. And then you know what happens.
I just nodded, and we walked out to the cave entrance. I blocked up the tunnel. The fire was still burning. He took out a piece of bread, broke it off, and gave half of it to Sofya. She devoured it greedily. I also gave him my piece. I didnt want to eat any more. She accepted it happily. And shes cute when she eats. He waves his tail. He magically created two sleeping places, set up a guard golem, and lay down to sleep. The sight of my abilities thrilled her. Probably thinking of stealing something with them. What a long day its been.
I woke up to a delicious smell. I opened my eyes. My partner is roasting fish over a campfire. I caught it in a nearby river. I patched up my clothes and washed them. Sorry.
«Youre awake. Get up, wash your face, and eat. The fish will soon be cooked. Over a meal and discuss where to go next? What to do? How to live?
I nodded. I went to the river and washed my face. The water is icy cold. It feels so good. While I was washing, I thought about what I should do. There arent many options. You cant go home, they wont let you in. So we need to go to the adventurers guild. Theres always a lot of work to do there. Well manage something with my knowledge. Especially since Im not alone. At least I wont be any closer to her. As a partner, shes not bad. «I checked it out yesterday. The thief status. The abilities are Blades of Speed, Shadow, and Nimble Fingers. The name alone made me dizzy. I rented one of them in a brothel once. I couldnt walk for exactly two days. Deft fingers. Special skills dance of divine blades. A rare gift. Can deal damage without receiving it for a very short time. Almost immortality, even if only temporarily. I went back to her cave. Dispelled the golem. He did a good job last night. Three magical jackal corpses lay near the entrance. I put them in the void. Ill sell it in the guild. Maybe Ill raise my rank. Ill spend the money on equipment. I need a staff. What kind of magician am I without it? My partner has newer blades and more modest clothes. Or I might lash out.» I know myself. I should give her a hint about it later.