The answer is as simple as follows: your only choice, sonny, is to become a belletrist. Amen.
And here immediately springs up the galling question: why?
You are asking why? Comrades! This here Citizen would like to know why!
(Couldnt stand the temptation, huh? Poached from Dovlatov, you bookworm thief!
No way to go without, Your Holiness! The great are out there for us, the worthless sinful rubble, to have whose shoulders to stand upon.)
Here we have a rare case whenwhy? looks like a reasonable question to ask.
Okay, no use of hiding my ardent envy, way back, of the demigods who could casually flash their IDs of membership in Writers Union. And yes, I cherished a vague dream to earn a living by my books printed sometime by someone somewhere. Later, I just spat at the hooey, openly and profusely (hard to describe how willingly it went out) and now I write for my personal entertainment and then publish the books online for free downloading. The Russian Litres library brands them with the obnoxious «18+» mark while the overseas Smashwords platform use a more civil definition books for adults. Whichever way no kid can decry my products as means their grannies used to molest them at bedtime with.
Thus writing became my instrument of pleasure to fill the educational gaps tracing back to my adolescence years.
Nowadays its just a mouse-click away, this or that kind of tutorial Masturbation for Dummies or, maybe, Headfirst Crash Course and so forth, I am too lazy to find out the exact tittle but tutorials are there 100 per cent. Not a chance the stuff pulled for so hotly by Hollywood and Italian cinema will remain uncovered.
I mean, the learning curve looks too steep and makes me hesitant to follow the ever modish way in dealing with unhealthy amounts of spare time. Seems like, my innate laziness prevents my grabbing anything weightier than a quill.
And it is when we, at long last, arrive to the final question concerning the subject in hand. (If you still follow.)
How to write?
The question is too abysmal to answer it before the upcoming blackout (because of the blockade which were living thru here the electricity is supplied in rational 3-hour fragments to make the endemic life-style as harmonized as possible). For which obvious reason Im gonna consider the question under the next heading in this here preface under the cloak of a dissertation.
e. The awl pricks out of the knapsack for all to see!
We are a mighty enviable crowd. Look around to get proud what an unparalleled stretch of time were living thru and recollect the verse from the high school curriculum: Happy are they whose lot it is to visit this world on its fateful days, and so on because no one remembers the following lines even less the name of the poet. Yet, some deep thought sits there, maybe.
The world were visiting now is on its cut and run, globally, innumerable streams of refugees plod on along the roads all over the earths face both accelerating and slowing down (by their counter-directed movements in treks dispersed too chaotically for a meaningful account) the spin discovered and declared by Galileo.
Messy madhouse everywhere. Yet, there still are places for sober people to reach out to each other. One of such spots provides long live the site! Its where I can meet so dear to my heart compatrio er sorry, guys, I revved overmuch at this point because at I, actually, have none of the kind.
The site whose visitors majority do share the mutual historical past. Our dads and grandpas stomped in the same columns to the front lines, and extermination camps, and demonstrations on Mayday and on the Great October Revolution Day. Our genes got accrued with a special chromosome, odd yet useful bugger, for composing false reports and giving bribes to the established cadres.
Deeper than the unenlightened rest of the world comprehend we the famous address of N. Khrushchev to the UN General Assemblyoff tore the the berserk hero the shoe from his left foot to hammer repeatedly at the varnished rostrum top in time to maddened chant, Ill show you the motherfucking Kuzkas mother!
Thats when even the most experienced synchronous interpreters scratched their well-trained heads: whos Kuzka?!
(*Note for the Generation Z: Khrushchev was the head of the Soviet Union. And what a clever head he had! Even at hangover spells. He could announce the precise date of Communism coming in its own right all over the USSR or give out a motivational divination, like, Well catch up America and overtake them!)
And after the indestructible USSR collapsed disintegrating into separate states sprung up from our mutual Motherland fragments, I was left without countrymen and my relief and consolation comes mostly from the same language users who roll out their literary works at each one with their own spelling innovations.
To them, my lingua-roomies with acute graphomaniacal addiction, address I my question
How to write? Tell me!
Write not in the sense of poking the keyboard with a finger or two but as regards quality how? So as to reach an effect stronger than the moonshine shooting down to your very heels, the quality awakening self-admiration, Bastard SOB, youve done the real thing! Thats what I crave for.
Well, okay, you know as well as I do theres a slew of courses, master-classes, and webinars all anxious to sell you all kinds of know-how that just works. However, no use in hooking us, the lingua-roomies, with spangle glitter and chaff stuff that makes us retch.
I think, when I think (not constantly yet prolongedly), that a forum-like approach is what we need here combined also with willful sharing of personal experience. All of us have this or that trick begotten in hard labors, some scribblers charm to run the sought result down and fixate for readers gratification. This here prologue is the cornerstone which I put, in full command of my sane and sober (as of yet) frame of mind, into the foundation of the edifice of gratis dispensation assets amassed concerning how to write so as not to feel ashamed in the long run.
You can do writing in different ways sober, drunken, giving free reign to your loco-motion reflexes, and etc
(*The user of LMR, the third from the above mentioned methods, should equip themselves with a couple of ball pens and a pack of copy paper (A4, 500 sheets per pack) and start writing without watching what they, actually, write. Neither plot nor story line, nor characters names are needed. All the details are decided by the skeletal-muscle parts of the author whose mission during the creative act is to bring themselves to and hold on in the state of automatism which, by the way, is the name of this particular method.
In the morning, the loco-writer checks the thing produced while they kept the pen replacing the filled-out sheets, and choo-chooing on, swoony and enthusiastic.
Well, well, well, lets see what I created this night? Oh-oh! What the Well, I never I be damned if its not Yes! Its the fourth volume of War and Peace written just overnight! O, fuck! The fourth volume for the fourth time in one month!
No wonder, and no use hitting the roof when you let the outflow gush on its own accord, uncontrolled, like, AI throwing together programs for its private entertainment.
Up front, I have to disenchant you, the trick described here is not my choice, I prefer in absentia digging. The idea was picked up from a prominent Soviet author from the period of stagnation in the USSR.
So he instructed (I dont divulge his name for human reasons but those interested indeed might contact me by email), It was Chekhov to tutor me. I opened a book of his stories, and began copying, line after line.