Martin Tatyana - Recommendations for self-healing. Experience of the center for self-healing in the city of Houston, USA стр 2.


As you know, the world consists of opposites; opposites are the basis of everything. It follows from this that bipolarity consists of three parts two opposing and a neutral one, which is often the basis of bipolarity. For example, the electrons and protons of an atom are two opposing parts; the neutral part is neutrons, which, together with protons, make up the mass of the nucleus; plants and animals with the neutral part, which is the environment; herbivores and predators with a neutral part, which is also the environment. Some of the bipolar ratios known to us since childhood, for example, sleep-wakefulness, day-night, and winter-summer," have a feature of seeming impossibility to achieve balance as they replace each other. However, this change is already being carried out with a tendency to strive for a balance of existence. A bias on one of the sides is possible this is called an imbalance. We also note that the equilibrium itself is not a victory of one part and the infringement of the other, but is a process of balancing, not rest (for example, the interaction of electrons and protons in an atom). The practical significance of this law for humanity is that it allows you to manage the human body's development and self-preservation processes.

The next law Dualism (from Latin dualis, the dual number, duality), recognizes two substances: matter and soul (consciousness), and proceeds from the recognition of the equality and irreducibility to each other of these two fundamental principles of the Universe material and spiritual, physical, and mental, body and soul. Consciousness is the state of the mental life of the organism, expressed in the subjective experience of the events of the external world and the physiological processes of the internal organism and the response to these events. The structure of consciousness includes all cognitive processes sensation, perception, memory, thinking, and imagination, through which humans continuously replenish their knowledge about the world and themselves. The concept of dualism affirms the equality of any opposite principles or spheres: for example, the dualism of good and evil or the dualism of the world of nature and freedom. Dualism means the coexistence of two different, irreducible unity states, principles, ways of thinking, worldviews, and volitions. Still, it is necessary to consider a single substance's spirit and matter attributes (the principle of pre-established harmony).

The law of Similarity. Matter was created according to the law of Similarity. What does it mean? It means the existence of an informational connection between all elements of matter in space. Based on the law of Similarity, any matter with the same chemical composition, for example, hydrogen atoms (regardless of where they are in the Universe), coins made from an alloy of the same batch are informationally connected in space. This law was used in the creation to duplicate matters. In our practice, it allows us to use, for example, coins as some receiving-transmitting device. Let us take any coin minted in 2000 and place it in a special device connected to the information bank. Now, any coin minted in 2000 attached to the body will create in the place of contact with the body a weak electromagnetic field, through which it will connect the information field structure of the person with the field of the information bank. The self-healing process will automatically start. The redox processes between the metal of the coin and the human tissue enhance the processes of receiving the necessary information into the human body. This law of informational connection of similar matter in space was also used in antiquity. People, not understanding the essence of the ongoing processes, called it metal therapy and used ancient copper coins as a healing element.

The law of the Trinity is displayed in the well-known painting by Andrei Rublev, "The Holy Trinity"  "Father", "Son" and "Holy Spirit". Here the Son can be considered as a building (executive) principle, the Father as a controlling principle (as a flow of information resources), and the Holy Spirit as a symbol of love, again reflecting the optimum between the flows of information and material resources. It can also be considered as three energy substances at different stages of their evolution: matter, energy fields, and various types of radiation. Thus, we have a well-balanced and interconnected hierarchical system of energy fields from many microscopic and very dynamic fields of matter to one of the largest, uniting all human energy fields. For the system to develop and simultaneously not collapse, its harmonious and balanced development in all energy forms is necessary. It includes the harmonious progress of physical, intellectual, and spiritual growth. Physical and joint harmonious interaction is the same as intellectual and spiritual development. Since everything in nature is one and inseparable, including material and information resources, the laws of energy conservation also apply to information resources. They do not arise and do not disappear but only change. A person's strength, mass, and spirit are pretty understandable and tangible natural factors of the person himself.

As noted above, the forms of existence of matter are energy, field (wave) form, atomic-molecular, and cellular structures. Transitional forms interconnect the primary forms of matter. Each subsequent form of matter is based on the previous forms and has them in composition. As a form of existence of matter, human has as a basis cellular structure, atomic structure, field, and energy. The evolutionary development of matter, accepted by academic science, is presented quite plausibly. The only implausible things are randomness in the origin of matter and its non-programmed, random (accidental) development as well as the rejection of the fact that any form of matter is based on previous forms and has them in its composition. The basis for creating matter was its primary (original) form energy. The matter of space materializes (manifests) the information coming (induced) from "0 (zero)"  space. The process of creating a field form of matter when receiving information from the "0" space is called the process of induction. Physical objects created in the matter of space and from the matter of space, such as elementary particles, atoms, molecules, and cells, become a stable source of various information for the matter of space (self-induction). Two field structures are created induced and self-induced. If the frequency-geometric parameters of these field structures coincide, then a communication channel is formed between the 0 space and the physical object. Through this channel, the object receives a) information that determines its relationship with the surrounding matter, b) a program that controls the work of the cells, tissues, organs, and systems, as well as the whole organism, its physicochemical, biological, and other properties. It also serves as a feedback channel. This law establishes a correspondence between the " CREATOR " information bank and a physical object's individual consciousness. The induced field form of matter creates the architectural framework of the future corpuscular form. This field frame serves as the entrance for the information that sets the parameters characterizing the object. The induced form of matter is a weak energy manifestation of information (words) in space. The self-induced field form of matter is created by the matter of space based on information emitted by the corpuscular form of matter. Unlike the induced one, it has power characteristics that depend on the parameters of the object that creates it. It is possible to discuss three types of this form of matter: electrical, magnetic, and gravitational.

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