Warrior virtual worlds. Electromecs and graphic codes - Korn Elena

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Warrior virtual worlds

Electromecs and graphic codes

Editor Elena Korn

Иллюстратор Kandinsky Neural Net

© Kandinsky Neural Net, иллюстрации, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0060-7510-8

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

"Warrior virtual worlds: Electromecs and graphic codes" a fascinating coloring book for teenagers. The protagonist finds herself in a world where reality is mixed with virtuality. She fights viruses and penetrates complex programs.

Warrior virtual worlds. Electromecs and graphic codes
читать Warrior virtual worlds. Electromecs and graphic codes
Korn Elena
Welcome to the exciting world of the future, where reality and virtuality intertwine in intricate webs. This book immerses you in an atmosphere of technological superpower, mystery, and exciting adventure.

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