Thus, the Muslim countries of the Middle East will have to adapt their political system in such a way that it does not lose its face and identity while keeping pace with the modern world. And it is quite possible.
Modernism is one of the characteristics of modern Islam. Various branches of Islam need to be «cleansed» of various archaic elements, excessive restrictions and unnecessary prohibitions. I am in favor of the evolution of Islam through its reforms, revision of the Quran and Sunnah, Sharia and fiqh guidelines. Scientific achievements are the manifestation of Gods wisdom and confirm the truth of the Quran. I declare that modern Islam aims to restore the institutions and norms of early Islam in the modern life of Muslims. I propose to return Islam to its «primitive purity» and cleanse it of the later filth. The ideological origins of teachings should be sought only in the Quran and the Sunnah.
Faith (Arabic: Iman) is the highest degree of Islam. It consists of three parts (Faith in the Creator, Faith in others, and Faith in oneself), a family of foundations that often regulate the inner qualities of a person:
Faith in God
Belief in angels and jinn
Belief in the Holy Scriptures
Faith in Prophets
Faith in Al-misak
Belief in fate and predestination
Belief in Islamic eschatology
The general concept of Iman means to confirm the speech of a person, to accept what he said, to accept with all his heart, to believe clearly, with all his heart, without allowing doubts. A person who believes in the seven categories of faith is called a «mumin».
Allah has many names, each of them has its own meaning and attributes. In Islam, there are 99 names of Allah, which are called «asmaul-husna» (great names). Each of these names is associated with certain qualities and characteristics of the Most High. Different names of Allah can bring benefits and help in our life. In addition to the moral and ethical qualities associated with the names of God, each term has its own meaning in the treatment of various diseases and psychological conditions. But along with the importance of knowing the 99 names of Allah, it is also important to understand these important qualities associated with each term. Each name of Allah Taala opens a way to understand the Power and His mercy that can help us in our spiritual life. Also, knowing the properties of each name helps us to understand the difficulties and problems in our life. In Islam, the 99 names of God are the common names of God, each of which has its own special meaning. Some of these names mean mercy, others justice, and still others power. The names of Allah are used by Muslims in various situations both in prayer and in everyday life. There are many practices and methods based on using the names of Allah. In the Islamic tradition, there are many esoteric healing methods that include the use of divine names for healing and spiritual enlightenment. These methods allow Muslims to solve spiritual and physical problems with the help of the names of God. Ar-Rahman The Sustainer, Compassionate, Ar-Rahim Merciful, As-Salam The manifestation of peace and security, Al-Mutakkabir The Most High, The names of Allah are very important in Islam and are used in various contexts including prayer, healing and spiritual enlightenment. Allah Almighty gave these names to Muslims so that they can turn to Him in any situation and get the necessary help. Al-Ghani is one of the names of God, which means «Rich», «Infinitely rich». The qualities of this name include complete independence from all creatures and complete satisfaction of human needs. This name reminds us that God is the source of all wealth and prosperity and that we must depend on Him for all our needs. Ar-Rahman is the name of God, which means «Merciful», «Beloved». This name describes the infinite mercy of Allah towards His creatures. We should ask God for mercy and follow His example and show mercy to others as He shows mercy to us. Al-Wakil is the name of Allah, which means «protector». This name reminds us that God cares for us and protects our interests. We must seek Gods protection and help in all our affairs and activities. The names of Allah help us to understand him and his qualities in a deeper way. Names are a sign of his goodness, generosity and mercy. We can use these names in prayer, prayer and communication with god. 99 names of Allah is one of the most important knowledge for Muslims. Each name has its own unique power and each of them represents a certain attribute of Allah. Knowing these names helps us to get closer to God and understand his attributes. Most of the names presented in the list have healing properties that allow you to get what you want, protect against evil, calm the soul, and even be used for healing. Allahs names can also be used in everyday life. We use different names of Allah in our daily life. Some of these ways are: Reciting the names in prayers and supplications will help you feel the power of each name and use these qualities in your prayers. Using names to protect us from evil for example, the name of Allah «Al-Hafiz» (The Guardian), if recited before going to sleep, helps to protect us from evil. Using Names to Achieve Goals Allahs Name Al-Barr (The Good) helps others achieve goals related to charity and kindness. The use of names in healing for example, repeating the name «Ash-Shafi» (The Healer) in prayer helps to heal physical and mental ailments. In addition, we can use the names of God to strengthen our faith and understanding of God, His attributes and wisdom. So, knowing the 99 names of Allah and using them in our daily life will help us get closer to Allah, heal us spiritually and physically, and achieve our goals in life. Each of the 99 names of God has its own special meaning and represents different attributes of the supreme power. For example, «Ar-Rahman» (The Compassionate) refers to Gods infinite mercy and love for His creatures, and «Al-Kafi» (The All-Knowing) refers to Gods omniscience and all-encompassingness. Each of the 99 names of Allah has its own miraculous properties and can be used to cure various diseases and overcome difficulties in life. For example, if a person wants to recover from something, then he can repeat the name «Shafi» (Healer) and ask God for healing. Also, each of the 99 names of God can increase and protect a persons protective qualities. For example, repeating the name Al-Muhaimin (The Protector) helps to maintain safety and protection from evil. Some names of Allah can be used to cure various diseases and obstacles. For example, the combination of the names «Ar-Rafii» (The Rewarder of Good Deeds) and «At-Tawwaab» (The Accepter of the Repentant) can be repeated to cure bad diseases. You can repeat the names Al-Muhaimin (The Protector) or As-Salam (Peace) to get rid of fear and anxiety. The names Al-Kafi (All-Knowing) and Ar-Razzaq (Foretelling) help to achieve financial aid and material well-being. Any of the 99 names can be used to show respect when addressing God in prayer. For example, when asking for forgiveness of sins, you can say: «I am al-Gaffar» (meaning the forgiver), «I am al-Tawwab» (meaning the purifier), «I am al-Shakur» (meaning I am thankful). You can use these names to reduce or relieve suffering. for example, «I am al-Shafi» (meaning: I am a healer), «I am Ar-Rahim» (meaning: I am merciful). Chanting these names can help you feel calm and relaxed. Using names in our daily life helps strengthen our faith and reminds us that God is present in our lives. For example, saying «I am al-Ali» (meaning I have ascended), «I am al-Muhit» (meaning I am around), «I am al-Hafiz» (meaning my guardian) strengthens faith and protects against negative thoughts and actions. These are the best Affirmations that start with I The use of names during prayer helps to achieve deep peace, peace of mind. Any of the 99 names of Allah can be repeated by slowly inhaling and exhaling, focusing on its meaning.