At present, there are only indirect facts that the third part of the "Prophecies" was published in 1558: only posthumous editions have come down to us. The earliest are from 1568.
In parallel with the craft of writing, Dr. Nostradamus continues to invariably help people. In 1559 he went to Bayonne, where he fought the plague.
At the end of the same year, he meets with the Duchess of Savoy, and in 1560 he travels to Rome as a royal courier.
In 1561, riots begin in the Salon, and Nostradamus leaves for Avignon. In the same year, already in Nice, he again visits the Duchess of Savoy and draws up the horoscope of her son.
October 17, 1564 Charles IX and Catherine de Medici, passing through the Salon, meet with Michel Nostradamus. After that, he accompanies them on a journey around the country for a month. Already in Arles, he is appointed Royal Physician and Astrologer. Finally, in 1565 Nostradamus in Aix
At the end of June 1566, being seriously ill, in the presence of his notary, he draws up a detailed will, and on July 2, early in the morning, Michel Nostradamus dies at his home, in the Salon, from pulmonary edema.
For almost five hundred years, his Latinized surname has made the hearts of the inhabitants of the planet worry. For all this time, as soon as they did not interpret his quatrains quatrains, which form the basis of the "Prophecies". What only the events of history are not tied to them.
Let me give you just a few facts:
During the Second World War, the Germans issued leaflets with false quatrains predicting the defeat of France, which were then dropped from aircraft. Subsequently, the allied forces responded in kind.
Shortly after the collapse of the World Trade Center in the United States, false interpretations of quatrains appeared, "predicting" this.
"Predictions" of the French Revolution, the appearance of the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte were discovered.
Not without Russian leaders and global events.
Predictions about atomic bombs, submarines, airplanes, space flights, etc. have been found.
Even during his lifetime, Nostradamus was often criticized. After the publication of his Almanacs, for example, the astrologer Lorenz Videl wrote to him: In true astrology, you understand less than anyone . All the legends about his prophetic gift, mainly described by his son Cesar and personal secretary Chavigny, are absolutely not confirmed by anything, and are a fairy tale.
His loudest fame, about predicting the death of King Henry II at the tournament from a blow to the face with a spear, a few years before this fact (quatrain 1-35), is also just a legend, invented much later. This is evidenced by the fact that until 1614 no one perceived this quatrain in this context.
If we talk about Nostradamus as a doctor who fought the plague with the help of miraculous drugs, then there are absolutely no facts about this either. On the contrary, the compositions described by him. from rose petals, for example, have nothing to do with anti-plague drugs.
So who is this man who became the Royal Physician and Astrologer, who already gained great fame during his lifetime? Now everything is much more detailed.
As I already mentioned, the first work that has come down to us, written by Nostradamus, was written in 1541, or a little earlier. It came to us in the form of a manuscript of the Author himself, which is surprising and unique in itself, under the long title " ORVS APOLLO FILS DE OSIRIS ROY DE AEGYPTE NILIACQVE . DES NOTES HIEROGLYPHIQVES. LIVRES DEVX MIS EN INCREEDIBLE ET ADMIRABLE. ERVDITION ET ANTIQVITE . It is translated as follows: Orus Apollo (Horapollon), son of Osiris, king of Egypt of the Nile (Nile). Hieroglyphic notes (records). Two books set out in rhythm (rhyme) by epigrams, a work of incredible and admirable erudition and antiquity. The manuscript consists of 86 sheets, and is a very free translation of the ancient Greek work.
Most likely, the primary source for the manuscript was, nevertheless, the already translated text of one of Nostradamus' contemporaries. Gorapollon's theme was relevant then. It is noteworthy that this manuscript is dedicated to Jeanne d'Albret, the young princess of Navarre, who at the time of its creation was (based on 1541) thirteen years old. According to the established practice, the authors of those years dedicated their works to well-known personalities who had already taken place, and here to a girl, a girl.
The likelihood that she would ever become queen was very small. But it happened! In 1555 she became queen of Navarre.
The fact that the manuscript belongs to the pen of Nostradamus is a fact that has been researched and proven. As the name implies, this work consists of two parts, each part, in turn, consists of small notes-records, designated by the Author as " NOTE , NOTA , NOTHA , NOTHE ". In various ways, the time of the formation of standards for the grammar of writing was still far off.
Each NOTA gives an interpretation to an Egyptian hieroglyph. For example: How did they designate eternity Further, in poetic form, the answer was given in several lines.
One of the notable features of the manuscript is its almost complete absence of punctuation marks, the absence of apostrophes (for example, lan instead of l' an ) and diacritics inherent in French writing. This is a rather important fact. The later published "Prophecies", especially the early ones, suffer, in part, from the same sores.
Now about Notre Dame's penchant for cryptography, revealed several years ago in this book by the remarkable French researcher Patrice Guinard. On the forty-second page of the manuscript, he discovered the first serious secret signature of the Author.
N ous demonstrer voulant le rauisseur
Ou roy tyran de son peuple ennemy
Seulement quayme flateurs et aportent
T enent ouuert lhuys comme a son amy
R ecord de ce ilz faisoient paingdre en my
A iant la gueulle ouuerte pres du ventre
D u crocodile et Trochillus qui entre
A tout son bec lui oustant les sangsues
M ais crocodile par pleasure consue
V ient hors chasser loyseau qui puis i rentre
S ens mal luy fere de ses dens si crochues.
From the title lines of this segment of the NOTE, the famous surname is formed.
You can independently see a large number of original creations of Nostradamus on the wonderful site " ". Everything is freely available there, for which he is extremely grateful.
In 1555, a book called " LES PROPHETIES DE M. _ MICHEL NOSTRADAMVS ", hereinafter "Prophecies". It consisted of a preface dedicated to the author's son Cesar, written in prose, and the so-called Centuries. Each Centurion contained, according to the Author's idea, one hundred quatrains-quatrains: separate small prophecies. This first edition contained the first three complete Centuries plus 53 quatrains of the fourth. At the moment, the expanses of His Majesty the Internet, thanks to certain benefactors, show the world at least three surviving editions of that year. They all differ from each other, and one thing is very significant. Here, for the first time, we will have to face this fact, which brings indelible harm to any study of the work of Nostradamus: the printing matrices of the printing presses of those years, for some reason, were very often changed and corrected.
In 1557, again in Lyon, the French industrial and commercial center of those years, in another publishing house, Antoine du Rosne ", the second, expanded edition of the Prophecies is published, extended to the forty-second (40?) quatrain of the seventh Centuria. Moreover, the sixth Centurion, instead of the hundredth quatrain, had an unnumbered quatrain-spell in Latin.