She decided to call Max and find out how things were going, but he didnt answer the phone for a long time, then they picked up the phone and asked:
Hello, who do you want?
Can Maxim come to the phone? Elsa asked.
Hes not here, answered a female voice.
When will he come? Elsa asked.
The girl, he died, the woman answered.
How did you die, are you kidding? Elsa asked.
What jokes can there be? Yesterday, while returning home by car, he crashed, the woman answered.
Tell me, when is the funeral? Elsa asked. Tomorrow at one oclock in the afternoon, who will you be to him? asked the woman.
We were friends with him, Elsa answered.
Then be sure to come, the woman said and hung up.
Elsa called Lera and said:
Hello Lera.
Hello Elsa, she answered.
I just called Max and they told me, Elsa didnt have time to finish.
Its true, I also only found out about this recently, I came to his mother to help, she is completely weak, she doesnt talk to anyone, Lera answered.
How could it all happen? Elsa asked.
I dont know, lets talk about it tomorrow, Lera answered.
Okay, see you tomorrow, Elsa said.
What happens, first its a man, then Maxs death, its an accident, or links in one chain. Max always drove a car well and he couldnt just get into an accident, which means with someones help. They are vampires and can not only fly, but also appear anywhere suddenly. I dont want to believe that it was they who helped send Max to the next world, Elsa thought.
The next day, Elsa went to the funeral; she had to see off her friend on his last journey and find out the details of what happened.
Arriving at Maxs house by minibus, Elsa called Lera and she went outside to meet her and take her into the house.
Zhenya was there, looking at Elsa with a distant look.
Hello, do you already know everything? Elsa asked quietly.
No, where did you get the idea? Zhenya asked.
You havent even called since we arrived, Elsa said.
I didnt call anyone, I was afraid, and when I found out about Maxs death, I was completely lost, Zhenya answered.
At least can you explain to me how it happened that Max had an accident? Elsa asked.
Nobody knows, he was driving along the road, there were no cars, and suddenly he turned to the side and crashed into a pole, Zhenya answered.
Was he sober? Elsa asked.
Absolutely, even the cops who arrived at the scene after the examination were surprised, Zhenya answered.
Elsa didnt want to remind Zhenya about yesterdays vampire, because she knew he would begin to be even more afraid. Max was buried, we remembered him and went home.
For some reason, Elsa wanted to go to the hospital tomorrow and visit the man who was hit by their car. Now you need to put a jar of holy water in your purse for self-defense.
In the castle, Darkness pushed his speech:
Well, my dears, the time is coming for us vampires, the most beautiful and one of a kind. Today there are still few of us, but I know that the time will come and we will build a new world. But in order to accomplish everything, I need to destroy Plato, the son of my blood enemy, who wants to destroy us. Find him for me and bring him to me and then I will only have a little left.
Elsa got up in the morning and went to take a shower, then made herself breakfast and looked at the clock, it was already eight, which means she needed to eat and go to the hospital.
Arriving at the hospital, Elsa found out that the man had suddenly come to his senses at night and ran away, but the nurse wrote out his registration address from the passport found in his inner pocket.
Can you write me your registration address? Elsa asked.
Girl, who are you to him? asked the nurse.
Im the one who brought him to the hospital by car and I would like to know about his health, Elsa explained.
But we dont disclose information, said the nurse.
Here, take this, Elsa said and handed her a thousand rubles.
The woman looked at me in surprise, quickly wrote the patients address on a piece of paper and handed it to Elsa.
Mercy, Elsa said and left the hospital.
What to do now with this address, the best way to find it is to contact the address bureau, stop, but you can find out from the taxi driver and Elsa, seeing the standing car, came up and asked:
Cant you take me to Gorky Street, house ten?
Girl, Im waiting for a client now, so find another car, the taxi driver answered.
What if I pay you double the tariff? Elsa asked.
Okay, but I need to call my partner instead, said the taxi driver and quickly called. Fifteen minutes later they arrived at the desired address.
Should I wait for you? asked the taxi driver.
If its possible for five minutes, but if Im not there, you can leave, Elsa answered, paying the driver a double fare.
She went into the yard, there was no dog here, so she walked to the door and knocked.
Chapter No. 4
At first no one came, but when Elsa knocked harder, a male voice behind the door asked:
Who do you want?
I need Plato, Elsa answered.
The door opened and a man appeared on the threshold, whom they took to the hospital.
Who are you? he asked.
Im Elsa, your savior, last night you ran out of the forest and fell under the wheels of our car, Elsa explained.
Come into the house, he said and Elsa turned around and waved her hand to the taxi driver.
Would you like tea or coffee? he asked.
If I can have some coffee, Elsa answered.
You were looking for me, why? asked Plato.
I came to the hospital to check on you, but they explained to me that you had run away, so I had to trick the nurse out of your address by hook or by crook, said Elsa.
Judging by the fact that you are here, you succeeded, said Plato.
I always achieve what I want, said Elsa.
This is a good quality in a person, but only if he does it with goodness, said Plato.
You are absolutely right, why did you run away from the hospital? Elsa asked.
As you can see, everything is fine with me, anything else? he asked.
Youve been talking about vampires all the time in your delirium, tell us about them, Elsa asked.
I dont know anything, go away, he said.
All the windows in the house suddenly opened and a strong wind blew.
Its him, said Plato and ran into another room.
Who is he? Elsa asked Plato, who returned with a weapon in his hands.
Gloom is the leader of the vampires, you cant stay here, leave, now the vampires will fly here, Plato shouted.
Not understanding anything, Elsa hid in the closet and, opening the door a little, began to watch what was happening.
A young girl of about twenty in black clothes came into the house and bared her teeth and said:
Come with me, you will become my chosen one.
Yes, screw you, replied Plato.
The girl rose to the ceiling and abruptly rushed at Plato, having managed to dodge, he fired from a crossbow and she turned into black smoke. Following her, two guys in black clothes and red cloaks flew through the window.
Plato, you must become one of us, said the vampire.
Sorry guys, but I took an oath to destroy you, said Plato and shot at one, he turned into a black crow and flew out the window.
The second vampire jumped on Plato and knocked the crossbow out of his hands, a struggle began on the floor and Elsa, plucking up courage, ran out of the closet and took the crossbow. Plato saw Elsa and shouted:
Load an arrow and shoot!
Elsa took the arrow and inserted it into the crossbow, at that moment the vampire bent down to bite Plato came, but her arrow stopped him and turned him into a raven flying away.
You cannot stand alone against the army of my warriors, a male voice said in an echo.
Well see, Plato answered.
Fool, while there is still time, come to my side and I will give you life, said the voice.
This is not in my rules, said Plato.
Ill remind you of myself, the voice laughed and immediately everything died down.
Plato was a tall man with a strong build, about forty-five years old, brown-haired with an amazing mustache, and loved to smoke a pipe.