Need to go to the store, is there anyone willing? asked Plato.
What should I buy? Zhenya asked.
Heres a list of groceries, take it and be careful, said Plato.
Zhenya walked around the supermarket and chose from the list what he needed to buy, put the goods in the basket and accidentally ran into one beautiful girl.
Sorry, I didnt notice you, said Zhenya.
Its nothing, I also turned out to be inattentive, said the girl.
Maybe we can introduce ourselves, Im Evgeny, or maybe just Zhenya, he said.
Just Anya, the girl answered smiling.
You probably live nearby? Zhenya asked.
No, I went to visit my friend, my house is far from here, Anya answered.
I came to visit a friend, Zhenya smiled.
What are you doing? asked Anya.
By profession, I am a sales manager, I work in the same company, Zhenya answered.
My mother works, but I do everything around the house, cook, clean, etc., said Anya.
Do you have a boyfriend? Zhenya asked.
What are you doing? asked Anya.
No, I just asked, Zhenya answered.
Im not against friendship, heres my phone number, itll be boring to call, Anya said and handed him a small piece of paper with the number.
Zhenya came home, Plato asked:
Did you buy everything?
Yes, everything is on the list, Zhenya answered.
Well done, said Plato and looked out the window.
At this time, a police car drove up to his house and two men in uniform came out.
We have guests, said Plato and we looked out the window.
This could be an ambush to lure you out, Elsa said.
Perhaps, but I cant risk you, Id rather go out alone than for us all to suffer, answered Plato.
The police entered the yard and headed to the door, knocking:
Who? asked Plato.
Plato, we need you to come with us to the station for some explanations, the policeman said.
What explanations? With Plato asked.
I dont know, we were sent to this address to deliver you to the police, dont worry, theyll let you out in a couple of hours, the policeman explained.
Okay, I just need to change clothes and then Ill come out to you, said Plato.
Dont you understand that they want to kill you, said Elsa.
Lets do this, you stay here, Im leaving with them, if Im not there until the evening, then act according to the circumstances, said Plato.
I have another proposal, said Elsa.
Which? asked Plato.
What if Zhenya goes instead of you? If they havent seen your photo, it means they dont know what you look like, then well install a bug on Zhenya so we know what theyre talking about and well control the situation, Elsa said.
Not a bad idea, we can try to make sure you dont shit Zheks pants, Platon smiled.
There is no more fear and Im ready to do anything for the sake of our team, Zhenya answered.
Thats a smart girl, said Lera.
Now you go out to them and if they put you in the car, then everything is fine, but if they ask where Plato is, tell him to come out now, go around the house and come back, everything is clear, said Platon.
What if the plan fails? Zhenya asked.
Then Ill go out, and you decide what to do next, Plato answered.
And if Zhenya goes, then well follow him at a safe distance, so as not to attract attention and monitor the situation with binoculars, said Elsa.
Im ready, Zhenya said and went out to the police.
They put him in the car and drove off, followed by the guys, armed to the teeth in case they saved their friend.
Zhenya was seated in the back, and they themselves sat in front.
Well, Plato has finished his game, you know that serious people whose path you crossed are looking for you, said the policeman.
I know, what next? Zhenya began to improvise.
And then we will now hand you over to these people, we will receive a reward for the capture of a particularly dangerous criminal, the one who was in charge laughed.
Do I have the right to one call? Zhenya asked.
Of course, you can call your own mother now and say that her son will not return to her again, they both laughed even more.
Its a pity, I didnt even have time to have children, said Zhenya.
Just tell us the address of your beloved and we will come and help with the children, the chief laughed.
Look, Zhenya is a capable fellow, he behaves well, said Plato.
I didnt notice such talents in him, said Elsa.
The guy really found himself in our team and is capable of bringing a lot of benefit to humanity, said Plato.
They were driving behind the car at a distance of two hundred meters and were aware of everything that was happening in the police car.
Suddenly they saw two black cars standing on the side of the road. The police car pulled up and stopped behind. Six people in black clothes got out of the cars, the seventh was the main one, this could be seen from the red cloak worn on top.
These are vampires, well all get ready to attack, said Plato and stopped not far away.
The chief approached the police and looked into the car:
Where is he? asked the vampire.
In the car, the policeman answered, saying that he was in charge.
They opened the door and pulled Zhenya out, the vampire got angry and roared like a bear:
Who did you bring me? asked the vampire.
Plato, answered the chief policeman.
Hes not the idiot, you cant be trusted with anything, kill him, bury his body in the forest, the vampire ordered.
Platon drove up at low speed and they started shooting from the car. Shooting from a crossbow, Elsa managed to kill two, who turned into smoke and dissipated. Platon and Lera killed two of them with pistols; Zhenya, in the confusion, quickly ran to Platons car and hid behind it.
The two remaining guards turned into bats with sharp fangs and rushed at them.
Elsa hit one with an arrow and it fell onto the asphalt and turned into smoke. The second one grabbed Leras hand and bit her. Plato ran up and hit the mouse on the head with the handle of his pistol, and when it fell, he shot at it.
The vampire, turning into a kite, quickly disappeared, we got into the car and left.
Meanwhile, the police hid in their bobby and waited for everything to end.
When everything was quiet, one raised his head and looked around. Finding no one, he pushed his partner in the side and said:
Lets get out of here before they kill us, said the one in charge.
Did they pay us for the criminal? asked the second.
Be glad that at least youre still alive, well earn money in other ways, said the chief.
Chapter No 7
At home they never stopped laughing:
You saw the vampires face when they brought Zhenya instead of me, I thought that he would incinerate them with one glance, said Plato.
You see, everything worked and the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe, said Elsa.
Well, the wolves werent completely full, said Zhenya.
But seriously, now there will be a big hunt for us, if you meet someone, find out more information about the person, perhaps they will introduce their people into our team, or at least try, said Plato.
Zhenya reacted calmly to Platos words and remembered Anya, who first met him in the supermarket.
Its just a coincidence, Zhenya thought and didnt pay much attention to it.
In the room, when Elsa and Lera were already resting, Elsa noticed a bite on her hand and asked:
Were you bitten by a vampire?
No, I just cut myself in the kitchen by accident, Lera answered.
Dont lie, I saw how this mouse attacked you, said Elsa.
Well, I bit, so what of it, Lera began to get nervous.
You heard what Plato told us all, a vampires bite means that in a day you too will turn into a vampire, said Elsa.
Give me your word that you wont tell Plato about this bite, Lera said.
I cant give you words, because we are a team and the sooner we treat you, the safer it is for us, Elsa said and went to Plato.
Elsa knocked on his door and asked:
This is Elsa, can I come in?
Plato was sitting at the table and thinking about something.
Elsa, its late, why arent you resting? asked Plato.