M aleven explanation: enterprise ZASLON is a general contractor of the Russian Ministry of Defense in the field of development, production and supply of information and complex systems of automated control, software, instrumentation and microelectronics. It is the largest scientific and technical center in this area on a global scale. It is this world scale that will be the element of an important investigation. The enterprise was, of course, a regime enterprise, but the scientific specialists of the enterprise were not only frequent ( and welcome) guests and participants of all kinds of international exhibitions and conferences, but also consultants ( read: leading specialists), including secret projects and missions, in cooperation programs of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
I will now return to the thread of familiarization with technology. Let me remind you that we talked about recording consciousness, i.e. the whole essence of data that make up human personality, on a non-living material medium. Although it is impossible to record it on a living one. But only not for the magicians of the secret laboratory of ZASLON JSC. Yes- yes, I understand your desire to know how, but please be patient.
The next component of the technology, developed in the mentioned laboratory of ZASLON JSC, is a complex system that will influence this program, into which the person's personality will be translated, on the mechanism that will control the spin of quantum-entangled particles.
Here again I must divert you to an explanation: spin is, simply put , the moment of rotation of these quantum-entangled particles. And quantum entangled particles are two or more disconnected particles, which retain a connection between themselves, therefore entangled, as if connected by an invisible thread. They rotate and influence each other in such a way that if with the help of special systems to change the rotation of one particle, that is, to influence the way it rotates (you can even stop it ), then the second one instantly reacts and mirrors . This is such a parallel world. And it is not scientifically clarified how this connection is realized between them . Let me remind you that their interaction with each other is instantaneous. Why am I talking about this ? In with it is about one system finding other worlds (I understand your surprise), moving there, transferring consciousness, as you have understood, and taking possession of the body, which is in these worlds. It is not necessary to transfer a body in space , but it is impossible, for long distances for sure, especially for the universe the speed of light is still e and very long, not counting the fact that according to the laws of physics material bodies cannot reach e e. It sounds fantastic, I am talking about other worlds and the method of entering them. O but is not fantastic the chain of influences nuclear fusion in the nucleus of stars and the possibility of our existence, and in general protein bodies (for the life of protein creatures need heavy elements like carbon, which contains 12 protons in the nucleus) ? This process was made possible by nuclear fusion in the core of super hot massive stars billions of years ago . Or isn't the miraculous origin of life? By some minuscule part of the male fuses with part of the female and.... whoa, whoa, whoa! there is someone who reads this, someone who writes this well, you get my drift.
So, even if we fly at a speed of 1 thousand km/s ( not per hour, but per second), even if we overcome all these difficulties related to gravity, radiation, inertia and other difficulties, even half jets within our C solar system will not be so fast (for example, a flight from Neptune to the Sun would take 50 days). To say nothing of flying to a neighboring star well, that's a long time, about 1272 years . And it takes 761 million years to fly to our neighbor Andromeda (the galaxy T umanity of Andromeda, closest to our own). Yes same if we invert all the laws of physics (at least those that are established now) and reach for flights speed of light for material bodies (according to Einstein's theory, in which I very much doubt, material bodies can not reach the speed of light) 300 thousand. km/s , then to our neighboring star Proxima Centauri to fly more than four years, and to the same A ndromeda more than 2, 5 million years. Imagine how long it would take to fly at a speed that we can technically control 16.65 km/s. Accordingly, when they say why there are no aliens, why we don't even hear them I will answer : because to osmosis is huge. Even if we fly at the speed of light, which is not conceivable according to the laws of physics, although radio waves travel at this speed, the movement even within our galaxy will take tens of thousands of years (it is more than 100 thousand light years across). E if even inside our galaxy there is an advanced civilization, at least at our level, then if they sent us hello, say, about thirty thousand years ago, and are on the other side of the galaxy, at the same distance from the nucleus as we are, we will hear them again at least in thirty thousand years. Now, I hope I have made some clarity about the appearance of aliens on Earth. On this issue, I think, it will not be superfluous to touch upon the Drake formula (estimation of the possible number of intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy) and the Fermi paradox (absence of visible traces of activity of extraterrestrial civilizations, which should have settled all over the selves over billions of years of e e development).
Based on the comparisons above, if these UFOs appear in our area, it means that they also depend on such parameter as distance and speed. All hyperjumps, wormholes and reincarnation into another form and then materialization in our reality, can, of course, take place, but then the question remains open why such complexity? Isn't it easier to appear on our Earth at once, having incarnated in a body, to materialize in such a magical way or to pour all into the consciousness of an earthly inhabitant. To statistics, it is often mentioned in all kinds of paranormal testimonies. To of course, given that UFOs in general are. If we proceed from the statements of various kinds of personalities, those whom I had to investigate, and not only them, they are real; moreover , with them contacted. This is a hackneyed topic, I realize, that arouses skepticism. However, I have hinted frankly why this narrative is not a documentary read. Agree, it is only necessary to assume the existence of a civilization other than ours, their visit to our planet, their influence on us, so immediately becomes completely justified their desire to hide from people their existence.
There is this religious statement: the basis of the devil's being is not to harm man, but to present himself as B og and prove his absence. I would add: however, to leave us with solid reasons to believe in something supernatural, something to be feared, therefore to read, to believe, and to act on his mercy and love for us. This is also a paradox of our logic and psychology.
However, let's follow the central line of the narrative, so far about UFOs. From the point of view of logic , if UFOs appear, if it is recorded (and the military and special services), it means that these aliens appear periodically. If proceeding from the above arguments (distances and speed), then either they are found accidentally, or they live here, or they conduct experiments on us.