4 This time tomorrow Kudjo (Future Continuous)
5 Since we moved to the country, Kudjo (Present Perfect Continuous)
6 I guess Kudjo (Future Simple)
7 Do you hear? What is the sound? Kudjo (Present Continuous)
8 Before I could say anything, Kudjo (Past Perfect)
9 When Kudjo was younger and more emotional, he (Past Simple)
10 Sometimes Kudjo (Present Simple)
Find and correct mistakes in 9 sentences:
1 We had wandering for an hour when suddenly we met a strange creature.
2 This time next year well sailing a yacht in the Dogatlantic.
3 This little stupid puppy has teared all the pages out of my book!
4 How long has your paw bled?
5 He had been fighting with aggressive village dogs since we came to the country.
6 While the dogs listened to a story, they were eating carrot sticks.
7 Kudjo woke up, looked around, sighed and falled asleep again.
8 Ill be go shopping after lunch. Do you want me to buy something yummy for you?
9 Shall I help you with your bowl?
10 It is such thick fog that Kudjo is going cautiously as he isnt seeing his way well.
Kudjo is texting a message to Chilly. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past, present and future tenses :
1 How are you doing? What /happen/ in your life since the last message?
2 I bet you /not have/ so many adventures as us recently.
3 Do you remember that abandoned camp we /see/ once while we /drive/ to the country last summer?
4 We just /be/ there and we still /tremble/ with fear.
5 My mum /take/ us (Luna and me) there for a picnic today.
6 The grilled lamb /look/ tempting and /smell/ tasty and we /look/ forward to lunch when suddenly we /hear/ hair-rising sounds.
7 The girls /get/ scared stiff, of course, but I /decide/ to find out who /howl/ and /go/ bravely towards the deserted camp.
8 The howls /come/ out of a squalid blind house.
9 I never /hear/ such a yowl before then
10 Sorry, Ive got to go. By the way, you /visit/ us this summer?
Choose the correct option:
1 This time tomorrow Kudjo and his friends ***** in a race.
a will compete
b will be competing
c were competing
2 They ***** after a squirrel for long until it climbed a high pine-tree.
a had been chasing
b were chasing
c chased
3 He ***** in ghosts.
a never believes
b has never believed
c never believed
4 Theyre quite out of puff. They ***** away from a wild pig.
a have been running
b have run
c were running
5 What ***** from 11 to 12 tomorrow? Nothing special. Why?
a were you doing
b have you been doing
c will you be doing
6 He ***** the Cattish language when a rat ***** him and got scared.
a was learning / heard
b learnt/heard
c has been learning/has heard
7 Kudjo ***** when you come. Be quiet.
a is sleeping
b will be sleeping
c has been sleeping
8 They ***** hide-and-seek since the morning and nobody ***** Kudjo yet.
a were playing/found
b are playing/has found
c have been playing/has found
9 They ***** in the rain and were soaked through.
a were walking
b had been walking
c walked
10 This time next week he ***** for a new journey.
a will prepare
b was preparing
c will be preparing
Translate the story:
Итак, что же произошло в летнем заброшенном домике и кто так жутко завывал?
Куджо и Луна подползли к дому и прислушались. Тишина. Зловещая тишина. Им было слышно, как шипит мясо на огне и как звенит комар, но из домика не доносилось ни звука. Собаки осторожно открыли дверь и она заскрипела так громко, что они отскочили от испуга на несколько метров от дома.
Они постояли несколько минут, прежде чем войти в дом. В доме было темно и сыро. Куджо с Луной увидели несколько кроватей с матрасами, поломанные стулья и разбитое зеркало на стене. Луна (как настоящая девочка) сразу подошла в зеркало, чтобы взглянуть на себя. В тот же самый момент она завизжала и выскочила из дома. Куджо ничего не понял, но бросился за ней. Собаки пулей влетели в машину и Луна попыталась даже залезть под заднее сиденье. Они были настолько напуганы, что даже и не вспомнили про шашлык. Мы проехали несколько километров и только тогда Луна рассказала о том, что она увидела в зеркале.
(продолжение следует)
Unit 7
The Future Perfect Tense
Будущее совершенное время
We use the future perfect simple to talk about actions that will be completed at a particular time in the future, often with by + a time expression (then, ten thirty, next week, this time next year).
We form the future perfect simple with will + have + V3
By ten thirty Kudjo will have finished the race.
We usually use the short form of will (ll) or will not (wont) after a pronoun.
Theyll have finished the race by ten thirty.
They wont have come back by then.
Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect :
1 In two days Kudjo /finish/ reading the book.
2 By Monday Kudjo /learn/ twenty new Cattish words.
3 By the end of the day Kudjo /eat/ a bag of treats.
4 Kudjo /have/ a few nice dreams by the time I wake him up.
5 Kudjo and Luna /be/ friends for two years by June.
6 He /take/ me for a walk by lunchtime.
7 Kudjo /not return/ home by noon.
8 Kudjo /make/ friends with this bull by the end of the summer?
9 They /collect/ and /hide/ all the toys by then.
10 What he /do/ by the time I wake up in the morning?
11 Kudjo /drink/ all the bottled water by night and Ill have to buy a lot more.
Find the proper verb and put it into the correct Future Perfect form:
Do you know what will have happened by the time Kudjo is twenty? What do you think will have come true? Put T (true) or F (false):
1 He /have/ a great-grandchild, who hell love a lot.
2 He /become/ a famous actor and played in eleven films.
3 He /fly/ to the planet of Dragons to meet Dradjo.
4 He /become/ serious and calm.
5 He /stop/ eating so many treats.
6 He /fight/ with hundreds of dogs.
7 He /move/ to the country because of the hustle and bustle of city life.
8 He /invent/ special healthy food for dogs, which will help them live far longer.
9 He /put/ on a lot of weight.
10 His red fur /turn/ grey.
11 He /write/ a hundred books about his adventures.
Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect, Present Perfect or Past Perfect tenses:
1 What a strange sound! you /hear/ anything?
2 When I walked into the room I saw that Kudjo /not tidy/ up yet.
3 By the time I finish my work, he /wake/up.
4 The dogs /become/ close friends in a couple of days, Im sure.
5 He /learn/ to wait for me patiently by the age of four months.
6 He just /come/ home from a walk and is hot and thirsty.
7 How many audiobooks he /listen/ to before he learnt to read?
8 How long Kudjo /love/ reading?
9 he /read/ this book by the weekend? Id like to borrow it.
10 He /not start/ eating before I come back.
11 They /turn/ the house upside down by the end of the party.
Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect or the Future Continuous:
Kudjos dreams about next summer
1 This time in June I /not breathe/ bad city air, I /enjoy/fresh air in the country.
2 By the beginning of the summer we /leave/ the city for the country.
3 All summer days I /kid/ around, /go/ home and /leave/ home whenever I want.
4 I /chase/ cockerels and bulls from morning to evening.
5 I /swim/ in ponds, lakes and bogs.
6 By the end of the summer I /catch/ all the frogs in our pool.
7 I /protect/ our huge territory from cat trespassers.
8 I /become/ bigger and stronger, my claws and fangs /become/ sharper by the end of the summer.
9 I /eat/ grilled meat and fish for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
10 By the end of my summer vacation I /find/ all the toys that I hid last summer.
11 I /become/ friends with all the horses in the village by the time I leave for the city.
Put the verb in brackets in the correct future form and say if you believe it or not:
The future as Kudjo sees it:
1 In twenty five years time people and their dogs /travel/ to other planets on a holiday.
2 By the end of this century robots /replace/ people but wont have replaced dogs.