Irish girl with no soul
Max Marshall
Illustrator Ideogram
© Max Marshall, 2024
© Ideogram, illustrations, 2024
ISBN 978-5-0062-7059-6
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
Irish Girl With no Soul
Max Marshall
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
Irish Girl With no Soul
First edition. January 8, 2024.
Copyright © 2024 Max Marshall. Written by Max Marshall.
This book was written partially using AI Ideogram content in the text and illustrations.
Grandpa Andrew sits on the couch and tells grandson Scott the story of his youth. In his youth, he was seduced by the red-haired beautiful Irish witch Samantha on St. Patricks Day. She turned out to be a witch, sucking the souls of men, after which they lost their memory.
In Andrews youth, there was a legend about a beautiful red-haired Irish witch who seduced men in bars and then sucked their soul out of them. Andrew did not believe in this and calmly went to bars. Until one day tragedy struck
Andrew had a friend, Michelle, who also often relaxed at the bar. On Sunday, he went to a bar, and red-haired beauty Samantha met him there. A few minutes later, Michelle and Samantha went to the beach to buy. And after that, Michel disappeared, no one saw him anymore.
Andrews girlfriend, Barbara, told everyone she knew that one day her husband just got out of bed, got in the car and drove off in an unknown direction. No one else saw him. Maybe he was bewitched by that witch Samantha.
No one believed Barbara that her husband was bewitched by a witch and she was considered crazy. Barbara was sent to a mental hospital for her stories about her missing husband. No one believed in Samantha the witch stealing men on St. Patricks Day.
Andrew goes to that bar called «Green Dog», where his friend Michelle disappeared, communicates with the visitors. Most people try not to answer Andrew and are surprised when he asks about some red-haired witch.
About the Author
Max Marshall creates stories that transport readers to far-off lands, immersing them in rich cultures and inviting them to experience the full spectrum of human emotion.
Nestled within the pages of countless masterpieces lies a writer whose name evokes thoughts of passion, creativity, and boundless imagination.
With an elegant command of language and a deep understanding of the human soul, this writer creates characters whose triumphs and struggles resonate deeply with readers of all ages. Whether exploring the complexities of love and loss or delving into the depths of the human psyche, this writers prose is as beautiful as it is insightful, revealing truths that stir the heart and inspire the soul.
Chapter 1: A Grandfathers Story to a grandson
In a small house located in a quaint town, Andrews grandfather was sitting in his favorite armchair with a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his face. Little Scott, his grandson, snuggled up to him, wanting to hear another of his grandfathers legendary stories.
Grandpa, tell me a story! Scott pleaded, his eyes wide with anticipation.
Grandpa Andrew laughed softly, gently ruffling Scotts hair.
All right, kid. How about I tell you a story about a young guy named Andrew and a naughty red-haired witch named Samantha?
Scotts eyes glittered with excitement, and he nodded impatiently.
Well, it all started many, many years ago, on a magical day known as St. Patricks Day, Grandpa Andrew began in a soft and soothing voice.
Young Andrew was just a boy then, full of curiosity and adventure. He had no idea that on that fateful day his life would change forever.
Andrews grandfather painted a vivid picture in his own words, describing the bright colors of a noisy city square filled with laughter and music.
And she was there among the festivities, he continued, lowering his voice to a whisper.
Samantha, a red-haired beauty with eyes like emeralds and a smile capable of charming the stars.
Scotts imagination soared as he imagined this charming scene.
Andrew was a brave young man, but even the bravest souls can fall under the spell, Andrews grandfather explained gently.
Samantha, you see, was an unusual girl. She had a secret a magical secret that would change Andrews life forever.
As Grandpa Andrew told his story, Scott listened intently, hanging on every word. He could feel the excitement building inside him, he couldnt wait to find out what happened next.
But Andrew didnt know much, Grandpa Andrew continued, and there was mystery in his voice,
Samantha wasnt who she seemed. She was a witch, a kind of sorceress who had the ability to steal the souls of unsuspecting men.
Scott gasped in disbelief, his eyes widening in surprise.
A real witch, Grandpa? He whispered, his heart pounding with excitement.
Grandpa Andrew nodded solemnly.
Indeed, my dear boy. But dont worry, this is just the beginning of our story. For, you see, even in the face of darkness, there is always a light that guides us.
And with these words, Grandfather Andrew put his arm around Scotts shoulders, pulling him to himself, and together they set off on a magical journey filled with adventure, courage and the power of love.
Chapter 2: The Story of My Youth
In the picturesque town where Andrew lived, rumors about the legendary red-haired Irish witch spread through the cobbled streets. The stories the elders told warned of her bewitching beauty and her sinister intentions how she lured unsuspecting men into her arms only to steal their souls.
But young Andrew paid little attention to such stories. With a heart full of courage and a mind brimming with curiosity, he ventured out into the world, seeking to explore and discover everything that lies beyond the familiar borders of his hometown.
As Andrew wandered through the busy streets, the air was filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread and the sounds of cheerful laughter, he could not help but admire the wonders of the world around him. With each passing day, he became more and more convinced that the legends of the red-haired witch were nothing more than bizarre fairy tales composed by storytellers seeking to entertain the masses.
Chapter 3: The Red-haired Witch on St. Patricks Day
Andrew found himself back in the noisy tavern, and a feeling of excitement spread through his veins. Today was an unusual day it was St. Patricks Day, a day of revelry and fun unlike any other.
His dear friend Michelle was sitting next to him, her laughter filling the air as they shared stories and toasted the joy of friendship. But amid the laughter and camaraderie, a shadow loomed a shadow in the form of the red-haired witch Samantha.
With a playful smile and a twinkle in her eyes, Samantha sauntered into the tavern, attracting the attention of everyone who saw her with her presence. And although Andrew felt a twinge of unease at the sight of her, he brushed it off, deciding to enjoy todays holiday.
But fate had other plans for him.
As the hours passed and the fun reached its climax, Michelle and Samantha started a conversation, their voices rising above the noise of the crowded tavern. And before Andrew knew it, they were already making plans to visit a nearby beach a simple errand, or so it seemed.
Nodding and smiling, Andrew watched his friends leave, their figures disappearing into the distance among the sea of walkers. He had no idea that this would be the last time he would see Michelle.