Lubimova Larisa - English Grammar with Kudjo. Part 3. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых. стр 4.


If parents always told their children the truth, .

If Lunas parents had told Luna the truth from the very beginning,

5 The parents will be furious if .

The parents would be furious if .

The parents would have been furious if .

6 It will be a disaster unless .

It would be a disaster unless .

It would have been a disaster unless .

7 Kudjo will risk it if .

Kudjo would risk it if .

Kudjo would have risked it if .

8 What will they do if .

What would they do if .

What would they have done if .


Fill the gaps in the story with missing words:

Kudjo and Luna couldnt continue ***** in Lunas house. They didnt even want to imagine what would have happened if the parents had seen them with the saw. When Lunas parents were *****, Luna crept to the boxroom, found the tool box and carried it to the front door, where Kudjo had been ***** for her impatiently.

It was midnight and if they had started sawing they would have woken up all the neighbours, so they decided to continue it in the morning, said ***** to each other and went to sleep. Kudjo put the box under his ***** and fell fast asleep as soon as he closed his *****.

He had never slept so sound as a top. He wouldnt have ***** anything even if somebody had started screaming ***** next to him.

The next day he hardly woke up and when he looked at the ***** he was surprised to see that he had been sleeping for 12 *****!

When he took the box he noticed that it had changed the ***** from grey to almost *****. He got puzzled even more when he didnt see any scratches which they had made while ***** yesterday. He jumped off the bed and ***** to tell Luna about everything.


Find and correct 9 mistakes in the sentences:

1 Luna was looking forward to Kudjos coming as she has great news- the parents had finally agreed to go to the country to look for the pup and take care of it.

2 The car didnt start because Lunas dad forgot to switch off the lights and the battery went flat. If he remembered to do it, they wouldnt have had to take a taxi.

3 The taxi was very slow and they came to the country in the late evening. If they had driven their car, they would come much earlier.

4 As soon as they arrived, Kudjo and Luna ran around the house but didnt see the pup anywhere. It was very dark as the sun was setting. If it werent so dark, the pup would have been seen in a tree.

5 Frustrated, the dogs got into the house and ran upstairs to the attic. If they would come a minute later, it would have been too late.

6 The poor little pup was hanging upside down in the corner and a fat neighbours cat tried to catch it.

7 The cat would have caught and eaten the bat if Kudjo wouldnt have barked so loudly that the cat vanished out of sight immediately.

8 Luna took the pup and they went downstairs, where Lunas parents waited for them.


Choose the correct option:

1 The little bat ***** with hunger and fear when Lunas parents were poring over it.

a trembled

b was trembling

c has been trembling

2 They decided that if the pup ***** older they ***** to take care of it. But the bat was too young and needed its family.

a were / would agree

b had been / would have agreed

c is / will agree

3 It is clear that they need to find the pups family as soon as possible. If they ***** it before long, it ***** die.

a wont do / may

b didnt do / will

c dont do / may

4 Kudjo and Luna took the pup and ran to the village, where there were some abandoned houses. If bats ***** far, they ***** in one of them.

a wouldnt have flown / would have roosted

b hadnt flown / would have roosted

c didnt fly / would roost

5 It had become as black as pitch, but luckily, the dogs had a torch. If they ***** it, they ***** nothing around.

a didnt take / would see

b wouldnt take / would have seen

c hadnt taken / would have seen

6 The pup didnt make any sounds and refused to eat a bug, which Luna ***** for it.

a had found

b founded

c has found

7 Kudjo and Luna looked in every empty house, but still there were no traces of the bats. What ***** to the pup if they ***** the bats?

a would have happened / didnt find

b would happen / wouldnt find

c would happen / didnt find

8 Suddenly they heard fluttering noises, which ***** louder and louder.

a were getting

b got

c have got


Translate the story:

Малыш вдруг оживился и начал чирикать как птичка. Он все время повторял один и тот же звук, но делал это все громче и громче, жалобнее и жалобнее. Куджо и Луна выключили фонарик и прислушались. Звук трепещущих крыльев становился сильнее и сильнее. Внезапно на них обрушился настоящий шквал крыльев и лап. Бедные Куджо и Луна не знали, что им делать и как защищаться. Что бы ты сделал, если бы был на их месте? Трудно представить, что было бы с нашими собаками, если бы вдруг малыш не заверещал очень-очень громко. В тот же самый момент летучие мыши перестали нападать, взлетели и уселись на дуб. Осталась только одна мышь. Она подлетела к малышу, схватила его и отскочила в сторону вместе с ним. Куджо и Луна сразу догадались, что это была мама малыша. Она начала обнюхивать и облизывать своего детеныша и что-то нежное при этом попискивать.

Если бы малыш не остановил стаю, Куджо и Луна были бы искусаны с головы до кончиков хвостов. К счастью, мыши оказались понятливыми и дружелюбными. Когда малыш все им рассказал, они начали подлетать к Куджо и Луне с разными угощениями- жуками, мухами и прочей летающей гадостью.

Потом случилось самое неожиданное  они собрались в кучку, начали что-то пищать между собой и потом замахали своими крыльями. Если бы Куджо и Луна были летучими мышами, они бы сразу поняли, что их куда-то зовут. Но так как они были просто собаки, то до них эта мысль дошла лишь спустя несколько минут.

(продолжение следует)

Unit 5

Its time and would rather


We use its time + somebody + Past Simple (Past Continuous) when they should have already done it or started it. We often use this structure to criticise or complain:

Its time Kudjo stopped barking at unknown dogs.

You can also say Its about time . or Its high time .

This makes the criticism stronger:

Its about time they were sleeping. Its midnight.

Its high time Lunas parents told her about all the family skeletons.

Remember to use only Past Simple or Past Continuous in this construction, which refers to unreal present or future.


Find the proper verb and put it into the correct form: eat, teach, come, return, remember, give up, become, stop, have

1 Its time Chilly ***** to Kudjo.

2 Its high time Kudjo and Luna ***** believing in ghosts.

3 Its about time Luna ***** a heart-to-heart with her parents.

4 Its high time Kudjo ***** serious and responsible.

5 Its time they *****. Its lunchtime.

6 Its time they ***** home from walking. Its very late.

7 Its about time parents ***** that they used to be children too.

8 Its high time Kudjo ***** Luna to speak the Humanish language.

9 Its high time Luna ***** flirting with other dogs.


Look at the situations and make sentences using its /about /high/ time:

For example,

Luna always has filthy paws after walking, even in dry weather.  Its time she became tidier.

1 The weather is chilly and gloomy. It has been drizzling since yesterday.

2 Kudjo looks sleepy. He has spent all night doing puzzles.

3 Luna refuses to eat healthy dog food. She prefers pasta and pizza.

4 Kudjo and Luna arent talking to each other. They have argued over trifles.

5 Luna is in panic. Her dad is looking for the saw!

6 Kudjo has forgotten to return the saw. He always forgets important things!

7 Luna is cooking today. The dish smells and looks disgusting.

8 Luna is waiting for Kudjo with the saw. He is late, as usual!

9 The spring has come and cats are caterwauling!


Would rather (do) = would prefer (to do).

We use would rather («d rather) + V0 to express preference: Hed rather stay at home today.

The negative form is: Id rather not + V0

Hed rather not go out tonight.

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