Word Combinations
1. I’d like you to meet – Я бы хотел представить Вас
I’d like you to meet my wife.
2. Nice to meet you.
Приятно Вас встретить / с Вами познакомиться
3. Pleased to meet you.
Приятно Вас встретить / с Вами познакомиться
4. over there – вон там
5. Would you like me to help you? Хотите, чтобы я Вам помог?
1. Match the word with the translation.
Найдите соответствие между словом и переводом.
2. Make word combinations.
Составьте словосочетания.
3. Complete the sentences with the words.
Впишите подходящие по смыслу слова.
Sights, exhibition, show, modern, Underground, friendly, churches, artist, travel, carry, study, reason, customs, simple, call, design.
1. People in this town are very..............................................
2. Could you show me the lovely............................................of this city?
3. I don’t like the.......................................of this office.
4. I know many..........................................of this country.
5. My friends......................................in University.
6. I can’t......................................that luggage.
7. What is the..................................for your behaviour (поведение)?
8. The......................................system is new in this city.
9. These texts are very.................................. We can read them.
10. I don’t know this....................................... Where is he from?
11. The.................................of old Chinese books is great.
12. I can’t.............................in Europe. It is very expensive.
13. Could you.............................them the way to the city centre?
14. You can see many old...............................in the centre of London.
15. Please, .............................me Susan.
16. I don’t understand this.................................writer.
4. Translate into English.
Переведите на английский язык.
1. Я бы хотел увидеть центр города..........................................................
2. Где я могу получить багаж?.........................................................
3. Мы не можем показать вам современный мост..................................
4. Я бы хотел, чтобы Вы встретились с моей сестрой............................
5. Мои дети учатся утром..........................................................
6. Их гости очень дружелюбные..........................................................
7. Мы посылаем письма каждый день..........................................................
8. Где современная выставка? .........................................................
9. Я не могу путешествовать вместе с ними..............................................
10. Мы встречаемся с различными людьми на работе...............................
5. Write your own sentences with the words given.
Напишите свои предложения с указанными словами.
простой дизайн ..............................................................................
дружелюбные люди .....................................................................
странные традиции ........................................................................
ложиться спать ...............................................................................
старая церковь ..................................................................................
нести багаж .....................................................................................
посылать письма .................................................................................
добраться до музея ............................................................................
книжный магазин ............................................................................
путешествовать в Европе .....................................................................
6. Write one General and one Special question to each sentence.
Напишите общий вопрос и один специальный вопрос к каждому предложению.
Example: The customs are interesting.
Are the customs interesting? Which customs are interesting?
1. I can carry this luggage.......................................................................
2. This museum is lovely.......................................................................
3. I can get there by Underground.......................................................
4. Their guests can study at school..........................................................
5. Those shops are very expensive..........................................................
6. We can see various sights...................................................................
7. That art is very strange...................................................................
8. She is a receptionist in a limited company........................................
9. We can travel at the weekend..........................................................
Language focus 1
Prepositions of direction
Предлоги направления
7. Translate the sentences.
1. My children come home from school at two o’clock.
2. I go to my friends by Underground every day.
3. Put these documents into the box, please.
4. Take these books out of the box.
5. We travel from France to Britain every week.
6. Come into the room, Alice.
7. Take our children out of the bath.
8. We get home from the museum by bus.
8. Complete the gaps with a suitable preposition taking it from the Box.
Вставьте пропущенные предлоги, взяв их из таблицы.
Out of, from, to, into, behind, in, on, under, at, with.
1. I can’t see my car in front of the house. Is it...........................the house?
2. I walk......................my children every day.
3. Take the presents................................this box, please.
4. They come home from work.......................... eight o’clock.
5. I like to call various people...........................the evening.
6. Go.....................your grandmother and help her carry luggage.
7. Put this luggage.............................the car, please.
8. Look.........................the bridge. Can you see it in the water?
9. Can you see a modern computer........................the table?
10. This shop is.........................the city centre.
9. Match the word combinations with their translations.
Найдите подходящий перевод.