Рыбаченко Олег Павлович - RIDDLE OF THE DEVIL


. HEAD NO. 10.

Best of all sudden escapes are successful, as a rule. Artyom and to Gardens could already get slippery solution that allowed them to pull out, having made efforts, hands from fetters. But while it was of no use, the main problem to reach the highest rock, remained still not solved.

One more boy wanted to join escape. The thin, exhausted fellow of years of twelve, with the shaven lucid mind covered with shishechka and scars from blows of cruel supervisors. Though wounds in this world also heal quickly, but beat this boy too often. As if it, in something especially, was allocated. Artem wanted to provide him chance also.

The boy, having learned about escape, told in confidence the new friends:

- I, in antecedents, was a terrorist and five times ran from prisons ... I can share experience.

Artyom asked a silly question:

- For it you are also beaten so often the head?

The boy, reflex having pressed a neck in shoulders, waved with the head:

- No! It is revenge for attempt of attack on a bee goat. Besides, I was already interrogated on a rack ...

To gardens noticed:

- Here not all remember the past, but, probably, do not sit for anything!

The Belobry boy heaved a deep sigh:

- Punishment after death exists ... But I believe in the termination of torments and hope for the better life!

Three together it is even heavier to run, than together. But the plan of the young terrorist-prisoner was based on experience of former escapes. Namely, to try to deafen someone from security guards and to change clothes in its camouflage. Further, the boy offered that the security guard will carry out them in handcuffs to the vehicle. Or together, or on one!

The plan differed in impudence and seemed quite real, so couple of bees watched for the sleeping boys prisoners, but at the same time, they not against to have a sleep.

Artem suggested to bring all children. What they would not be sinners in antecedents, but already wholly paid off on this cruel penal servitude. And apparently, the majority of them remember nothing the past. Behave as natural children. The boy, that joined them, admitted too:

- And I remembered the past not at once. Some time as if was in a light slumber. Stuck, received the poor soldering and lashes. But when suddenly again realized himself the man, years so for forty, remembered the death during detention, ... And last acts, so weight of sufferings increased repeatedly!

Artyom then asked, what most of all arose:

- You are not an Islamist?

The boy negatively shook the head:

- No, I am not an idiot to kill for Allah! - And suddenly the boy has childly a little cry. - I, what is even worse, conducted terrorist attacks for money. Liked to kill and intimidate people ...

To gardens strictly noticed:

- You would be better the Islamist! Then, having escaped from here, would go to itself to paradise with harems ... And so, it is unknown where to go!

The former mercenary unexpectedly admitted:

- I here, strangely enough, most of all feared a non-existence. And here again you live and, on the, it is even better, than on Earth.

Artem was surprised and asked:

- And than here it is better?

Tow-haired, in cones, admitted:

- There are no diseases, colds, holes in teeth, pressure and other ... Except for a beating, the main trouble, it of course, routine boredom ... But, there is a hope, term will come to an end and ahead there will be the whole life. We do not grow old in this place and in it there is a chance!

Willingly confirmed to gardens:

- Truly! Here physically you feel far better, than on Earth, especially in old age, and there is no that exhausting responsibility, or threat from a two-stuffy environment. You know, the creator of this place on the is humane!

Artyom discontentedly muttered:

- Such humanity to da Hitler in a throat!

Next day again work. And it must be said, not so painful for the strengthened muscles of the boy. Really, already you feel obvious boredom and rare blows as a lash seem almost a joy. But here thoughts, desires, emotions they torment you.

Here and parents were remembered. It is strange that just now. Before as if from the head took off. But can too already everything is unreal was around, Here now, for example, hot, four stars still on Acceptable give light. Not so that exhausted you, but nevertheless ... There is a wish to call mother and to burst into tears. Or to look, something new according to video. To play on the computer ... And here you transfer beams what primitive for the empire with aircraft is better terrestrial.

Escape was decided to be made in the next night. Though there is a lot of reefs. In particular, bees security guards are larger, than children prisoners. And as they having changed clothes will look. Well on a muzzle it is possible to pull still a mask, or .... The boy terrorist suggested to cut off an ugly face and to stick on himself. But also it could look not natural. Plus, still to neutralize protection without noise ...

To gardens seriously believed that their masquerade will be easily exposed even if it will manage to be set on the head something heavy to calm an insect. Though the idea with disguise, looks invitingly. Artyom, in particular, made supervision: where there is a parking with the flying cars. There at once two news: good - nearby park. Bad - in protection the fighting robot. Similar something on cars that is drawn in fantastic comics

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