Ричард Матесон - Щенок стр 6.


But if you looked closer, you could spot the differences.

All the windows were fitted with shatterproof triple-plate glass. And the exposed undercarriage was covered with a solid steel plate designed to protect the car from any explosions or attempts to sabotage it. A second layer of bullet-resistant metal covered the car’s exterior—though it wasn’t too often that bullets were the problem.

Its Achilles’ heel? Had to be the wheels. As puncture proof as they could be, the army-grade, hybrid steel-belted tires could still be rendered useless.

Trick was to keep the thing moving.

Being stopped, giving Can Heads time to figure a way in… that could be real bad.

“Damn quiet,” Rodriguez said.

Of course, nobody would be out, everyone trusting the locks on their doors more than the lamps or the police or the grid of fences to stand between them and the Can Heads.

If there was one thing everyone knew, the Can Heads—whatever made them like that, whatever goddamn switch had been thrown—never gave up.

Not when so nearby, so close, there was fresh meat.

“Always quiet, isn’t it?” Jack said.

“Yeah. Just don’t like it to be so damn quiet when we’ve been called.”

Jack didn’t say anything.

Instead, he looked at the backseat. A powerful arsenal accompanied them. Two M-16 machine guns, army-issue that had become the go-to automatic weapon for police. Beside it, a shotgun and an open case with a foam “egg carton” filled with a variety of explosives, flares and smoke bombs.

They both carried a Glock 22—a cop favorite—and a Smith & Wesson .40, small but accurate.

The rule on a call like this was, scope out the situation and then do what you could on your own. Backup might be available, but only if absolutely necessary.

Once they left the vehicle, they had to bring all the firepower they thought they’d need. Because if you travelled light, getting back to the car, to its portable armory, might be a moot point.

Rodriguez cut the car to the left, heading down a narrow street. No lights. Perfect for a trap, but it was the most direct way to the main entrance of the building.

Rodriguez turned on the squad car’s twin light bars on the roof. The narrow street became bathed in brilliant white light.

Jack saw a lone rat scramble away.

Even they were a rarity.

What a fucking world, Jack thought.

Then they left the narrow street, a turn to the right and the building entrance lay ahead.

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