Лора Райт - Eternal Hunger


Eternal Hunger(The first book in the Roman Brothers Trilogy series)A novel by Laura Wright

To the sons and daughters of the Breeding Male. May I always tell your stories with truth and passion.


An Eternal thank-you to Maria Carvainis and the entire MCA crew. You are the calm sanity behind my well-intentioned madness.

To my dream team: Danielle Perez, Claire Zion, Kara Welsh, Craig Burke, and everyone at NAL whos worked so hard on this novel. Thank you so very much!

To Kara Cesare, for truly getting them and for truly getting me.

To my behind-the-scenes team: Jennifer Lyon, critique partner from heaven; Julie Ganis and Kerry de la Rionda, BFFs and ledge talker-downers; and Mindy Stern and Debra Borys, PhD, my windows into mind trauma and life on the fourth floor. Thank you ever so!

And finally, to my life, my loves, my eternal blessings: Daniel, Isa, Lucca, and the wacky canine trio. Thank you for your patience and support.


SoHo 11:45 p.m.

Their breath visible in the frigid air, their shadows massive against the jagged stone walls, Nicholas and Lucian Roman moved through the tunnels beneath the quiet Manhattan neighborhood, determined to save their brothers soul, yet severely opposed on how to accomplish it.

Hes not ready, Lucian growled.

Nicholass strides lengthened as he stalked past the tunnel guardsmale vampires, Impurebloodswho kept their eyes on their boots and away from the one so beautifully pale, and the other with eyes and hair as black as his unbeating heart. I will see for myself.

What you will see, Brother, Lucian said, his fangs twitching, is an animal. The hunger rules him again. This time it is nearly uncontrollable.

No. Alexander has control. He has judgment. Look where he keeps himself. Nicholas frowned. The six-by-nine-foot cage that dwelled far beneath the New York City streets had been built long ago to quell his eldest brothers rage, starve his body, and fuck with his mind, but in the past two days it had kept him from killing anything that crossed his path.

Lucian fell into step beside him as the tunnel widened. He nearly butchered that human woman, Nicky.

She is fine. She breathes.

Only because you intervened.

Nicholas said nothing, his jaw tight as a fist.

Lucian continued. He must stay in the cage until he feels . . . whole again. Until his craving for blood eases. His voice dropped. If it ever eases ...

You want to keep him locked up like an animal indefinitely? Nicholas accused fiercely. Like he was forced to do as a balas. The ancient word for vampire child exited Nicholass mouth as a bitter hiss.

It is as he wants it, Lucian argued. Alexander built that cage because he was addicted to the pain of his pastnow he keeps himself in it to protect his future. Im not the bastard who fucked up his early years, but I know what needs to be done now, and so does Alexander. He understands the danger hes inthat were all in now.

They rounded the corner and Nicholas eyeballed a second set of guards as they passed by. The Impure-bloods, the powerless sons of both human and vampire, had escaped their respective credentistheir vampire communitieslong ago, after having had their sexual appetites bled out of them by the Order, the rulers of their breed. Now they worked for the Pureblood Roman brothers, and were treated with decency and respect.

I believe your reaction, Nicholas said to Lucian as they reached the end of the tunnel and the door that led to their brothers prison, your need to keep Alexander containedis based in fear.

Lucian stepped in front of the heavy iron door, blocking Nicholass way, his almond eyes burning with aggression. Listen to me. If he kills, the Eternal Order will be able to track himtheyll be up our asses before we have a chance to cover them.

Nicholas sniffed. Since when have you ever cared about the laws of the Order?

Hey, if you want to bring a war herebecause you know thats what will happen if the Order finds us and attempts to take us back to the credentiIm game. Id have to be dead to return to my vampire community, so theyll get a good fight from me. But we must acknowledge that if they find us, everything weve created since escaping will be over. He lifted his pale brows. This is not fear, but reality.

Nicholas stared at his brotherthe terrifying angel with the shock of white hair hanging past his ears. Granted, Lucian could be a hotheaded shit who acted too quickly and apologized never, but his point, his reasoning for keeping Alexander away from the public, had merit. And Nicholas was never one to ignore reality. As a balas it had kept him and his mother clothed, fed, and breathing. And more vitally, it had kept them away from the credenti and, later, the Eternal Orderthe ten Pureblood vampires who had passed on to the middle world, yet made the laws, punished the lawbreakers, and governed every vampire credenti on Earth.

Nicholas nodded. All right. He stays. But I want to see him and speak to him first.

Are you going to give him a hug? Lucian drawled, Tell him everythings going to be all right? Share some feelings perhaps?

Nicholas didnt bite back. He was nothing if not controlled. It was how he survived within his own head, within the memories that lurked there. Enough now. Open the door, Little Brother.

With a sniff of derision, Lucian turned and punched in the alarm code. When he saw green for go, he gripped the massive door handle and pulled. The brothers entered, quickly filling the small space with their massive frames. Nicholas looked around. First thing he saw was Alexanders ancient servant, Evans, a bald, rat-eyed Impure, who had escaped a credenti in Maine just ten years ago, and had been found in Central Park by Alexander.

Evans paced the floor in front of the cage, which was cut into the rock wall and had no windows, except for the three twelve-inch iron bars soldered into a steel door that took three keys, an alarm code, and a retinal scan to unlock.

Open the door, Evans, Lucian ordered brusquely.

The old Impure stopped directly in front of Alexanders self-imposed prison. Like most males who came before the Roman brothers, he refused to make eye contact. It was the fear of their father, the Breeding Male, who and what he wasit remained strong, even in those who had escaped the credenti. Im sorry, sir. He wishes not to be disturbed.

Lucian cocked his head to one side. I really dont give a shit.

Easy, Lucian, Nicholas said in a calm voice, well aware that the old vampire was just protecting his master, the one who had taken him in and given him a new life. Step aside now, Evans.

But, sir

Im a gentleman, Evans, Nicholas continued easily, and would drain your vein quickly and relatively painlessly, but Lucian, as you know, has little self-control.

Evans paled. Yes, sir.

Do it, Lucian said. Quickly.

His hands shaking, the servant did as he was told, disarming the alarm, performing the retinal scan, and fumbling around with the key as he unlocked the door. Then, without looking at either brother, he stood back and watched as the door rolled to one side.

It was pitch-black inside the cage, freezing, and smelled of disinfectantjust as Alexander liked it. Lucian was the first to enter, but was barely five seconds inside before he let loose a string of curses.

Nicholas reached his brothers side in a millisecond. Whats the problem? When he saw the reason for the outburst, he stalked out of the hole in the rock and went directly to Evans, his nostrils pulsing with each heavy breath. Where is he?

Evanss entire body trembled with fear. I couldnt stop him. I

Look at me, Impure! Nicholas demanded.

Evanss gaze flickered up. He saw Lucian coming toward him too, and looked ready to pass the hell out.

How long? Nicholas repeated.

An hour, Evans squeaked out.


Nicholas turned when he heard Lucian. Hes on the hunt.

Lucians fangs elongated as he glared at the servant. You stupid little fu

Nicholas stopped him. No time. We need to find him. No female in his path is safe.

The West Side Fourth-floor psychiatric unit

Lock her in and check her every fifteen.

Before the heavy wood door closed, Dr. Sara Donohue took another glance at her newest patient. Pearl McClean sat in the center of a twin mattress, legs crossed, chin to her chest, and due to a mild sedative, calm for the first time since shed arrived from the ER an hour ago. The seventeen-year-old girl may have looked like an ordinary teenager daydreaming about her latest crush, but the blue paper gown she wore, and the fact that she was in a juvenile seclusion room on the fourth-floor psychiatric unit of Walter Wynn Memorial Hospital, made it clear that her troubles went far deeper than unrequited love.

Sara eyed the six-foot-three mocha-skinned security guard as he snapped the lock on the girls door. Hey, Randy, page me if she rips off that gown again. Im talking right away.

He gave her a casual salute. You got it, Doc.

Sara turned away from the door and started down the hall. Coming, Mel? she called over her shoulder.

Yeah, right behind you. Melanie Abrams, the social worker whod brought Pearl to the hospital and who worked most of the juvenile cases on the floor, ran after Sara, her ultrahigh heels making little clicking sounds on the scuffed white vinyl floor. Not for nothing, she said, her tone slightly breathless from the pace. But when did cutting get so freaking popular?

Her eyes on her files, Sara ran down the med schedules for the night. Maybe when leeches became an impractical way of detoxing emotional and physical pain. But I dont know if thats whats going on here.

How can you say that? Melanie asked, clearly taken aback. She has hundreds of cuts all over her body.

I know, but cutters normally stick to one area: arms, legs, belly. An area they can hide, Sara said, while hustling down the hallway, her long legs covering ground like a Thoroughbred out of the gate.

A young psych nurse walked by them and, as usual, his eyes went directly to the petite blonde behind Sara. She could hardly blame the guy. After all, Melanie looked more like a centerfold than a tough-ass social worker, and when she was around, most women in the hospital felt like Mary Ann next to her Ginger. Not so much Sara, though. She had zero desire to be the hot one, didnt have time to be the hot one.

Maybe she wasnt looking to hurt herself, Melanie said, ignoring the nurse as she followed Sara. Maybe she just wanted someone to notice her.

Could be. Sara rounded the corner, then stopped at the double doors separating the juvenile ward from main reception and the adult long-term-care facility. She slipped her key card into the wall slot and waited impatiently to be buzzed through. Once she gained access, she took off toward reception, Melanie affixed to her side.

You know, Sara began, she didnt say a word when I was in there with her. She didnt answer one question, but she did flinch every time I mentioned the mothers boyfriend.

Melanie looked thoughtful. The guy seemed kind of shady to me, but he did act concerned when we came to get her.

Course he did. Who called 911?

The mom. She was at the door when we got there, led the officers and me right into the bathroom. We found Pearl crouched beside the tub. Knife was a few feet away.

Sara dropped her files on the green marble desktop. Was she wearing anything?

No. Naked, out of control, covered in cuts. But ...

Sara glanced up, saw the confusion in Melanies pale blue eyes, and said, What?

I dont know . . . It was weird. With that many cuts, youd expect a good amount of blood, right?

And what? Sara said. There wasnt much?

There wasnt any. Melanies gaze flickered to the two nurses behind the large circular desk, and she lowered her voice. These were fresh wounds, openand they werent even seeping. Take a look.

Sara opened Pearl McCleans file again and flipped through the photos of her injuries until she got to the close-up shots of the girls wounds. As Melanie had said, the cuts looked new, unhealed; no scar had formed over the hundred or so gashes and yet there was no sign of blood. In fact, she thought, pulling the image closer, the skin looked almost shiny, like an imaginary piece of tape was affixed to it.

So? Melanie said. What do you think?

ER doc says the weapon and cuts match up. Sara stared at the photograph of the girls back, then shook her head. I just dont think those marks are self-inflicted.

So what, then? Someone did this to her? The boyfriend? The mom?

I dont know, but Im not letting her leave the hospital until I find out.

Melanie eyed Sara, as if she didnt want to say something, yet knew she couldnt stop herself. The mother raved about the relationship her boyfriend had with the girl. She said he was the perfect fatherthat hed do anything for Pearl.

Sara laughed. You didnt believe that.

No. Mel sighed, looking momentarily deflated. So what should I put in the report?

Lets go with deliberate self-harm for now, Sara said, closing the girls file. Itll give me more time

Sara was cut off by the long bleating sound of one of the nurses pagers. She turned to see Claire, a reception nurse in her late thirties who always worked graveyard and was obsessed with bright blue eye shadow and cinnamon Certs, checking the readout on her pager.

Who is it? Sara asked her.

LTC, 412, she said.

Shit! Buzz me in. Sara pushed away from the reception desk and Melanie, and raced through the door to Long-Term Care. Gray. Shed just seen him an hour ago; hed been fine. Her heart beat louder and faster as she ran down the hall. What the hell had happened?

Her breath pulled hard from her lungs as she burst through the door to his room. Her gaze shot to the bed, which was sans patient and stripped of all linen. Then she caught sight of Gray, completely calm, sitting on a chair by the window, staring out at the building across the airshaft and its handful of rooms that were dotted with light and life. His hands were splayed on his thighs, and his dark blond hair was disheveled. Several longer bits stuck out in places like weeds in the grass.

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