She was right about that, not that I told her so.
I agree with Eva, Kincaid chimed in. You and Owen need to at least start talking again.
About what? I asked, turning to face him. How I slit Salinas throat right in front of him? Even though he asked me not to? Or maybe we should talk about how I told Finn to hold him back and how you helped with that? Its easy for you to tell me to start talking to Owen, especially since it seems like hes forgiven you, Finn, and everyone else for what happenedeveryone except me, that is.
This time, Kincaid was the one who winced at my harsh words. Still, he didnt back down. Salinas gone, Gin, and I say good riddance to her. But you and Owen are still here. The two of you care about each other, quite deeply, from what Ive seen. If I were you, Id be doing my best to fix things between the two of you.
I arched an eyebrow. I dont really think youre in a position to be giving me relationship advice, Philly, I said, using Evas childhood nickname for him. Although Im glad to see youre here tonight with someone whos age-appropriate. You are here with Roslyn, right? And not someone else?
Anger simmered in Kincaids blue eyes, and his jaw clenched, making his chiseled cheekbones stand out more. Not too long ago, Id told Kincaid that I knew he was not-so-secretly in love with Eva. Phillip had helped Eva and Owen when the three of them had been living on the streets as kids, and hed told me that Eva was the first person whod ever cared about him. That was why he loved her, even though he was my age, thirty, and about ten years older than her.
Eva looked back and forth between me and Phillip, her brow furrowed, obviously wondering what I was talking about.
I sighed. Just because my love life was on the skids was no reason for me to take my anger and frustration out on everyone else, especially my friends.
Im sorry, I said. Its just that seeing Owen took me by surprise. Especially since hes here with someone else tonight.
We all turned to look at the pair in question. Owen was staring blankly at a watercolor that depicted a snowstorm. Jillian stood by his side, murmuring something to him, her arm still threaded through his. I had to admit that she wore the scarlet gown a lot better than I did. They made a handsome couple, Owen dark and rugged in his tux, Jillian like a flash of fire next to him. Sadness filled me, but I tried to ignore the sensation.
That was the other reason I asked Finn to get you to come tonight, Eva said. Jillian.
Whats wrong with her?
She hesitated. Well, nothing, really. Except for the fact that shes not you.
I sighed again, then reached out and gave her arm a gentle squeeze. I appreciate that, Eva, really, I do. But if Owen wants to move on and date other people, then thats his right.
No matter how much it hurts. I didnt have to say the words. They could all see the pain glinting in my eyes.
We fell silent for a few moments before Kincaid cleared his throat.
Well, I dont know about you ladies, but Im feeling a little parched. Can I get you anything to drink?
Roslyn and I both politely declined, but Eva stepped over and smiled up at him, her face as bright, warm, and happy as a sunny day.
Ill go with you, Philly, she said.
Eva had her back to me, so she didnt see me arch my eyebrow at Kincaid again. He noticed, though. A faint blush crept up his cheeks, but he still held out his arm to the younger woman.
I would be delighted to be escorted by you, Eva, he said.
Eva giggled and took his arm, and Roslyn, Finn, and I watched them head toward the elemental Ice bar that had been set up on the opposite side of the rotunda.
Well, I suppose I dont have to worry about Phillip hitting on me on the ride home tonight, Roslyn said. Hes crazy about that girl.
I know. Problem is, shes still a girl.
Roslyn gave me a sidelong glance. Not that much of one. Not the way shes looking at him.
I snorted. Tell that to Owen when he finds out. Phillip might be his friend, but Evas still his baby sister. Hes not going to be happy with anyone she dates, especially not Kincaid, given all his underworld connections and business interests.
I looked at her.
Why are you here tonight with Phillip, anyway? I didnt realize you knew him.
Roslyn shrugged. We have business from time to time. Occasionally, he hires out some of my guys and girls for events on his riverboat. Xaviers also moonlighted for him as a guard at the casino on occasion.
She was talking about the Delta Queen, the luxe riverboat casino Kincaid owned. It was docked not too far away from Briartop Island. The guys and girls she was referring to were the hookers she employed at Northern Aggression. Roslyn had been a hooker herself, working the Southtown streets for years like so many vampires did, before shed saved up enough money to open up her own gin joint.
Sometimes I think you know more people than Finn does, I murmured.
Impossible, Finn scoffed, grabbing another glass of champagne from a passing giant waiter. I know everyone whos anyone, everyone who wants to be someone, and everyone whos not anyone too.
I snorted. Roslyn laughed, showing off her small pearl-white fangs.
While Finn grabbed some bite-size deep-fried macaroni and cheese hors doeuvres from another waiter, Roslyn put her hand on my arm.
So how are you really holding up? she asked, her dark eyes full of sympathy and concern.
I shrugged. Just taking it day by day. Although coming here tonight and seeing Owen with someone else hasnt exactly done wonders for my confidence that we can work through our issues.
The vampire stared across the room, studying the couple. Oh, shes definitely interested in him, all right. Anyone can see that from her body language, the way shes smiling at him, how close shes standing to him, the way shes keeping hold of his arm as they wander around the room. But I dont think Owen is into her at all.
Why not?
She turned back to me. Because he keeps sneaking looks at you.
Hope surged through me at her wordsbright, beautiful, shining hope. But then I heard Jillian laugh and Owen chuckling along with her, and the happy emotion was snuffed out like a candle flame being doused by a blizzard. Owen might be looking in my direction every once in a while, but he was still here with another woman.
Itll be okay, Gin, Roslyn said, picking up on my darkening mood. Youll see. You and Owen care about each other too much not to work things out eventually.
I let out a breath. Even though I killed his first love?
The vampire shrugged her slender shoulders. For all she knew about men and women, even she couldnt answer that.
And neither could I.
Roslyn gave my arm a sympathetic squeeze, then moved off to talk to a male vampire who was waving at her.
That left me standing alone with Finn. Somehow, while Id been talking to Roslyn, hed managed to snag a whole tray of hors doeuvres from one of the female waiters. In addition to the deep-fried macaroni, he was also scarfing down baked phyllo cups stuffed with creamy gourmet chicken-apple salad, pineapple boats piled high with a light, airy mixture of cream cheese and toasted slivered almonds, and mini fruit tarts topped with fresh blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries.
You should make these mac-and-cheese things at the restaurant, Finn said, popping another one into his mouth. Because they are absolutely divine.
I grabbed one off the tray and bit into it. The crust was crispy, buttery, and golden brown, while the inside was the perfect temperaturenot too hot to burn your tongue but warm enough that the sharp cheddar cheese still melted in your mouth.
Not bad, I said after Id finished it. But they could use some more cheese and a bit of spicy kick in the filling. A dash or two of cayenne pepper or maybe even a sprinkle of cumin to give it some smoky heat.
Finn huffed. Well, I think theyre pretty good just the way they are. If youre going to criticize, then Im eating the rest of them.
Knock yourself out.
One by one, Finn devoured every single thing on the tray. When it was empty, he looked mournfully at the crumbs on the smooth silver surface, his mouth turning down into a pout. Then a waiter passed by with another tray of champagne, and Finn perked right back up. He bowed and gallantly handed the empty tray to the waiter in exchange for a glass of bubbly.
Now, on to more important matters, Finn said, after his thirst had been quenched. He stabbed his finger in Owens direction. Sandy and Samantha are going to hear all about this little fashion faux pas.
I frowned. What do you mean? Who are you talking about?
The two saleswomen at the Posh boutique. Sandy was the blonde, Samantha was the redhead, Finn said. Dont you remember?
I shook my head. I hadnt bothered to get their names. I figured saving them from the robber was good enough.
Well, they assured me that your dress was an original, an absolute one-of-a-kind. In fact, they swore up one side and down the other that you were the only person to ever even try it on, so I happily let you pay their outrageous price for it.
How noble of you.
Finn pretended not to hear my snide words and went right on with his rant. But now heres some other sweet young thing wearing your dress at the biggest event of the summer. And not just any other woman but the one who came waltzing in on Owens arm. He fumed for a moment. Oh, yes, Sandy and Samantha are going to be getting a very harsh phone call from me Monday morning.
Its just a dress. So another woman has on the same one. So what?
His mouth dropped open, and he looked at me in horror. Please tell me that those words did not just come out of your mouth. It is not just a dressit is your dress. At least, I thought it was. Sandy and Samantha assured me that it was. They are going to be very, very sorry they misled me.
Finn went on a tear then, pacing back and forth, gesturing wildly with his champagne glass, and talking all about how he was going to take his fashion wrath out on the two saleswomen for daring to sell my dress to another woman.
I just sighed and listened to him rant. No matter how long I knew him, I didnt think that I would ever fully figure out or understand the inner workings of the mercurial mind of Finnegan Lane.
* * *
Finn eventually wound down, and the two of us strolled around the rotunda, but I couldnt concentrate on the showcase of Mabs loot. Two things were on my mind: how I could come back later and steal my familys runes, and Owen and Jillian.
The first one wouldnt be too much of a problem. Other than the plethora of giant guards working tonight, security at the museum didnt seem all that tight. Oh, I was sure there were some lasers, alarms, and other hidden measures that would snap on when the lights went out, but there werent nearly as many cameras as there should have been in the museum, and it would be easy enough for me to stroll through their blind spots. Nothing I couldnt handle.
As for Owen and Jillian, I kept watching the two of them out of the corners of my eyes. Laughing, talking, drinking champagne. They seemed to be having a good time together. But more than once, my eyes met Owens, and it was all I could do to look away. But then, two minutes later, my gaze would find his again.
If I stayed in the rotunda, Id just keep staring at Owen, so I decided to leave. Besides, several of the underworld bosses were still eyeing me with hostile intent, and I was tired of their murderous glances.
Ill be back in a few minutes, I told Finn. I need some air.
He was now talking to a petite vampire wearing an emerald choker and a matching tiara. He waved a distracted hand at me, telling me that hed be fine on his own. Of course he would. Finn had never met a stranger.
I shook my head and left the exhibit room. I hadnt noticed before, but the crush of people inside the rotunda had raised the temperature in there by several degrees, and the cool, drafty air outside felt good against my flushed cheeks. I wandered from one hallway to the next, looking at all the objects on display. I hadnt taken an art class in a while, but I began to think that maybe I should mix it up and try painting or some sort of sculpture course next semester, instead of another literature class.
All of the art was housed on the first, main floor of the museum, and I roamed from one wing to the next and back again. The upper levels had all been closed off for the gala, but there wasnt much to see in them, anyway, just staff offices, spaces for artists to work, and rooms where paintings and more were being slowly, lovingly restored and authenticated.
The rotunda was in the front of the main wing of the museum, and it took me a while to make a full circuit through all of the hallways that curved around it. I passed a few more giants in my wanderings, but there werent nearly as many guards out here as there had been in the rotunda. Eventually, I wound up back where I started, standing in the entrance that led to the exhibit of Mabs things. Since I wasnt ready to go in and look for Finn just yet, I headed for the bathroom.
Like everything else at Briartop, the bathroom was done on a grand, impressive scale. Several white crushed-velvet settees and matching overstuffed chairs had been arranged in the outer powder room, while the bathroom itself featured more gray marble, along with silver faucets and oval-shaped, silver gilded mirrors. A tangle of briars and brambles curving around a fancy letter Bthe museums runehad been etched into the edges of the glass, adding to the mirrors slick, glossy elegance.
I went into a stall, did my lady business, and came back out. A couple of women finished washing their hands and left, leaving me alone. I washed my hands, then leaned forward and peered at my reflection.