Ah! Deedes, exclaimed Beck, gaily, rising as we approached, I was waiting for somebody to come. The ladies havent come down yet.
Have you seen them? I asked.
Not yet, he replied; then turning to my friend Dudley, he began chaffing him about a young and wealthy widow he had rowed up to Windsor in our boat a few days before.
We saw you, my boy. We saw you? he laughed. You were talking so confidentially as you passed, that Ella remarked that you were contemplating stepping into the dead mans shoes.
No, no, Dudley retorted good-humouredly. No widows for me. She was merely left under my care for an hour or so, and I had to do the amicable. Its really too bad of you all to jump to such rash conclusions.
At that instant a soft, musical voice behind me uttered my name, and, turning, I met Ella, with a light wrap thrown about her shoulders, coming forward to me with outstretched hand. Ah! Geoffrey, how are you? she cried gaily, with joy in her brilliant, sparkling eyes. Then, as our hands clasped, she added in an undertone, I knew you would come; I knew you would forgive.
I have not forgiven, I answered, rather coldly, bending over her slim white hand.
But I have committed no fault, she said, pouting prettily.
You have given me no satisfactory explanation.
Wait until after dinner. We will come out here together, where we can talk without being overheard, she whispered hurriedly, then left me abruptly to greet Dudley and Andrew Beck. There was something significant in the swift, inquisitive glance she exchanged with the last-named man, and turning away I strode across the lawn annoyed. A moment later I met Mrs Laing herself. She was elderly and effusive; tall, and of stately bearing. Her hair was perfectly white but by no means scanty, her face was clever and refined without that grossness that too often disfigures a well-preserved woman of fifty, and in her dark eyes, undimmed by time, there was always an expression of calm contentment. Her husband had been a great traveller until his death ten years ago, and she, accompanying him on his journeys in the East, had become a clever linguist, an accomplishment which her only daughter, Ella, shared.
As we stood together chatting, and watching the boats full of happy youths and maidens gliding past in the brilliant afterglow, I thought that never had I seen Ella looking so handsome, as, standing with Dudley, she had taken up Becks theme, and was congratulating him upon his trip with the skittish widow.
Hers was an oval face, perfect in its symmetry, clear cut and refined, a trifle pale perhaps, but from her eyes of that darkest blue that sometimes sparkled into the brightness of a sapphire, sometimes deepened into softest grey like the sky on a summer night, there shone an inner beauty, indicative of a purity of soul. The mouth was mobile, short and full, with an exquisite finish about the curve of the lips, the nose short and straight, and the hair of darkest gold the gold that cannot be produced artificially, but has a slight dash of red in it, just sufficient to enrich the brown of the shadows and give a burnish to the ripples in the high lights. Her eyebrows were set rather high up from the eye itself, and were slightly drooped at the corner nearest the ear, imparting to her face a kind of plaintive, questioning look that was exceedingly becoming to her. Her gown was of soft clinging silk of palest heliotrope, that bore the unmistakable stamp of Paris, while on her slim wrist I noticed she wore the diamond bangle I had given her six months before. As she chatted with Dudley, she turned and laughed at me gaily over her shoulder from time to time, and when we entered the house a few minutes later, it was with satisfaction that I found myself placed beside her at table.
Dinner was always a pleasant, if slightly stately, meal at Mrs Laings. She was a brilliant and accomplished hostess, whose entertainments at her house in Pont Street were always popular, and who surrounded herself with interesting and intellectual people. Bohemia was generally well represented at her receptions, for the lions of the season, whether literary, artistic, or musical, were always to be met there a fact which induced many of the more exclusive set to honour the merry widow by their presence. Wearied, however, of the eternal small talk about new books, new plays, new pictures, and the newest fads, I was glad when, after smoking, we were free to rejoin the ladies in the quaint, oak-panelled drawing-room.
The moon had risen, and ere long I strolled with Ella through the French windows, and out upon the lawn, eager to talk alone with her.
Well, she said at length, when we were seated in the shadow beneath one of the high rustling elms, so you want an explanation. What can I give?
Your letter conveys the suspicion that there exists some secret between Beck and yourself, I said, as calmly as I could.
My letter! she exclaimed, in a voice that seemed a little harsh and strained. What did I say? I really forget.
Its useless to prevaricate, Ella, I said, rather impatiently. You say that if I knew all I would never utter words of love to you. What do you mean?
Exactly what I wrote, she answered huskily, in a low voice.
You mean to imply that you are unworthy of the love of an honest man? I observed in astonishment.
Yes, she gasped hoarsely. I do not I cannot deceive you, Geoffrey, because I love you. The last sentence she uttered passionately, with a fierce fire burning in her eyes. You are jealous of Andrew Beck, a man old enough to be my father. Well, I confess I was foolish to allow him to walk with me here with his arm around my waist; yet at that moment the indiscretion did not occur to me.
But he was speaking to you whispering into your ready ears words of love and tenderness. He spoke in persuasive tones, as if begging you to become his wife, I said angrily, the very thought of the scene I had witnessed filling me with indignation and bitter hatred.
No, you are entirely mistaken, Geoffrey. No word of love passed between us, she said quietly, looking into my eyes with unwavering glance.
I smiled incredulously.
You will perhaps deny that here, within six yards of this very spot, you stopped and burst forth into tears? I exclaimed, with cold cynicism.
I admit that. The words he uttered were of sufficient significance to bring tears to my eyes, she replied vaguely.
He must have spoken words of love to you, I argued. I watched you both.
I deny that he did, Geoffrey, she cried fiercely, starting up. To satisfy you, I am even ready to take an oath before my Creator that the subject of our conversation was not love.
What was Beck persuading you to do? I demanded.
No, no, she cried, as if the very thought was repulsive to her. No, do not ask me. I can never tell you, never!
Then there is a secret between you that you decline to reveal, I said reproachfully.
She laughed a harsh metallic laugh, answering in a tone of feigned flippancy,
Really, Geoffrey, you are absurdly and unreasonably suspicious. I tell you I love no other man but yourself, yet merely because it pleases you to misconstrue what you have witnessed you brand me as base and faithless. It is unjust.
But your letter! I cried.
I had no intention of conveying the idea that any secret existed between Mr Beck and myself. He was, as you well know, an old friend of my fathers, and has known me since a child. Towards me he is always friendly and good-natured, but I swear he has never spoken to me of love.