Speak to us, Bess, cried several voices. Prophesy prophesy.
I will speak to you, replied the poor woman, shaking her hand at them, I will prophesy to you. And mark me, though ye believe not, my words shall not fall to the ground.
A miracle! a miracle! shouted the by-standers. Bess Orton, who has been silent for twenty years, has found her tongue at last.
I have seen a vision, and dreamed a dream, continued the prophetess. As I lay in my cell last night, meditating upon the forlorn state of our religion, and of its professors, methought nineteen shadowy figures stood before me ay, nineteen for I counted them thrice and when I questioned them as to their coming, for my tongue at first clove to the roof of my mouth, and my lips refused their office, one of them answered, in a voice which yet rings in my ears, 'We are the chosen deliverers of our fallen and persecuted church. To us is intrusted the rebuilding of her temples, to our hands is committed the destruction of our enemies. The work will be done in darkness and in secret, with toil and travail, but it will at length be made manifest; and when the hour is arrived, our vengeance will be terrible and exterminating.' With these words, they vanished from my sight. Ah! she exclaimed, suddenly starting, and passing her hand across her brow, as if to clear her sight, it was no dream no vision. I see one of them now.
Where? where? cried several voices.
The prophetess answered by extending her skinny arm towards some object immediately before her.
All eyes were instantly turned in the same direction, when they beheld a Spanish soldier for such his garb proclaimed him standing at a few paces' distance from them. He was wrapped in an ample cloak, with a broad-leaved steeple-crowned hat, decorated with a single green feather, pulled over his brows, and wore a polished-steel brigandine, trunk hose, and buff boots drawn up to the knees. His arms consisted of a brace of petronels thrust into his belt, whence a long rapier depended. His features were dark as bronze, and well-formed, though strongly marked, and had an expression of settled sternness. His eyes were grey and penetrating, and shaded by thick beetle-brows; and his physiognomy was completed by a black peaked beard. His person was tall and erect, and his deportment soldier-like and commanding. Perceiving he had become an object of notice, the stranger cast a compassionate look at the prophetess, who still remained gazing fixedly at him, and throwing her a few pieces of money, strode away.
Watching his retreating figure till it disappeared from view, the crazed woman tossed her arms wildly in the air, and cried, in a voice of exultation, Did I not speak the truth? did I not tell you I had seen him? He is the deliverer of our church, and is come to avenge the righteous blood which hath been this day shed.
Peace, woman, and fly while there is yet time, cried the young man who had been designated as Humphrey Chetham. The pursuivant and his myrmidons are in search of you.
Then they need not go far to find me, replied the prophetess. I will tell them what I told these people, that the day of bloody retribution is at hand, that the avenger is arrived. I have seen him twice, once in my cave, and once again here, even where you stand.
If you do not keep silence and fly, my poor creature, rejoined Humphrey Chetham, you will have to endure what you suffered years ago, stripes, and perhaps torture. Be warned by me ah! it is too late. He is approaching.
Let him come, replied Elizabeth Orton, I am ready for him.
Can none of you force her away? cried Humphrey Chetham, appealing to the crowd; I will reward you.
I will not stir from this spot, rejoined the prophetess, obstinately; I will testify to the truth.
The kind-hearted young merchant, finding any further attempt to preserve her fruitless, drew aside.
By this time, the pursuivant and his attendants had come up. Seize her! cried the former, and let her be placed within this prison till I have reported her to the commissioners. If you will confess to me, woman, he added in a whisper to her, that you have harboured a priest, and will guide us to his hiding-place, you shall be set free.
I know of no priests but those you have murdered, returned the prophetess, in a loud voice, but I will tell you something that you wot not of. The avenger of blood is at hand. I have seen him. All here have seen him. And you shall see him but not now not now.
What is the meaning of this raving? demanded the pursuivant.
Pay no heed to her talk, interposed Humphrey Chetham; she is a poor crazed being, who knows not what she says. I will be surety for her inoffensive conduct.
You must give me surety for yourself, sir, replied the pursuivant. I have just learnt that you were last night at Ordsall Hall, the seat of that 'dangerous temporiser,' for so he is designated in my warrant, Sir William Radcliffe. And if report speaks truly, you are not altogether insensible to the charms of his fair daughter, Viviana.
What is this to thee, thou malapert knave? cried Humphrey Chetham, reddening, partly from anger, partly, it might be, from another emotion.
Much, as you shall presently find, good Master Wolf-in-sheep's-clothing, retorted the pursuivant; if you prove not a rank Papist at heart, then do I not know a true man from a false.
This angry conference was cut short by a piercing scream from the prophetess. Breaking from the grasp of her captors, who were about to force her into the prison, she sprang with a single bound upon the parapet of the bridge; and utterly regardless of her dangerous position, turned, and faced the soldiers, who were struck mute with astonishment.
Tremble! she cried, in a loud voice, "tremble, ye evil-doers! Ye who have despoiled the house of God, have broken his altars, scattered his incense, slain his priests. Tremble, I say. The avenger is arrived. The bolt is in his hand. It shall strike king, lords, commons, all! These are my last words, take them to heart.
Drag her off! roared the pursuivant, furiously.
Use care use gentleness, if ye are men! cried Humphrey Chetham.
Think not you can detain me! cried the prophetess. Avaunt, and tremble!
So saying she flung herself from the parapet.
The height from which she fell was about fifty feet. Dashed into the air like jets from a fountain by the weight and force of the descending body, the water instantly closed over her. But she rose to the surface of the stream, about twenty yards below the bridge.
She may yet be saved, cried Humphrey Chetham, who with the by-standers had hurried to the side of the bridge.
You will only preserve her for the gallows, observed the pursuivant.
Your malice shall not prevent my making the attempt, replied the young merchant. Ha! assistance is at hand.
The exclamation was occasioned by the sudden appearance of the soldier in the Spanish dress, who rushed towards the left bank of the river, which was here, as elsewhere, formed of red sandstone rock, and following the course of the current, awaited the next appearance of the drowning woman. It did not occur till she had been carried a considerable distance down the stream, when the soldier, swiftly divesting himself of his cloak, plunged into the water, and dragged her ashore.
Follow me, cried the pursuivant to his attendants. I will not lose my prey.