Carolyn Wells
The Mystery of the Sycamore
As the character of a woman may be accurately deduced from her handkerchief, so a mans mental status is evident from the way he opens his mail.
Curtis Keefe, engaged in this daily performance, slit the envelopes neatly and laid the letters down in three piles. These divisions represented matters known to be of no great interest; matters known to be important; and, third, letters with contents as yet unknown and therefore of problematical value.
The first two piles were, as usual, dispatched quickly, and the real attention of the secretary centred with pleasant anticipation on the third lot.
Gee whiz, Genevieve!
As no further pearls of wisdom fell from the lips of the engrossed reader of letters, the stenographer gave him a round-eyed glance and then continued her work.
Curtis Keefe was, of course, called Curt by his intimates, and while it may be the obvious nickname was brought about by his short and concise manner of speech, it is more probable that the abbreviation was largely responsible for his habit of curtness.
Anyway, Keefe had long cultivated a crisp, abrupt style of conversation. That is, until he fell in with Samuel Appleby. That worthy ex-governor, while in the act of engaging Keefe to be his confidential secretary, observed: They call you Curt, do they? Well, see to it that it is short for courtesy.
This was only one of several equally sound bits of advice from the same source, and as Keefe had an eye single to the glory of self-advancement, he kept all these things and pondered them in his heart.
The result was that ten years of association with Lawyer Appleby had greatly improved the young mans manner, and though still brief of speech, his curtness had lost its unpleasantly sharp edge and his courtesy had developed into a dignified urbanity, so that though still Curt Keefe, it was in name only.
Whats the pretty letter all about, Curtie? asked the observant stenographer, who had noticed his third reading of the short missive.
Youll probably answer it soon, and then youll know, was the reply, as Keefe restored the sheet to its envelope and took up the next letter.
Genevieve Lane produced her vanity-case, and became absorbed in its possibilities.
I wish I didnt have to work, she sighed; I wish I was an opera singer.
Cromwell, I charge thee, fling away ambition, murmured Keefe, his eyes still scanning letters; by that sin fell the angels, and its true you are angelic, Viva, so down youll go, if you fall for ambition.
How you talk! Ambition is a good thing.
Only when tempered by common sense and perspicacity neither of which you possess to a marked degree.
Pooh! Youre ambitious yourself, Curt.
With the before-mentioned qualifications. Look here, Viva, heres a line for you to remember. I ran across it in a book. If you do only what is absolutely correct and say only what is absolutely correct you can do anything you like. Hows that?
I dont see any sense in it at all.
No? I told you you lacked common sense. Most women do.
Huh! and Genevieve tossed her pretty head, patted her curly ear-muffs, and proceeded with her work.
Samuel Applebys beautiful home graced the town of Stockfield, in the western end of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Former Governor Appleby was still a political power and a man of unquestioned force and importance.
It was fifteen years or more since he had held office, and now, a great desire possessed him that his son should follow in his ways, and that his beloved state should know another governor of the Appleby name.
And young Sam was worthy of the peoples choice. Himself a man of forty, motherless from childhood, and brought up sensibly and well by his father, he listened gravely to the paternal plans for the campaign.
But there were other candidates, and not without some strong and definite influences could the end be attained.
Wherefore, Mr. Appleby was quite as much interested as his secretary in the letter which was in the mornings mail.
Any word from Sycamore Ridge? he asked, as he came into the big, cheerful office and nodded a kindly good-morning to his two assistants.
Yes, and a good word, returned Keefe, smiling. It says: Come. The secretarys attitude toward his employer, though deferential and respectful, was marked by a touch of good-fellowship a not unnatural outgrowth of a long term of confidential relations between them. Keefe had made himself invaluable to Samuel Appleby and both men knew it. So, as one had no desire to presume on the fact and the other no wish to ignore it, serenity reigned in the well-ordered and well-appointed offices of the ex-governor.
Even the light-haired, light-hearted and light-headed Genevieve couldnt disturb the even tenor of the routine. If she could have, she would have been fired.
Though not a handsome man, not even to be called distinguished looking, Samuel Appleby gave an impression of power. His strong, lean face betokened obdurate determination and implacable will.
Its deep-graven lines were the result of meeting many obstacles and surmounting most of them. And at sixty-two, the hale and hearty frame and the alert, efficient manner made the man seem years younger.
You know the conditions on which Wheeler lives in that house? Appleby asked, as he looked over the top of the letter at Keefe.
No, sir.
Well, its this way. But, no Ill not give you the story now. Were going down there to-day.
The whole tribe? asked Keefe, briefly.
Yes; all three of us. Be ready, Miss Lane, please, at three-thirty.
Yes, sir, said Genevieve, reaching for her vanity-box.
And now, Keefe, as to young Sam, Appleby went on, running his fingers through his thick, iron-gray mane. If he can put it over, or if I can put it over for him, it will be only with the help of Dan Wheeler.
Is Wheeler willing to help?
Probably not. He must be made willing. I can do it I think unless he turns stubborn. I know Wheeler if he turns stubborn well, Balaams historic quadruped had nothing on him!
Does Mr. Wheeler know Sam?
No; and it wouldnt matter either way if he did. Its the platform Wheeler stands on. If I can keep him in ignorance of that one plank
You cant.
I know it confound it! He opposed my election on that one point hell oppose Sams for the same reason, I know.
Where do I come in?
In a general way, I want your help. Wheelers wife and daughter are attractive, and you might manage to interest them and maybe sway their sympathies toward Sam
But theyll stand by Mr. Wheeler?
Probably yes. However, use your head, and do all you can with it.
And where do I come in? asked Genevieve, who had been an interested listener.
You dont come in at all, Miss. You mostly stay out. Youre to keep in the background. I have to take you, for were only staying one night at Sycamore Ridge, and then going on to Boston, and Ill need you there.
Yes, sir, and the blue eyes turned from him and looked absorbedly into a tiny mirror, as Genevieve contemplated her pleasant pink-and-whiteness.
Her vanity and its accompanying box were matters of indifference to Mr. Appleby and to Keefe, for the girls efficiency and skill outweighed them and her diligence and loyalty scored one hundred per cent.