Under the circumstances, I believe he will do what he says; in any case, the great canal will be filled in, and the Antrians will have plenty of time to erect a great series of disintegrator ray stations along the entire twilight zone, using the broad fan rays to form a solid wall against which the Chisee could not advance even did they, at some future date, carry out their plans. The worst possible result then would be that the people in the sunlit portion would have to migrate from certain sections, and perhaps would have day and night, alternately, as do other worlds.
This is the agreement we have reached; it is the only one that will save this world. Do you approve, sir?
No! Return immediately, and we will show the Chisee that they cannot hold an officer of the Special Patrol as a hostage. Make haste!
Its no go, sir, came the reply instantly. I threatened them first. I explained what our disintegrator rays would do, and Wieschien laughed at me.
This city is built upon great subterranean passages that lead to many hidden exits. If we show the least sign of hostility the work will be resumed on the canal, and, before we can locate the spot, and stop the work, the damage will be done.
This is our only chance, sir, to make this expedition a complete success. Permit me to judge this fact from the evidence I have before me. Whatever sacrifice there is to make, I make gladly. Wieschien asks that you depart at once, and in peace, and I know this is the only course. Good-by, sir; convey my salutations to my other friends upon the old Ertak, and elsewhere. And now, lest my last act as an officer of the Special Patrol Service be to refuse to obey the commands of my superior officer, I am removing the menore. Good-by!
I tried to reach him again, but there was no response.
Gone! He was gone! Swallowed up in darkness and in silence!
Dazed, shaken to the very foundation of my being, I stood there between the shadowy bulk of the Ertak and the towering mass of the great silent pile that was the seat of government in this strange land of darkness, and gazed up at the dark sky above me. I am not ashamed, now, to say that hot tears trickled down my cheeks, nor that as I turned back to the Ertak, my throat was so gripped by emotion that I could not speak.
I ordered the exit closed with a wave of my hand; in the navigating room I said but four words: We depart at once.
At the third meal of the day I gathered my officers about me and told them, as quickly and as gently as I could, of the sacrifice one of their number had made.
It was Kincaide who, when I had finished, rose slowly and made reply.
Sir, he said quietly, We had a friend. Some day, he might have died. Now he will live forever in the records of the Service, in the memory of a world, and in the hearts of those who had the honor to serve with him. Could he or we wish more?
Amid a strange silence he sat down again, and there was not an eye among us that was dry.
I hope that the snappy young officer who visited me the other day reads this little account of bygone times.
Perhaps it will make clear to him how we worked, in those nearly forgotten days, with the tools we had at hand. They were not the perfect tools of to-day, but what they lacked, we somehow made up.
That fine old motto of the Service, Nothing Less Than Complete Success, we passed on unsullied to those who came after us.
I hope these youngsters of to-day may do as well.
The Sunken Empire
By H. Thompson RichConcerning the strange adventures of Professor Stevens with the Antillians on the floors of the mysterious Sargasso Sea.
Then you really expect to find the lost continent of Atlantis, Professor?
Martin Stevens lifted his bearded face sternly to the reporter who was interviewing him in his study aboard the torpedo-submarine Nereid, a craft of his own invention, as she lay moored at her Brooklyn wharf, on an afternoon in October.
My dear young man, he said, I am not even going to look for it.
The aspiring journalist Larry Hunter by name was properly abashed.
But I thought, he insisted nevertheless, that you said you were going to explore the ocean floor under the Sargasso Sea?
And so I did. Professor Stevens admitted, a smile moving that gray beard now and his blue eyes twinkling merrily. But the Sargasso, an area almost equal to Europe, covers other land as well land of far more recent submergence than Atlantis, which foundered in 9564 B. C., according to Plato. What I am going to look for is this newer lost continent, or island rather namely, the great island of Antillia, of which the West Indies remain above water to-day.
Antillia? queried Larry Hunter, wonderingly. I never heard of it.
Again the professor regarded his interviewer sternly.
There are many things you have never heard of, young man, he told him. Antillia may be termed the missing link between Atlantis and America. It was there that Atlantean culture survived after the appalling catastrophe that wiped out the Atlantean homeland, with its seventy million inhabitants, and it was in the colonies the Antillians established in Mexico and Peru, that their own culture in turn survived, after Antillia too had sunk.
My Lord! You dont mean to say the Mayas and Incas originated on that island of Antillia?
No, I mean to say they originated on the continent of Atlantis, and that Antillia was the stepping stone to the New World, where they built the strange pyramids we find smothered in the jungle even as thousands of years before the Atlanteans established colonies in Egypt and founded the earliest dynasties of pyramid-building Pharaohs.
Larry was pushing his pencil furiously.
Whew! he gasped. Some story, Professor!
To the general public, perhaps, was the reply. But to scholars of antiquity, these postulates are pretty well known and pretty well accepted. It remains but to get concrete evidence, in order to prove them to the world at large and that is the object of my expedition.
More hurried scribbling, then:
But, say why dont you go direct to Atlantis and get the real dope?
Because that continent foundered so long ago that it is doubtful if any evidence would have withstood the ravages of time, Professor Stevens explained, whereas Antillia went down no earlier than 200 B. C., archaeologists agree.
That answers my question, declared Larry, his admiration for this doughty graybeard rising momentarily. And now, Professor, I wonder if youd be willing to say a few words about this craft of yours?
Cheerfully, if you think it would interest anyone. What would you care to have me say?
Well, in the first place, what does the name Nereid mean?
Sea-nymph. The derivation is from the Latin and Greek, meaning daughter of the sea-god Nereus. Appropriate, dont you think?
Swell. And why do you call it a torpedo-submarine? How does it differ from the common or navy variety?
Professor Stevens smiled. It was like asking what was the difference between the sun and the moon, when about the only point of resemblance they had was that they were both round. Nevertheless, he enumerated some of the major modifications he had developed.
Among them, perhaps the most radical, was its motive power, which was produced by what he called a vacuo-turbine a device that sucked in the water at the snout of the craft and expelled it at the tail, at the time purifying a certain amount for drinking purposes and extracting sufficient oxygen to maintain a healthful atmosphere while running submerged.