A Christmas Hamper / A Volume of Pictures and Stories for Little Folks
A Very Naughty Little Person
I M told Im very naughty
I almost spect I am;
But, somehow, when I shut the door
Its nearly sure to slam.
Can you tell why my shoe-strings break
And tie themselves in knots,
And how it is my copy-books
Are always full of blots?
It seems as if too many blots
Lived in one pot of ink;
But when theyre wet and shiny,
Theyre pretty, dont you think?
Why does my hair get tangled?
What makes me talk all day?
And why dont toys and books just try
To put themselves away?
I think that praps I might be good
A little, by-and-by;
Its very hard, but sometimes
I almost spect Ill try.
But now they say Im naughty,
And praps its nearly true;
There are so many naughty things
For little folks to do.
Poor Uncle Tom
He seemed a funny old gentleman, the children thought, but still rather nice, especially when he brought those sweets out of his pocket and let them dip into the bag and take what they liked. They had seen him walking through the wood, and then when they left off playing, he had come to sit down beside them, and asked them their names.
Mines Hugh, like father, said the eldest; and this is Lily, and this is Tom.
The old gentleman looked a little quickly at Tom.
Who is he named after? he said.
The childrens faces grew grave.
He is named after poor Uncle Tom, said Lily in a low voice, who went to sea and was drowned.
There was silence for a minute. Then the old gentleman spoke again,
So poor Uncle Tom was drowned, was he?
Yes, said Hugh. His ship was lost, and everybody was drowned, cept two or three that got in the boat, and Uncle Tom wasnt among them. Father waited and waited, but it wasnt any good. So then he put up a monument in the church just where we can see it from our pew.
And we always sings about the saints of God on his burfday, said Lily, and father cries a little.
No, he dont! said Hugh indignantly. Fathers a man, and men dont cry!
But he does, said Lily. I saw a weeny little tear on his cheek this morning, for to-day is Uncle Toms burfday, and his voice goes all shaky like, cause he was so fond of poor Uncle Tom, and says he was so good.
The old gentleman sat silent, staring hard at the ground.
Is it long since Uncle Tom went away? he said at last.
It is ten years, replied Hugh. It was the year I was born.
Ten years so it is, murmured the old gentleman only ten years, and it has seemed like a hundred.
The children looked at one another surprised.
Did you ever know Uncle Tom? asked Hugh curiously.
Yes, I knew him well. I was on his ship.
But you arent drowned! cried Lily.
The old gentleman smiled.
No, he said, I wasnt drowned; I got off safe. Uncle Tom used to talk to me, though, about his old home, and one day he said that he had carved his name on a tree in the park, and I was to go and see it if I ever got home.
Oh, Ill show you, said little Tom. It is on a beech tree close by here. Ill show you. There it is.
He pointed to a tree on which some initials and a date were cut deep into the bark.
It has kept very fresh, said the old gentleman. I thought it would have been grown over by now.
Father always comes and tidies it up on uncles birthday, said the boy. See, he is coming now! Ill go and tell him you are here. Father! he shouted, running off father, heres a gentleman who knew Uncle Tom!
But when father came near and saw the old gentleman, he stared at him for a moment as if he had seen a ghost, and then he gave a great cry.
Tom, Tom, it is you yourself!
And it was Uncle Tom, who had not been drowned after all, but when the ship was wrecked had managed to get ashore to an island, and there had lived on the fish he caught, and birds eggs, and cocoa-nuts, watching for a sail, like Robinson Crusoe. At last the sail came after ten long years. And when he reached England he did not write, but came down to his old home to see who was there, for of course he had heard no tidings all the time.
Nobody recognized him at the village, for the tropical sun had burned his skin brown, and the long waiting and the sorrow and the hardships had turned his hair white. Only his brother knew him by his eyes, for they two had loved each other very much.
But what will father do with your tombstone? said Lily gravely, as she sat on her uncles knee that night. It is such a pretty one, with a beautiful angel on it!
A Snow Man
Oh, the beautiful snow!
Were all in a glow
Nell, Dolly, and Willie, and Dan;
For the primest of fun,
When alls said and done,
Is just making a big snow man.
Two stones for his eyes
Look quite owlishly wise,
A hard pinch of snow for his nose;
Then a mouth thats as big
As the snout of a pig,
And hell want an old pipe, I suppose.
Then the snow man is done,
And to-morrow what fun
To make piles of snow cannon all day,
And to pelt him with balls
Till he totters and falls,
And a thaw comes and melts him away.
Not Such Fun as it Seemed
ISNT it fun, Dolly? asked Eric, as he and his little sister ran along the sea front as fast as their sturdy legs could carry them.
Eric was the jolliest little boy imaginable, but, unfortunately, a little bit too fond of mischief, and Dolly was generally only too eager to join in her brothers pranks.
Just now they were running away from nurse, who was down on the sands with baby. They waited until her head was turned away, then off they ran.
Well go out to the rocks and play at being shipwrecked sailors, Eric went on. Ive got some biscuits in my pocket, and Ill dole them out, piece by piece, and pretend we shant have any more food unless a boat takes us off.
Poor Eric! his play very soon became earnest, for he and Dolly waded out to a big rock in a very lonely part of the coast, and so interested were they in their game that they never noticed the tide coming in until it had surrounded them, and there was no getting back.