Морган Райс - A Song for Orphans стр 2.


The smithy wasnt there, and neither was Will. Instead, she and Siobhan now stood by the fountain of Siobhans home, the waters running pure for once rather than the stone of it being dry and filled with leaves. Kate knew it had to be an illusion, but when Siobhan stepped up into it, it seemed solid enough. It even dampened the hem of her dress.

Why so frightened, Kate? she asked. Im only asking you for a favor. Are you afraid that Ill send you to Morgassa to hunt for a rocs egg on the salt plains, or to fight some would-be summoners creatures in the Far Colonies? Id have thought youd enjoy that kind of thing.

Which is why you wont do it, Kate guessed.

Siobhan quirked a smile at that. You think Im cruel, dont you? That I act for no reason? The wind can be cruel if you are standing in it with no coat, and you could no more fathom its reasons than well, anything I say you cannot do you will take as a challenge, so lets not.

Youre not the wind, Kate pointed out. The wind cant think, cant feel, cant know wrong from right.

Oh, is that it? Siobhan said. She sat on the edge of her fountain now. Still, Kate had the impression that if she tried to do the same, she would fall through it and tumble to the grass around Thomass forge. You think Im evil?

Kate didnt want to agree with it, but she couldnt think of a way to disagree without lying. Siobhan might not be able to reach the corners of Kates mind, any more than Kates powers could touch Siobhan, but she suspected that the other woman would know if she lied now. She kept silent instead.

The nuns of your Masked Goddess would have called it evil when you slaughtered them, Siobhan pointed out. The men of the New Army you butchered would have called you an evil thing, and worse. Im sure there are a thousand men on Ashtons streets right now who would call you evil, just for being able to read the minds of others.

Are you trying to tell me that youre good, then? Kate countered.

Siobhan shrugged at that. Im trying to tell you the favor you must do. The necessary thing. Because that is what life is, Kate. A succession of necessary things. Do you know the curse of power?

This sounded a lot like one of Siobhans lessons. The best Kate could say for it was that at least she wasnt being stabbed in this one.

No, Kate said. I dont know the curse of power.

Its simple, Siobhan said. If you have power, then everything you do will affect the world. If you have power and you can see what is coming, then even choosing not to act remains a choice. You are responsible for the world just by being in it, and I have been in it a very long time.

How long? Kate asked.

Siobhan shook her head. That is the kind of question whose answer has a price, and you still havent paid the price for your training, apprentice.

This favor of yours, Kate said. She was still dreading it, and nothing Siobhan had said made it easier.

Its a simple enough thing, Siobhan said. There is someone who must die.

She made it sound as bland as if she were ordering Kate to sweep a floor or fetch water for a bath. She swept a hand around, and the water of the fountain shimmered, showing a young woman walking through a garden. She wore rich fabrics, but none of the insignia of a noble house. A merchants wife or daughter, then? Someone who had made money another way? She was pleasant looking enough, with a smile at some unheard joke that seemed to take joy in the world.

Who is this? Kate asked.

Her name is Gertrude Illiard, Siobhan said. She lives in Ashton, in the family compound of her father, the merchant Savis Illiard.

Kate waited for more than that, but there was nothing. Siobhan gave no explanation, no hint as to why this young woman had to die.

Has she committed some crime? Kate asked. Done some terrible thing?

Siobhan raised an eyebrow. Do you need to know such a thing to be able to kill? I do not believe that you do.

Kate could feel her anger rising at that. How dare Siobhan ask her to do a thing like this? How dare she demand that Kate cover her hands in blood without the slightest reason or explanation?

Im not just some killer to send where you want, Kate said.

Really? Siobhan stood, pushing off from the lip of the fountain in a movement that was strangely childlike, as if stepping off of a swing, or leaping from the edge of a cart like an urchin who had stolen a ride through the city. You have killed plenty of times before.

Thats different, Kate insisted.

Every moment of life is a thing of unique beauty, Siobhan agreed. But then, every moment is a dull thing, the same as all the others too. You have killed plenty of people, Kate. How is this one so different?

They deserved it, Kate said.

Oh, they deserved it, Siobhan said, and Kate could hear the mockery in her voice even if the shields the other woman always kept in place meant that Kate couldnt see any of the thoughts behind all this. The nuns deserved it for all they did to you, and the slaver for what he did to your sister?

Yes, Kate said. She was certain of that, at least.

And the boy you killed on the road for daring to come after you? Siobhan continued. Kate found herself wondering exactly how much the other woman knew. And the soldiers on the beach for how did you justify that one, Kate? Was it because they were invading your home, or was it just that your orders had taken you there, and once the fight starts, there isnt time to ask why?

Kate took a step back from Siobhan, mostly because if Kate hit her, she suspected that there would be consequences that would be too much to deal with.

Even now, Siobhan said, I suspect I could put a dozen men or women in front of you through whom you would put a blade willingly. I could find you foe after foe, and you would cut them down. Yet this is different?

Shes innocent, Kate said.

As far as you know, Siobhan replied. Or perhaps I simply havent told you all the countless deaths she is responsible for. All the misery. Kate blinked, and she was standing on the other side of the fountain. Or perhaps I simply havent told you all the good she has done, all the lives she has saved.

You arent going to tell me which it is, are you? Kate asked.

I have given you a task, Siobhan said. I expect you to perform it. Your questions and qualms do not come into it. This is about the loyalty an apprentice owes her teacher.

So she wanted to know if Kate would kill just because she had commanded it.

You could kill this woman yourself, couldnt you? Kate guessed. Ive seen what you can do, appearing out of nowhere like this. Killing one person, you have the powers to do it.

And whos to say Im not doing it? Siobhan asked. Perhaps the easiest way for me to do this is to send my apprentice.

Or perhaps you just want to see what Ill do, Kate guessed. This is some kind of test.

Everything is a test, dear, Siobhan said. Havent you worked that part out by now? You will do this.

What would happen when she did? Would Siobhan even really allow her to kill some stranger? Perhaps that was the game she was playing. Perhaps she intended to allow Kate to go all the way to the edge of murder and then stop her test. Kate hoped that was true, but even so, she didnt like being told what to do like this.

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