An American Tragedy III - Теодор Драйзер

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Theodore Dreiser

An American Tragedy III

© T8RUGRAM, 2018

© Original, 2018

Chapter 1

Cataraqui County extending from the northernmost line of the village known as Three Mile Bay on the south to the Canadian border, on the north a distance of fifty miles. And from Senaschet and Indian Lakes on the east to the Rock and Scarf Rivers on the west a width of thirty miles. Its greater portion covered by uninhabited forests and lakes, yet dotted here and there with such villages and hamlets as Koontz, Grass Lake, North Wallace, Brown Lake, with Bridgeburg, the county seat, numbering no less than two thousand souls of the fifteen thousand in the entire county. And the central square of the town occupied by the old and yet not ungraceful county courthouse, a cupola with a clock and some pigeons surmounting it, the four principal business streets of the small town facing it.

In the office of the County Coroner in the northeast corner of the building on Friday, July ninth, one Fred Heit, coroner, a large and broad-shouldered individual with a set of gray-brown whiskers such as might have graced a Mormon elder. His face was large and his hands and his feet also. And his girth was proportionate.

At the time that this presentation begins, about two-thirty in the afternoon, he was lethargically turning the leaves of a mail-order catalogue for which his wife had asked him to write. And while deciphering from its pages the price of shoes, jackets, hats, and caps for his five omnivorous children, a greatcoat for himself of soothing proportions, high collar, broad belt, large, impressive buttons chancing to take his eye, he had paused to consider regretfully that the family budget of three thousand dollars a year would never permit of so great luxury this coming winter, particularly since his wife, Ella, had had her mind upon a fur coat for at least three winters past.

However his thoughts might have eventuated on this occasion, they were interrupted by the whirr of a telephone bell.

Yes, this is Mr. Heit speaking Wallace Upham of Big Bittern. Why, yes, go on, Wallace young couple drowned all right, just wait a minute

He turned to the politically active youth who drew a salary from the county under the listing of secretary to the coroner Get these points, Earl. Then into the telephone: All right, Wallace, now give me all the facts everything yes. The body of the wife found but not that of the husband yes a boat upset on the south shore yes straw hat without any lining yes some marks about her mouth and eye her coat and hat at the inn yes a letter in one of the pockets of the coat addressed to who? Mrs. Titus Alden, Biltz, Mimico County yes still dragging for the mans body, are they? yes no trace of him yet I see. All right, Wallace Well Ill tell you, Wallace, have them leave the coat and hat just where they are. Let me see its two-thirty now. Ill be up on the four oclock. The bus from the inn there meets that, doesnt it? Well, Ill be over on that, sure And, Wallace, I wish youd write down the names of all present who saw the body brought up. What was that? eighteen feet of water at least? yes a veil caught in one of the rowlocks yes a brown veil yes sure, thats all Well, then have them leave everything just as found, Wallace, and Ill be right up. Yes, Wallace, thank you Goodbye.

Slowly Mr. Heit restored the receiver to the hook and as slowly arose from the capacious walnut-hued chair in which he sat, stroking his heavy whiskers, while he eyed Earl Newcomb, combination typist, record clerk, and what not.

You got all that down, did you, Earl?

Yes, sir.

Well, you better get your hat and coat and come along with me. Well have to catch that 3:10. You can fill in a few subpoenas on the train. I should say you better take fifteen or twenty to be on the safe side, and take the names of such witnesses as we can find on the spot. And you better call up Mrs. Heit and say taint likely Ill be home for dinner tonight or much before the down train. We may have to stay up there until tomorrow. You never can tell in these cases how theyre going to turn out and its best to be on the safe side.

Heit turned to a coat-room in one corner of the musty old room and extracted a large, soft-brimmed, straw hat, the downward curving edges of which seemed to heighten the really bland and yet ogreish effect of his protruding eyes and voluminous whiskers, and having thus equipped himself, said: Im just going in the sheriffs office a minute, Earl. Youd better call up the Republican and the Democrat and tell em about this, so they wont think were slightin em. Then Ill meet you down at the station. And he lumbered out.

And Earl Newcomb, a tall, slender, shock-headed young man of perhaps nineteen, and of a very serious, if at times befuddled, manner, at once seized a sheaf of subpoenas, and while stuffing these in his pocket, sought to get Mrs. Heit on the telephone. And then, after explaining to the newspapers about a reported double drowning at Big Bittern, he seized his own blue-banded straw hat, some two sizes too large for him, and hurried down the hall, only to encounter, opposite the wide-open office door of the district attorney, Zillah Saunders, spinster and solitary stenographer to the locally somewhat famous and mercurial Orville W. Mason, district attorney. She was on her way to the auditors office, but being struck by the preoccupation and haste of Mr. Newcomb, usually so much more deliberate, she now called: Hello, Earl. Whats the rush? Where you going so fast?

Double drowning up at Big Bittern, we hear. Maybe something worse. Mr. Heits going up and Im going along. We have to make that 3:10.

Who said so? Is it anyone from here?

Dont know yet, but dont think so. There was a letter in the girls pocket addressed to some one in Biltz, Mimico County, a Mrs. Alden. Ill tell you when we get back or Ill telephone you.

My goodness, if its a crime, Mr. Masonll be interested, wont he?

Sure, Ill telephone him, or Mr. Heit will. If you see Bud Parker or Karel Badnell, tell em I had to go out of town, and call up my mother for me, will you, Zillah, and tell her, too. Im afraid I wont have time.

Sure I will, Earl.


And, highly interested by this latest development in the ordinary humdrum life of his chief, he skipped gayly and even eagerly down the south steps of the Cataraqui County Courthouse, while Miss Saunders, knowing that her own chief was off on some business connected with the approaching County Republican Convention, and there being no one else in his office with whom she could communicate at this time, went on to the auditors office, where it was possible to retail to any who might be assembled there, all that she had gathered concerning this seemingly important lake tragedy.

Chapter 2

The information obtained by Coroner Heit and his assistant was of a singular and disturbing character. In the first instance, because of the disappearance of a boat and an apparently happy and attractive couple bent on sight-seeing, an early morning search, instigated by the inn-keeper of this region, had revealed, in Moon Cove, the presence of the overturned canoe, also the hat and veil. And immediately such available employees, as well as guides and guests of the Inn, as could be impressed, had begun diving into the waters or by means of long poles equipped with hooks attempting to bring one or both bodies to the surface. The fact, as reported by Sim Shoop, the guide, as well as the innkeeper and the boathouse lessee, that the lost girl was both young and attractive and her companion seemingly a youth of some means, was sufficient to whet the interest of this lake group of woodsmen and inn employees to a point which verged on sorrow. And in addition, there was intense curiosity as to how, on so fair and windless a day, so strange an accident could have occurred.

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