She was young enough to be fascinated, child enough to feel the little lump in her throat rising. She knew he was poor; her sisters had told her that; but she had supposed it to be only comparative povertyjust as her cousins, for instance, had scarcely enough to keep more than two horses in town and only one motor. But wantactual needshe had never dreamed of in his caseshe could scarcely understand it even nowhe was so well groomed, so attractive, fairly radiating good breeding and the easy financial atmosphere she was accustomed to.
"So you see," he continued gayly, "if you complain to the owners about green mice, why, I shall have to leave, and, as a matter of fact, I haven't enough money to go anywhere except" he laughed.
"Where?" she managed to say.
"The Park. I was joking, of course," he hastened to add, for she had turned rather white.
"No," she said, "you were not joking." And as he made no reply: "Of course, I shall not writenow. I had rather my studio were overrun with multicolored mice" She stopped with something almost like a sob. He smiled, thinking she was laughing.
But oh, the blow for her! In her youthful enthusiasm she had always, from the first time they had encountered one another, been sensitively aware of this tall, clean-cut, attractive young fellow. And by and by she learned his name and asked her sisters about him, and when she heard of his recent ruin and withdrawal from the gatherings of his kind her youth flushed to its romantic roots, warming all within her toward this splendid and radiant young man who lived so nobly, so proudly aloof. And thenmiracle of Manhattan!he had proved his courage before her dazed eyesrising suddenly out of the very earth to save her from a fate which her eager desire painted blacker every time she embellished the incident. And she decorated the memory of it every day.
And now! Here, beside her, was this prince among men, her champion, beaten to his ornamental knees by Fate, and contemplating a miserable, uncertain career to keep his godlike body from actual starvation. And sheshe with more money than even she knew what to do with, powerless to aid him, prevented from flinging open her check book and bidding him to write and write till he could write no more.
A memorya thought crept in. Where had she heard his name connected with her father's name? In Ophir Steel? Certainly; and was it not this young man's father who had laid the foundation for her father's fortune? She had heard some such thing, somewhere.
He said: "I had no idea of boring anybodyyou least of allwith my woes. Indeed, I haven't any sorrows now, because to-day I received my first encouragement; and no doubt I'll be a huge success. OnlyI thought it best to make it clear why it would do me considerable damage just now if you should write."
"Tell me," she said tremulously, "is there anythinganything I can do toto balance the deep debt of gratitude I owe you"
"What debt?" he asked, astonished. "Oh! that? Why, that is no debt except that I was happyperfectly and serenely happy to have had that chance toto hear your voice"
"You were brave," she said hastily. "You may make as light of it as you please, but I know."
"So do I," he laughed, enchanted with the rising color in her cheeks.
"No, you don't; you don't know how I felthow afraid I was to show how deeplydeeply I felt. I felt it so deeply that I did not even tell my sisters," she added naively.
"Your sisters?"
"Yes; you know them." And as he remained silent she said: "Do you not know who I am? Do you not even know my name?"
He shook his head, laughing.
"I'd have given all I had to know; but, of course, I could not ask the servants!"
Surprise, disappointment, hurt pride that he had had no desire to know gave quick place to a comprehension that set a little thrill tingling her from head to foot. His restraint was the nicest homage ever rendered her; she saw that instantly; and the straight look she gave him out of her clear eyes took his breath away for a second.
"Do you remember Sacharissa?" she asked.
"I docertainly! I always thought"
"What?" she said, smiling.
He muttered something about eyes and white skin and a trick of the heavy lids.
She was perfectly at ease now; she leaned back in her chair, studying him calmly.
"Suppose," she said, "people could see me here now."
"It would end your artistic career," he replied, laughing; "and fancy! I took you for the sort that painted for a bare existence!"
"And II took you for"
"Something very different than what I am."
"In one waynot in others."
"Oh! I look the mountebank?"
"I shall not explain what I mean," she said with heightened color, and rose from her chair. "As there are no more green mice to peep out at me from behind my easel," she added, "I can have no excuse from abandoning art any longer. Can I?"
The trailing sweetness of the inquiry was scarcely a challenge, yet he dared take it up.
"You asked me," he said, "whether you could do anything for me."
"Can I?" she exclaimed.
"I willI am gladtell me what to do?"
"Why, it's only this. I've got to go before an audience of two hundred people and do things. I've had practice here by myself, butbut if you don't mind I should like to try it before somebodyyou. Do you mind?"
She stood there, slim, blue-eyed, reflecting; then innocently: "If I've compromised myself the damage was done long ago, wasn't it? They're going to take away my studio anyhow, so I might as well have as much pleasure as I can."
And she sat down, gracefully, linking her white fingers over her knees.
A Chapter Devoted to the Proposition that All Mankind Are Born of WomanHe began by suddenly filling the air with canary birds; they flew and chirped and fluttered about her head, until, bewildered, she shrank back, almost frightened at the golden hurricane.
To reassure her he began doing incredible things with the big silver hoops, forming chains and linked figures under her amazed eyes, although each hoop seemed solid and without a break in its polished circumference. Then, one by one, he tossed the rings up and they vanished in mid-air before her very eyes.
"How did you do that?" she cried, enchanted.
He laughed and produced the big, white Persian cats, changed them into kittens, then into birds and butterflies, and finally into a bowl full of big, staring goldfish. Then he picked up a ladle, dipped out the fish, carefully fried them over an electric lamp, dumped them from the smoking frying pan back into the water, where they quietly swam off again, goggling their eyes in astonishment.
"That," said the girl, excitedly, "is miraculous!"
"Isn't it?" he said, delighted as a boy at her praise. "What card will you choose?"
And he handed her a pack.
"The ace of hearts, if you please."
"Draw it from the pack."
"Any card?" she inquired. "Oh! how on earth did you make me draw the ace of hearts?"
"Hold it tightly," he warned her.
She clutched it in her pretty fingers.
"Are you sure you hold it?" he asked.
She looked and found that it was the queen of diamonds she held so tightly; but, looking again to reassure herself, she was astonished to find that the card was the jack of clubs. "Tear it up," he said. She tore it into small pieces.
"Throw them into the air!"
She obeyed, and almost cried out to see them take fire in mid-air and float away in ashy flakes.
Face flushed, eyes brilliant, she turned to him, hanging on his every movement, every expression.