The opportunity was not a good one, nevertheless the energetic fellow managed to whisper, The ropes cut! Lie still! in the very act of falling.
Well done, Paddy, exclaimed several of the laughing men, as Flinders rose with a pretended look of discomfiture, and went towards the fire, exclaiming
Niver mind, boys, Ill have me supper now. Hi! whos bin an stole it whin I was out on dooty? Oh! here it is all right. Now then, go to work, an whin the pipes is lighted Ill maybe sing ye a song, or tell ye a story about ould Ireland.
Chapter Three
Obedient to orders, Tom Brixton lay perfectly still on his back, just where he had fallen, wondering much whether the cord was really cut, for he did not feel much relaxation of it or abatement of the pain. He resolved, at any rate, to give no further cause for rough treatment, but to await the issue of events as patiently as he could.
True to his promise, the Irishman after supper sang several songs, which, if not characterised by sweetness of tone, were delivered with a degree of vigour that seemed to make full amends in the estimation of his hearers. After that he told a thrilling ghost story, which drew the entire band of men round him. Paddy had a natural gift in the way of relating ghost stories, for, besides the power of rapid and sustained discourse, without hesitation or redundancy of words, he possessed a vivid imagination, a rich fancy, a deep bass voice, an expressive countenance, and a pair of large coal-black eyes, which, as one of the Yankee diggers said, would sartinly bore two holes in a blanket if he only looked at it long enough.
We do not intend to inflict that ghost story on the reader. It is sufficient to say that Paddy began it by exclaiming in a loud voiceNow or niver, boysnow or niver. Thats what the ghost said.
Whats that you say, Paddy? asked Gashford, leaving his own separate and private fire, which he enjoyed with one or two chosen comrades, and approaching that round which the great body of the diggers were already assembled.
I was just goin to tell the boys, sor, a bit of a ghost story.
Well, go on, lad, Id like to hear it, too.
Now or niver! repeated the Irishman, with such startling emphasis that even Tom Brixton, lying bound as he was under the shelter of a spreading tree at some distance from the fire, had his curiosity aroused. Thats what the ghost said, under somewhat pecooliar circumstances; an he said it twice so that there might be no mistake at all about it. Now or niver! now or niver! says he, an he said it earnestly
I didnt know that ghosts could speak, interrupted Crossby, who, when not in a bad humour, was rather fond of thrusting bad jokes and blunt witticisms on his comrades.
Sure, Im not surprised at that for theres many things ye dont know, Crossby; besides, no ghost with the smallest taste of propriety about it would condescind to spake wid you. Well, boys, thats what the ghost said in a muffled vicetheir vices are muffled, you know, an their virtues too, for all I know to the contrairy. Its a good sentiment is that Now or niver for every wan of yeso ye may putt it in yer pipes an smoke it, an those of ye who havent got pipes can make a quid of it an chaw it, or subject it to meditation. Now or niver! Think o that! You see Im partikler about it, for the whole story turns on that pint, as the ghosts life depended on it, but yell see an onderstan better whin I come to the end o the story.
Paddy said this so earnestly that it had the double effect of chaining the attention of his hearers and sending a flash of light into Tom Brixtons brain.
Now or never! he muttered to himself, and turned gently on his side so as to be able to feel the cord that bound his wrists. It was still tight, but, by moving his fingers, he could feel that one of its coils had really been cut, and that with a little patience and exertion he might possibly free his hands.
Slight as the motion was, however, Gashford observed it, for the fire-light shone brightly on Toms recumbent figure.
Lie still, there! he cried, sternly.
Tom lay perfectly still, and the Irishman continued his story. It grew in mystery and in horror as he proceeded, and his audience became entranced, while some of the more superstitious among them cast occasional glances over their shoulders into the forest behind, which ere long was steeped in the blackness of an unusually dark night. A few of those outside the circle rose and drew nearer to the story-teller.
At that moment a gleam of light which had already entered Brixtons brain flashed into that of Fred Westly, who arose, and, under pretext of being too far off from the speaker, went round to the opposite side of the fire so as to face him. By so doing he placed himself between the fire and his friend Tom. Two or three of the others followed his example, though not from the same motive, and thus, when the fire burnt low, the prisoner found himself lying in deep shadow. By that time he had freed his benumbed hands, chafed them into a condition of vitality, and was considering whether he should endeavour to creep quietly away or spring up and make a dash for life.
Now or niver, said the ghost, in a solemn muffled vice, continued Paddy
Who did he say that to? asked Gashford, who was by that time as much fascinated as the rest of the party.
To the thief, sor, av coorse, who was standin tremblin fornint him, while the sexton was diggin the grave to putt him in alivein the dark shadow of a big tombstone.
The Irishman had now almost reached the climax of his story, and was intensely graphic in his descriptionsespecially at the horrible parts. He was obviously spinning it out, and the profound silence around told how completely he had enchained his hearers. It also warned Tom Brixton that his time was short, and that in his case it was indeed, now or never.
He crept quietly towards the bushes near him. In passing a tree against which several rifles had been placed he could not resist the temptation to take one. Laying hold of that which stood nearest, and which seemed to be similar in make to the rifle they had taken from himself when he was captured, he drew it towards him. Unfortunately it formed a prop to several other rifles, which fell with a crash, and one of them exploded in the fall.
The effect on Paddys highly-strung audience was tremendous. Many of them yelled as if they had received an electric shock. All of them sprang up and turned round just in time to see their captive vanish, not unlike a ghost, into the thick darkness!
That glance, however, was sufficient to enlighten them. With shouts of rage many of them darted after the fugitive, and followed him up like bloodhounds. Others, who had never been very anxious for his capture or death, and had been turned somewhat in his favour by the bold stand he had made against the bear, returned to the fire after a short run.
If there had been even a glimmering of light Tom would certainly have been retaken at once, for not a few of his pursuers were quite as active and hardy as himself, but the intense darkness favoured him. Fortunately the forest immediately behind him was not so dense as elsewhere, else in his first desperate rush, regardless of consequences, he would probably have dashed himself against a tree. As it was he went right through a thicket and plunged headlong into a deep hole. He scrambled out of this with the agility of a panther, just in time to escape Gashford, who chanced to plunge into the same hole, but not so lightly. Heavy though he was, however, his strength was equal to the shock, and he would have scrambled out quickly enough if Crossby had not run on the same course and tumbled on the top of him.