Robert Michael Ballantyne - The Young Trawler стр 9.


Now look ee here, young un, said the Arab, I dont know nothink about the Vest End squares, an whats more I dont want to, but I do know a lot about the East End streets, an if youll come with me, Ill

Thank ee, no, interrupted Billy, with unlooked-for decision, Ive got business to look arter at the West End.

Yell, cooriously enough, returned the Arab, Ive got business at the East End. By the vay, you dont appen to ave any brownsany coppersabout youeh?

Of course I has. You dont suppose a man goes cruisin about Lunon without any shot in the locker, do you?

To be sure not, responded the street boy; I might ave knowd that a man like you wouldnt, anyhow. Now, it so appens that Im wery much in want o change. You couldnt give me browns for a sixpence, could you?

The Arab said this so earnestlyat the same time producing a sixpence, or something that looked like one, from his pocketsthat the provincial boys rising suspicions were quite disarmed.

Let me see, he said, plunging his hand into his trousers pocketone, two, threeno, Ive only got fourpence, but

He was cut short by the Arab making a sudden grasp at the coins, which sent most of them spinning on the pavement.

Like lightning little Billy sprang forward and planted his right fist on the point of the Arabs nose with such vigour that the blow caused him to stagger backwards. Before he could recover Billy followed him up with a left-hander on the forehead and a right-hander on the chest, which last sent him over on his back. So sudden was the onset that the passers-by scarcely understood what was occurring before it was all over. A grave policeman stepped forward at the moment. The Arab rose, glided into a whirl of wheels and horses legs, and disappeared, while Billy stood still with doubled fists glaring defiance.

Now then, my boy, whats all this about? said the man in blue, placing a large hand gently on the small shoulder.

Hes bin and knocked my coppers about, said our little hero indignantly, as he looked up, but the stern yet kindly smile on the policemans face restored him, and he condescended on a fuller explanation as he proceeded to pick up his pence.

Having been cautioned about the danger of entering into conversation with strangers in Londonespecially with street boysBilly was directed to a Pimlico omnibus, and deposited not far from his destination. Inquiring his way thereafter of several policemenwho were, as he afterwards related to admiring friends, as thick in London as bloaters in Yarmouthhe found himself in front of the Dotropy residence.

Yes, my little man, said the footman who opened the door of the West End mansion, Miss Ruth is at ome, and as been expecting you. Come this way.

That footman lost ground in Billys estimation because of using the word little. If he had said my boy, it would have been all right; my man would have been gratifying; but my little man was repulsive. A smart servant girl who chanced to see him on his way to the library also caused him much pain by whispering to her fellow something about a sweet innocent-faced darling, and he put on a savage frown, as he was ushered into the room, by way of counteracting the sweet innocence. A glass opposite suddenly revealed to its owner the smooth rosy-brown visage, screwed up in a compound expression. That expression changed so swiftly to sheer surprise that a burst of involuntary laughter was the result. A deep flush, and silence, followed, as the urchin looked with some confusion round the room to see if he had been observed or overheard, and a sense of relief came as he found that he was alone. No one had seen or heard him except some of the Dotropy ancestors who had come over with the Conqueror, and who gazed sternly from the walls. For, you see, being a family of note, the dining-room could not hold all the ancestors, so that some of them had to be accommodated in the library.

That glance round had a powerful effect on the mind of the fisher-boy, so powerful indeed that all thought of self vanished, for he found himself for the first time in a room the like of which he had never seen, or heard, or dreamed of.

He knew, of course, that there were libraries in Yarmouth, and was aware that they had something to do with books, but he had never seen a collection on a large scale, and, up to that time, had no particular curiosity about books.

Indeed, if truth must be told, Billy hated books, because the only point in regard to which he and his mother had ever differed was a book! A tattered, ragged, much-soiled book it was, with big letters at the beginning, simple arrangements of letters in the middle, and maddening compounds of them towards the end. Earnestly, patiently, lovingly, yet perseveringly, had Mrs Bright tried to drill the contents of that book into Billys unwilling brain, but with little success, for, albeit a willing and obliging child, there was a limit to his powers of comprehension, and a tendency in his young mind to hold in contempt what he did not understand.

One day a somewhat pedantic visitor told Billy that he would never be a great man if he did not try to understand the book in questionto thoroughly digest it.

You hear what the gentleman says, Billy, you dirty little gurnet, said David Bright on that occasion, youve got to di-gest it, my lad, to di-gest it.

Yes, father, said Billy, with a finger in his mouth and his eyes on the visitor.

The boys mind was inquisitive and ingenious. He pestered his father, after the visitor had gone, for an explanation as to what he meant by digesting the book.

Why, sonny, returned David, knitting his brows very hard, for the question was somewhat of a puzzler, he means that youve got to stow away in your brain the knowledge thats in the book, an work away at itdi-gest it, dee seesame as you stow grub into yer stummick an digest that.

Billy pondered this a long time till a happy thought occurred to him.

Ill digest it, said he, slapping his thigh one day when he was left alone in the house. Well all di-gest it together!

He jumped up, took the lid off a pot of pea-soup that was boiling on the fire, and dropped the hated book into it.

Whats this i the soup, Nell? said David that day at dinner, as he fished a mass of curious substance out of the pot. Many a queer thing have I fished up i the trawl from the bottom o the North Sea, but neer afore did I make such a haul as this in a pot o pea-soup. What ist?

Why, David, replied the wife, examining the substance with a puzzled expression, I do believe its the primer!

They both turned their eyes inquiringly on the boy, who sat gravely watching them.

All right, father, he said, I put im in. Were a-goin to di-gest it, you know.

Dirty boy! exclaimed his mother, flinging the remains of the boiled book under the grate. Youve ruined the soup.

Never a bit, Nell, said the skipper, who was in no wise particular as to his food, clean paper an print cant do no damage to the soup. An after all, I dont see why a man shouldnt take in knowledge as well through the stummick as through the brain. It dont matter a rokers tail whether you ship cargo through the main-hatch or through the fore-hatch, so long as it gits inside somehow. Come, lets have a bowl of it. I never was good at letters myself, an Ill be bound to say that Billy and I will di-gest the book better this way than the right way.

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