Friend, it did not occur to me before, but the men we are about to fight with will recognise me again if we should ever chance to meet; could I not manage to disguise myself in some way?
If you get shut, replied his companion in the same low tone, it wont matter much; but see hereshut your eyes.
Without further remark the man took a handful of wet earth and smeared it over Olivers face, then, clapping his own sou-wester on his head, he said, with a soft chuckle, There, your own mother wouldnt knaw ee!
Just then footsteps were heard approaching, and the shadow of a man was seen to rest for a moment on the gravel without. The mouth of the cave was so well hidden, however, that he failed to observe it, and passed on, followed by several of his comrades. Suddenly one of them stopped and said
Hold on, lads, it cant be far off, Im sartin sure; I seed em disappear hereabouts.
Youre right, cried Jim Cuttance, with a fierce roar, as he rushed from the cavern and fired full at the man who had spoken. The others followed, and a volley of shots succeeded, while shouts of defiance and anger burst forth on all sides. Oliver sprang out at the same moment with the leader, and rushed on one of the boats crew with such violence that his foot slipped on a piece of seaweed and precipitated him to the ground at the mans feet; the other, having sprung forward to meet him was unable to check himself, tripped over his shoulders, and fell on the top of him. The man named Maggot, having been in full career close behind Oliver, tumbled over both, followed by another man named John Cock. The others, observing them down, rushed with a shout to the rescue, just as Oliver, making a superhuman effort, flung the two men off his back and leaped to his feet. Maggot and the boatman also sprang up, and the latter turned and made for the boat at full speed, seeing that his comrades, overcome by the suddenness of the onset, were in retreat, fighting as they went.
All of them succeeded in getting into the boat unharmed, and were in the act of pushing off, when Jim Cuttance, burning with indignation, leaped into the water, grasped the bow of the boat, and was about to plunge his cutlass into the back of the man nearest him, when he was seized by a strong hand from behind and held back. Next moment the boat was beyond his reach.
Turning round fiercely, the man saw that it was Oliver Trembath who had interfered. He uttered a terrible oath, and sprang on him like a tiger; Oliver stood firm, parried with the piece of driftwood the savage cut which was made at his head, and with his clenched left hand hit his opponent such a blow on the chest as laid him flat on the sand. The man sprang up in an instant, but instead of renewing the attack, to Olivers surprise he came forward and held out his hand, which the youth was not unwilling to grasp.
Thank ee, sur, he said, somewhat sternly, youve done me a sarvice; youve prevented me committin two murders, an taught me a lesson I never knawd aforethat Jim Cuttance ant invulnerable. I dont mind the blow, surnot I. It wor govn in feer fight, an I was wrang.
Im glad to find that you view the matter in that light, said Oliver with a smile, and, truly, the blow was given in self-defence by one who will never forget that he owes you his life.
A groan here turned the attention of the party to one of their number who had seated himself on a rock during the foregoing dialogue.
What! not hurt, are ee, Dan? said his leader, going towards him.
To this Dan replied with another groan, and placed his hand on his hip.
His comrades crowded round him, and, finding that he was wounded and suffering great pain, raised him in their arms and bore him into the cavern, where they laid him on the ground, and, lighting a candle, proceeded to examine him.
You had better let me look at him, lads, said Oliver, pushing the men gently aside, I am a surgeon.
They gave place at once, and Oliver soon found that the man had received a pistol-ball in his thigh. Fortunately it had been turned aside in its course, and lay only a little way beneath the skin, so that it was easily extracted by means of a penknife.
Now, friends, said Oliver, after completing the dressing of the wound, before I met with you I had missed my way while travelling to St. Just. Will one of you direct me to the right road, and I shall bid you good-night, as I think you have no further need of my services.
The men looked at their leader, whom they evidently expected to be their spokesman.
Well, sur, you have rendered we some help this hevenin, both in the way o pickin out the ball an helpin to break skulls as well as preventin worse, so we can do no less than show ee the road; but hark ee, sur, here the man became very impressive, ef you do chance to come across any of us in your travels, you had better not knaw us, xcept in an ornary way, dye understand? an us will do the same by thee.
Of course I will act as you wish, said Oliver with a smile, although I do not see why we should be ashamed of this affair, seeing that we were the party attacked. There is only one person to whom I would wish to explain the reason of my not appearing sooner, because he will probably know of the arrival in Penzance this morning of the conveyance that brought me to Cornwall.
And who may that be? demanded Jim Cuttance.
My uncle, Thomas Donnithorne of St. Just, said Oliver.
Whew! whistled the fisherman in surprise, while all the others burst into a hearty fit of laughter.
Why do you laugh? asked Oliver.
Oh, never mind, sur, its all right, said the man with a chuckle. Iss, you may tell Thomas Donnithorne; there wont be no harm in tellin heoh, dear no!
Again the men laughed loud and long, and Oliver felt his powers of forbearance giving way, when Cuttance said to him: An you may tell all his friends too, for theyre the right sort. Come now, Maggot here will show ee the way up to St. Just.
So saying, the stout fisherman conducted the young surgeon to the mouth of the cavern, and shaking hands with him left him to the guidance of the man named Maggot, who led him through several lanes, until he reached the highroad between Sennen church-town and St. Just. Here he paused; told his companion to proceed straight on for about four miles or so, when he would reach the town, and bade him good-night.
And mind ee, dont go off the road, sur, shouted Maggot, a few seconds after the young man had left him, if ee dont want to fall down a shaft and scat your skull.
Oliver, not having any desire to scat his skull, whatever that might be, assured the man that he would keep to the road carefully.
The moon shone clear in a cloudless sky, covering the wide moor and the broad Atlantic with a flood of silver light, and rendering the road quite distinct, so that our traveller experienced no further difficulty in pursuing his way. He hurried forward at a rapid pace, yet could not resist the temptation to pause frequently and gaze in admiration on the scene of desolate grandeur around him. On such occasions he found it difficult to believe that the stirring events of the last few hours were real. Indeed, if it had not been that there were certain uneasy portions of his framethe result of his recent encounter on the beachwhich afforded constant and convincing evidence that he was awake, he would have been tempted to believe that the adventures of that day were nothing more than a vivid dream.