Thomas Aldrich - An Old Town By the Sea


Thomas Bailey Aldrich

An Old Town By the Sea

                         PISCATAQUA RIVER

                         Thou singest by the gleaming isles,
                         By woods, and fields of corn,
                         Thou singest, and the sunlight smiles
                         Upon my birthday morn.

                         But I within a city, I,
                         So full of vague unrest,
                         Would almost give my life to lie
                         An hour upon upon thy breast.

                         To let the wherry listless go,
                         And, wrapt in dreamy joy,
                         Dip, and surge idly to and fro,
                         Like the red harbor-buoy;

                         To sit in happy indolence,
                         To rest upon the oars,
                         And catch the heavy earthy scents
                         That blow from summer shores;

                         To see the rounded sun go down,
                         And with its parting fires
                         Light up the windows of the town
                         And burn the tapering spires;

                         And then to hear the muffled tolls
                         From steeples slim and white,
                         And watch, among the Isles of Shoals,
                         The Beacons orange light.

                         O River! flowing to the main
                         Through woods, and fields of corn,
                         Hear thou my longing and my pain
                         This sunny birthday morn;

                         And take this song which fancy shapes
                         To music like thine own,
                         And sing it to the cliffs and capes
                         And crags where I am known!


I CALL it an old town, but it is only relatively old. When one reflects on the countless centuries that have gone to the for-mation of this crust of earth on which we temporarily move, the most ancient cities on its surface seem merely things of the week before last. It was only the other day, thenthat is to say, in the month of June, 1603that one Martin Pring, in the ship Speedwell, an enormous ship of nearly fifty tons burden, from Bristol, England, sailed up the Piscataqua River. The Speedwell, numbering thirty men, officers and crew, had for consort the Discoverer, of twenty-six tons and thirteen men. After following the windings of the brave river for twelve miles or more, the two vessels turned back and put to sea again, having failed in the chief object of the expedition, which was to obtain a cargo of the medicinal sassafras-tree, from the bark of which, as well known to our ancestors, could be distilled the Elixir of Life.

It was at some point on the left bank of the Piscataqua, three or four miles from the mouth of the river, that worthy Master Pring probably effected one of his several landings. The beautiful stream widens suddenly at this place, and the green banks, then covered with a network of strawberry vines, and sloping invitingly to the lip of the crystal water, must have won the tired mariners.

The explorers found themselves on the edge of a vast forest of oak, hemlock, maple, and pine; but they saw no sassafras-trees to speak of, nor did they encounterwhat would have been infinitely less to their tasteand red-men. Here and there were discoverable the scattered ashes of fires where the Indians had encamped earlier in the spring; they were absent now, at the silvery falls, higher up the stream, where fish abounded at that season. The soft June breeze, laden with the delicate breath of wild-flowers and the pungent odors of spruce and pine, ruffled the duplicate sky in the water; the new leaves lisped pleasantly in the tree tops, and the birds were singing as if they had gone mad. No ruder sound or movement of life disturbed the primeval solitude. Master Pring would scarcely recognize the spot were he to land there to-day.

Eleven years afterwards a much cleverer man than the commander of the Speedwell dropped anchor in the PiscataquaCaptain John Smith of famous memory. After slaying Turks in hand-to-hand combats, and doing all sorts of doughty deeds wherever he chanced to decorate the globe with his presence, he had come with two vessels to the fisheries on the rocky selvage of Maine, when curiosity, or perhaps a deeper motive, led him to examine the neighboring shore lines. With eight of his men in a small boat, a ships yawl, he skirted the coast from Penobscot Bay to Cape Cod, keeping his eye open. This keeping his eye open was a peculiarity of the little captain; possibly a family trait. It was Smith who really discovered the Isles of Shoals, exploring in person those masses of bleached rockthose isles assez hautes, of which the French navigator Pierre de Guast, Sieur de Monts, had caught a birds-eye glimpse through the twilight in 1605. Captain Smith christened the group Smiths Isles, a title which posterity, with singular persistence of ingratitude, has ignored. It was a tardy sense of justice that expressed itself a few years ago in erecting on Star Island a simple marble shaft to the memory of JOHN SMITHthe multitudinous! Perhaps this long delay is explained by a natural hesitation to label a monument so ambiguously.

The modern Jason, meanwhile, was not without honor in his own country, whatever may have happened to him in his own house, for the poet George Wither addressed a copy of pompous verses To his Friend Captain Smith, upon his Description of New England. Sir, he says

     Sir: your Relations I haue read: which shew
     Thers reason I should honor them and you:
     And if their meaning I have vnderstood,
     I dare to censure thus: Your Projects good;
     And may (if followd) doubtlesse quit the paine
     With honour, pleasure and a trebble gaine;
     Beside the benefit that shall arise
     To make more happy our Posterities.

The earliest map of this portion of our seaboard was prepared by Smith and laid before Prince Charles, who asked to give the country a name. He christened it New England. In that remarkable map the site of Portsmouth is call Hull, and Kittery and York are known as Boston.

It was doubtless owing to Captain John Smiths representation on his return to England that the Laconia Company selected the banks of the Piscataqua for their plantation. Smith was on an intimate footing with Sir Ferinand Gorges, who, five years subsequently, made a tour of inspection along the New England coast, in company with John Mason, then Governor of Newfoundland. One of the results of this summer cruise is the town of Portsmouth, among whose leafy ways, and into some of whose old-fashioned houses, I purpose to take the reader, if he have an idle hour on his hands. Should we meet the flitting ghost of some old-time worthy, on the staircase or at a lonely street corner, the reader must be prepared for it.

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