He was late home that evening. But this was vacation,the district school was closed, and but for the household chores, which occupied his early mornings, each long summer day was a holiday. So two or three passed; and then one morning, on his going to the post-office, the postmaster threw down upon the counter a real and rather bulky letter, duly stamped, and addressed to Mr. Leonidas Boone! Leonidas was too discreet to open it before witnesses, but in the solitude of the trail home broke the seal. It contained another letter with no addressclearly the one SHE expectedand, more marvelous still, a sheaf of trout-hooks, with delicate gut-snells such as Leonidas had only dared to dream of. The letter to himself was written in a clear, distinct hand, and ran as follows:
DEAR LEE,How are you getting on on old Casket Ridge? It seems a coons age since you and me was together, and times I get to think I must just run up and see you! Were having bully times in Frisco, you bet! though there aint anything wild worth shucks to go to seecept the sea lions at the Cliff House. Theyre just stunningbig as a grizzly, and biggerclimbing over a big rock or swimming in the sea like an otter or muskrat. Im sending you some snells and hooks, such as you cant get at Casket. Use the fine ones for pot-holes and the bigger ones for running water or falls. Let me know when youve got em. Write to Lock Box No. 1290. Thats where dads letters come. So no more at present.
From yours truly,JIM BELCHER.Not only did Leonidas know that this was not from the real Jim, but he felt the vague contact of a new, charming, and original personality that fascinated him. Of course, it was only natural that one of HER friendsas he must beshould be equally delightful. There was no jealousy in Leonidass devotion; he knew only a joy in this fellowship of admiration for her which he was satisfied that the other boy must feel. And only the right kind of boy could know the importance of his ravishing gift, and this Jim was evidently no slouch! Yet, in Leonidass new joy he did not forget HER! He ran back to the stockade fence and lounged upon the road in view of the house, but she did not appear.
Leonidas lingered on the top of the hill, ostentatiously examining a young hickory for a green switch, but to no effect. Then it suddenly occurred to him that she might be staying in purposely, and, perhaps a little piqued by her indifference, he ran off. There was a mountain stream hard by, now dwindled in the summer drouth to a mere trickling thread among the boulders, and there was a certain pot-hole that he had long known. It was the lurking-place of a phenomenal trout,an almost historic fish in the district, which had long resisted the attempt of such rude sportsmen as miners, or even experts like himself. Few had seen it, except as a vague, shadowy bulk in the four feet of depth and gloom in which it hid; only once had Leonidass quick eye feasted on its fair proportions. On that memorable occasion Leonidas, having exhausted every kind of lure of painted fly and living bait, was rising from his knees behind the bank, when a pink five-cent stamp dislodged from his pocket fluttered in the air, and descended slowly upon the still pool. Horrified at his loss, Leonidas leaned over to recover it, when there was a flash like lightning in the black depths, a dozen changes of light and shadow on the surface, a little whirling wave splashing against the side of the rock, and the postage stamp was gone. More than thatfor one instant the trout remained visible, stationary and expectant! Whether it was the instinct of sport, or whether the fish had detected a new, subtle, and original flavor in the gum and paper, Leonidas never knew. Alas! he had not another stamp; he was obliged to leave the fish, but carried a brilliant idea away with him. Ever since then he had cherished itand another extra stamp in his pocket. And now, with this strong but gossamer-like snell, this new hook, and this freshly cut hickory rod, he would make the trial!
But fate was against him! He had scarcely descended the narrow trail to the pine-fringed margin of the stream before his quick ear detected an unusual rustling through the adjacent underbrush, and then a voice that startled him! It was HERS! In an instant all thought of sport had fled. With a beating heart, half opened lips, and uplifted lashes, Leonidas awaited the coming of his divinity like a timorous virgin at her first tryst.
But Mrs. Burroughs was clearly not in an equally responsive mood. With her fair face reddened by the sun, the damp tendrils of her unwound hair clinging to her forehead, and her smart little slippers red with dust, there was also a querulous light in her eyes, and a still more querulous pinch in her nostrils, as she stood panting before him.
You tiresome boy! she gasped, holding one little hand to her side as she gripped her brambled skirt around her ankles with the other. Why didnt you wait? Why did you make me run all this distance after you?
Leonidas timidly and poignantly protested. He had waited before the house and on the hill; he thought she didnt want him.
Couldnt you see that THAT MAN kept me in? she went on peevishly. Havent you sense enough to know that he suspects something, and follows me everywhere, dogging my footsteps every time the post comes in, and even going to the post-office himself, to make sure that he sees all my letters? Well, she added impatiently, have you anything for me? Why dont you speak?
Crushed and remorseful, Leonidas produced her letter. She almost snatched it from his hand, opened it, read a few lines, and her face changed. A smile strayed from her eyes to her lips, and back again. Leonidass heart was lifted; she was so forgiving and so beautiful!
Is he a boy, Mrs. Burroughs? asked Leonidas shyly.
Wellnot exactly, she said, her charming face all radiant again. Hes older than you. What has he written to you?
Leonidas put his letter in her hand for reply.
I wish I could see him, you know, he said shyly. That letters bullyits just rats! I like him powful.
Mrs. Burroughs had skimmed through the letter, but not interestedly.
You mustnt like him more than you like me, she said laughingly, caressing him with her voice and eyes, and even her straying hand.
I couldnt do that! I never could like anybody as I like you, said. Leonidas gravely. There was such appalling truthfulness in the boys voice and frankly opened eyes that the woman could not evade it, and was slightly disconcerted. But she presently started up with a vexatious cry. Theres that wretch following me again, I do believe, she said, staring at the hilltop. Yes! Look, Leon, hes turning to come down this trail. Whats to be done? He mustnt see me here!
Leonidas looked. It was indeed Mr. Burroughs; but he was evidently only taking a short cut towards the Ridge, where his men were working. Leonidas had seen him take it before. But it was the principal trail on the steep hillside, and they must eventually meet. A man might evade it by scrambling through the brush to a lower and rougher trail; but a woman, never! But an idea had seized Leonidas. I can stop him, he said confidently to her. You just lie low here behind that rock till I come back. He hasnt seen you yet.
She had barely time to draw back before Leonidas darted down the trail towards her husband. Yet, in her intense curiosity, she leaned out the next moment to watch him. He paused at last, not far from the approaching figure, and seemed to kneel down on the trail. What was he doing? Her husband was still slowly advancing. Suddenly he stopped. At the same moment she heard their two voices in excited parley, and then, to her amazement, she saw her husband scramble hurriedly down the trail to the lower level, and with an occasional backward glance, hasten away until he had passed beyond her view.