Ah! then you didnt go with Bill to help clear the road? said the expressman surprisedly.
The man slowly drew up his tall, shambling figure before the fire, and then facing them, with his hands behind him, as slowly lowered himself again as if to bring his speech to the level of his hearers and give a lazier and more deliberate effect to his long-drawn utterance.
Wellno! he said slowly. IdidntgowithnoBilltohelpclearthe road! IdontreckonTO gowithnoBilltoclearANY road! Ive just whittled this thing down to a pint, and its thisI aint no stage kempanys nigger! So far as turnin out and warnin em agin goin to smash over a fallen tree, and slap down into the canyon with a passel of innercent passengers, Im that much a white man, but I aint no NIGGER to work clearing things away for em, nor I aint no scrub to work beside em. He slowly straightened himself up again, and, with his former apathetic air, looking down upon one of the women who was setting a coffee-pot on the coals, added, But I reckon my old woman here kin give you some coffee and whiskeyof you keer for it.
Unfortunately the young expressman was more loyal to Bill than diplomatic. If Bills a little rough, he said, with a heightened color, perhaps he has some excuse for it. You forget its only six months ago that this coach was held up not a hundred yards from this spot.
The woman with the coffee-pot here faced about, stood up, and, either from design or some odd coincidence, fell into the same dogged attitude that her husband had previously taken, except that she rested her hands on her hips. She was prematurely aged, like many of her class, and her black, snake-like locks, twisting loose from her comb as she lifted her head, showed threads of white against the firelight. Then with slow and implacable deliberation she said:
We forget! Well! not much, sonny! We aint forgot it, and we aint goin to forget it, neither! We aint bin likely to forget it for any time the last six months. What with visitations from the county constables, snoopins round from Frisco detectives, droppins-in from newspaper men, and yawpins and starins from tramps and strangers on the roadwe havent had a chance to disremember MUCH! And when at last Hiram tackled the head stage agent at Marysville, and allowed that this yer pesterin and persecutin had got ter stopwhat did that yer head agent tell him? Told him to shet his head, and be thankful that his thievin old shanty wasnt burnt down around his ears! Forget that six months ago the coach was held up near here? Not much, sonnynot much!
The situation was embarrassing to the guests, as ordinary politeness called for some expression of sympathy with their gloomy hostess, and yet a selfish instinct of humanity warned them that there must be some foundation for this general distrust of the public. The journalist was troubled in his conscience; the expressman took refuge in an official reticence; the lady coughed slightly, and drew nearer to the fire with a vague but safe compliment to its brightness and comfort. It devolved upon Mr. Heckshill, who felt the responsibility of his late airy introduction of the party, to boldly keep up his role, with an equally non-committal, light-hearted philosophy.
Well, maam, he said, addressing his hostess, its a queer world, and no mans got sabe enough to say whats the rights and wrongs o anything. Some folks believe one thing and act upon it, and other folks think differently and act upon THAT! The only thing ye kin safely say is that THINGS IS EZ THEY BE! My rule here and at the mill is jest to take things ez I find em!
It occurred to the journalist that Mr. Heckshill had the reputation, in his earlier career, of taking such things as unoccupied lands and timber as he found them, without much reference to their actual owners. Apparently he was acting upon the same principle now, as he reached for the demijohn of whiskey with the ingenuous pleasantry, Did somebody say whiskey, or did I dream it?
But this did not satisfy Frenshaw. I suppose, he said, ignoring Heckshills diplomatic philosophy, that you may have been the victim of some misunderstanding or some unfortunate coincidence. Perhaps the company may have confounded you with your neighbors, who are believed to be friendly to the gang; or you may have made some injudicious acquaintances. Perhaps
He was stopped by a suppressed but not unmusical giggle, which appeared to come from the woman in the corner who had not yet spoken, and whose face and figure in the shadow he had previously overlooked. But he could now see that her outline was slim and graceful, and the contour of her head charming,facts that had evidently not escaped the observation of the expressman and Mr. Heckshill, and that might have accounted for the cautious reticence of the one and the comfortable moralizing of the other.
The old woman cast an uneasy glance on the fair giggler, but replied to Frenshaw:
Thats it! injerdishus acquaintances! But just because we might happen to have friends, or even be sorter related to folks in another line o business that aint none o ours, the kempany haint no call to persecute US for it! Spose we do happen to know some one like
Spit it out, aunty, now youve started in! I dont mind, said the fair giggler, now apparently casting off all restraint in an outburst of laughter.
Well, said the old woman, with dogged desperation, suppose, then, that that young girl thar is the niece of Snapshot Harry, who stopped the coach the last time
And aint ashamed of it, either! interrupted the young girl, rising and disclosing in the firelight an audacious but wonderfully pretty face; and supposing he IS my uncle, that aint any cause for their bedevilin my poor old cousins Hiram and Sophy thar! For all the indignation of her words, her little white teeth flashed mischievously in the dancing light, as if she rather enjoyed the embarrassment of her audience, not excluding her own relatives. Evidently cousin Sophy thought so too.
Its all very well for you to laugh, Flo, you limb! she retorted querulously, yet with an admiring glance at the girl, for ye know thar aint a man dare touch ye even with a word; but its mighty hard on me and Hiram, all the same.
Never you mind, Sophy dear, said the girl, placing her hand half affectionately, half humorously on the old womans shoulder; mebbe I wont always be a discredit and a bother to you. Jest you hold your hosses, and wait until uncle Harry holds up the next Pioneer Coach,the dancing devil in her eyes glanced as if accidentally on the young expressman,and hell make a big enough pile to send me to Europe, and youll be quit o me.
The embarrassment, suspiciousness, and uneasiness of the coach party here found relief in a half hysteric explosion of laughter, in which even the dogged Hiram and Sophy joined. It seemed as impossible to withstand the girls invincible audacity as her beauty. She was quick to perceive her advantage, and, with a responsive laugh and a picturesque gesture of invitation, said:
Now thats all settled, yed better waltz in and have your whiskey and coffee afore the stage starts. Ye kin comfort yourselves that it aint stolen or pizoned, even if it is served up to ye by Snapshot Harrys niece! With another easy gesture she swung the demijohn over her arm, and, offering a tin cup to each of the men, filled them in turn.
The ice thus broken, or perhaps thus perilously skated over, the passengers were as profuse in their thanks and apologies as they had been constrained and artificial before. Heckshill and Frenshaw vied with each other for a glance from the audacious Flo. If their compliments partook of an extravagance that was at times ironical, the girl was evidently not deceived by it, but replied in kind. Only the expressman who seemed to have fallen under the spell of her audacious glances, was uneasy at the license of the others, yet himself dumb towards her. The lady discreetly drew nearer to the fire, the old woman, and her coffee; Hiram subsided into his apathetic attitude by the fire.