Has he? How do you know?
Again they looked at each other, and Nancy laughed.
I have happened to meet him twice, the last few days. She spoke in an off-hand way. The first time, it was just at the top of the lane; he was coming away. The second time, I was walking along Champion Hill, and he came up behind me, going to the house.
Did he talk?
Nancy gave a nod.
Yes, both times. But he didnt tell me that the dowager was worse.
High and mighty? asked Jessica.
Not quite so majestic as usual, I thought. I didnt feel quite so much of a shrimp before him. And decidedly he was in better spirits. Perhaps the dowagers death would be important to him?
Very likely. Will you come to-morrow?
Miss. Lord hesitatedthen, with a sudden frankness:
To tell you the truth, Im afraid he might be there.
Oh, I dont think so, not on Jubilee Day.
But thats the very reason. He may come to be out of the uproar.
I meant he was more likely to be out of town altogether.
Nancy, still leaning over the table, propped her chin on her hands, and reflected.
Where does he go, I wonder?
Oh, all sorts of places, no doubt. Men of that kind are always travelling. I suppose he goes shooting and fishing
Nancys laugh made an interruption.
No, no, he doesnt! He told me once that he didnt care for that sort of thing.
Oh, well, you know much more about him than I do, said Miss Morgan, with a smile.
Ive often meant to ask youhave they anything to do with Tarrants black-lead?
Jessica declared that she had never heard of it.
Never heard of it? nonsense! A few years ago it used to be posted up everywhere, and I see it sometimes even now, but other kinds seem to have driven it out of the market. Now thats just like you! Pray, did you ever hear of Pears Soap?
Of course.
Really? Oh, theres hope of you. Youll be a woman of the world some day.
Dont tease, Nancy. And what would it matter if he was there to-morrow?
Oh! I dont know. But I shouldnt particularly like his lordship to imagine that I went in the hope of paying my respects to him, and having the reward of a gracious smile.
One cant always be thinking about what other people think, said Jessica impatiently. Youre too sensitive. Any one else in your position would have lots of such friends.
In my position! What is my position?
Culture is everything now-a-days, observed Miss. Morgan, with the air of one who feels herself abundantly possessed of that qualification.
But Nancy laughed.
You may depend upon it, Mr. Tarrant doesnt think so.
He calls himself a democrat.
And talks like one: doesnt he?
Oh! thats only his way, I think. He doesnt really mean to be haughty, andand so on.
I wish I knew if he had any connection with Tarrants blacklead, said Miss. Lord mischievously.
Why not ask him?
They laughed merrily, Jessicas thin note contrasting with the mellow timbre of her friends voice.
I will some day.
You would never dare to!
I darent? Then I will!
It would be dreadfully rude.
I dont mind being thought rude, replied Nancy, with a movement of the head, if it teaches people that I consider myself as good as they are.
Well, will you come to-morrow?
Ye-es; if youll go somewhere else with me in the evening.
Where to?
To walk about the streets after dark, and see the crowds and the illuminations.
Nancy uttered this with a sly mirthfulness. Her friend was astonished.
Nonsense! you dont mean it.
I do. I want to go for the fun of the thing. I should feel ashamed of myself if I ran to stare at Royalties, but its a different thing at night. Itll be wonderful, all the traffic stopped, and the streets crammed with people, and blazing with lights. Wont you go?
But the time, the time! I cant afford it. Im getting on so wretchedly with my Greek and my chemistry.
Youve time enough, said Nancy. And, you know, after all its a historical event. In the year 3000 it will be set in an examination paper, and poor wretches will get plucked because they dont know the date.
This was quite a new aspect of the matter to Jessica Morgan. She pondered it, and smiled.
Yes, I suppose it will. But we should have to be out so late.
Why not, for once? It neednt be later than half-past eleven. Nancy broke off and gesticulated. Thats just why I want to go! I should like to walk about all night, as lots of people will. The public-houses are going to be kept open till two oclock.
Do you want to go into public-houses? asked Jessica, laughing.
Why not? I should like to. Its horrible to be tied up as we are; were not children. Why cant we go about as men do?
Wont your father make any objection? asked Jessica.
We shall take Horace with us. Your people wouldnt interfere, would they?
I think not. Father is away in Yorkshire, and will be till the end of the week. Poor mother has her rheumatism. The house is so dreadfully damp. We ought never to have taken it. The difference of rent will all go in doctors bills.I dont think mother would mind; but I must be back before twelve, of course.
I dont see the of course, Nancy returned impatiently, but we could manage that. Ill speak to the Pasha to-night, and either come, or let you have a note, to-morrow morning. If theres any objection, Im not sure that I shant make it the opportunity for setting up my standard of revolt. But I dont like to do that whilst the Pasha is out of sortsit might make him worse.
You could reason with him quietly.
Reason with the PashaHow innocent you are, Jess! How unworldly! It always refreshes me to hear you talk.
Only twelve months ago Stephen Lord had renewed the lease of his house for a period of seven years. Nancy, had she been aware of this transaction, would assuredly have found courage to enter a protest, but Mr. Lord consulted neither son nor daughter on any point of business; but for this habit of acting silently, he would have seemed to his children a still more arbitrary ruler than they actually thought him.
The dwelling consisted of but eight rooms, one of which, situated at the rear of the entrance passage, served Mr. Lord as sitting-room and bed-chamber; it overlooked a small garden, and afforded a side glimpse of the kitchen with its outer appurtenances. In the front room the family took meals. Of the chambers in the storey above, one was Nancys, one her brothers; the third had, until six years ago, been known as Grandmothers room, and here its occupant, Stephen Lords mother, died at the age of seventy-eight. Wife of a Norfolk farmer, and mother of nine children, she was one of the old-world women whose thoughts found abundant occupation in the cares and pleasures of home. Hardship she had never known, nor yet luxury; the old religion, the old views of sex and of society, endured with her to the end.
After her death the room was converted into a parlour, used almost exclusively by the young people. At the top of the house slept two servants, each in her own well-furnished retreat; one of them was a girl, the other a woman of about forty, named Mary Woodruff. Mary had been in the house for twenty years; she enjoyed her masters confidence, and, since old Mrs. Lords death, exercised practical control in the humbler domestic affairs.