Charles Kingsley - The Water of Life, and Other Sermons стр 4.


Is he not witnessing for the immortality of the soul when he fights against death as an evil to be postponed at all hazards and by all means, even when its advent is certain?  Surely it is so.  How often have we seen the doctor by the dying bed, trying to preserve life, when he knew well that life could not be preserved.  We have been tempted to say to him, Let the sufferer alone.  He is senseless.  He is going.  We can do nothing more for his soul; you can do nothing more for his body.  Why torment him needlessly for the sake of a few more moments of respiration?  Let him alone to die in peace.  How have we been tempted to say that?  We have not dared to say it; for we saw that the doctor, and not we, was in the right; that in all those little efforts, so wise, so anxious, so tender, so truly chivalrous, to keep the failing breath for a few moments more in the body of one who had no earthly claim upon his care, that doctor was bearing a testimony, unconscious yet most weighty, to that human instinct of which the Bible approves throughout, that death in a human being is an evil, an anomaly, a curse; against which, though he could not rescue the man from the clutch of his foe, he was bound, in duty and honour, to fight until the last, simply because it was death, and death was the enemy of man.

But if the medical man bears witness for God and spiritual things when he seems exclusively occupied with the body, so does the hospital.  Look at those noble buildings which the generosity of our fellow-countrymen have erected in all our great cities.  You may find in them, truly, sermons in stones; sermons for rich alike and poor.  They preach to the rich, these hospitals, that the sick-bed levels all alike; that they are the equals and brothers of the poor in the terrible liability to suffer!  They preach to the poor that they are, through Christianity, the equals of the rich in their means and opportunities of cure.  I say through Christianity.  Whether the founders so intended or not (and those who founded most of them, St. Georges among the rest, did so intend), these hospitals bear direct witness for Christ.  They do this, and would do it, even ifwhich God forbidthe name of Christ were never mentioned within their walls.  That may seem a paradox; but it is none.  For it is a historic fact, that hospitals are a creation of Christian times, and of Christian men.  The heathen knew them not.  In that great city of ancient Rome, as far as I have ever been able to discover, there was not a single hospital,not even, I fear, a single charitable institution.  Fearful thoughta city of a million and a half inhabitants, the centre of human civilization: and not a hospital there!  The Roman Dives paid his physician; the Roman Lazarus literally lay at his gate full of sores, till he died the death of the street dogs which licked those sores, and was carried forth to be thrust under ground awhile, till the same dogs came to quarrel over his bones.  The misery and helplessness of the lower classes in the great cities of the Roman empire, till the Church of Christ arose, literally with healing in its wings, cannot, I believe, be exaggerated.

Eastern piety, meanwhile, especially among the Hindoos, had founded hospitals, in the old meaning of that wordnamely, almshouses for the infirm and aged: but I believe there is no record of hospitals, like our modern ones, for the cure of disease, till Christianity spread over the Western world.

And why?  Because then first men began to feel the mighty truth contained in the text.  If Christ were a healer, His servants must be healers likewise.  If Christ regarded physical evil as a direct evil, so must they.  If Christ fought against it with all His power, so must they, with such power as He revealed to them.  And so arose exclusively in the Christian mind, a feeling not only of the nobleness of the healing art, but of the religious duty of exercising that art on every human being who needed it; and hospitals are to be counted, as a historic fact, among the many triumphs of the Gospel.

If there be any oneespecially a working manin this church this day who is inclined to undervalue the Bible and Christianity, let him know that, but for the Bible and Christianity, he has not the slightest reason to believe that there would have been at this moment a hospital in London to receive him and his in the hour of sickness or disabling accident, and to lavish on him there, unpaid as the light and air of God outside, every resource of science, care, generosity, and tenderness, simply because he is a human being.  Yes; truly catholic are these hospitals,catholic as the bounty of our heavenly Father,without respect of persons, giving to all liberally and upbraiding not, like Him in whom all live, and move, and have their being; witnesses better than all our sermons for the universal bounty and tolerance of that heavenly Father who causes the sun to shine on the evil and the good, and his rain to fall upon the just and on the unjust, and is perfect in this, that He is good to the unthankful and the evil.

And, therefore, the preacher can urge his countrymen, let their opinions, creed, tastes, be what they may, to support hospitals with especial freedom, earnestness, and confidence.  Heaven forbid that I should undervalue any charitable institution whatever.  May Gods blessing be on them all.  But this I have a right to say,that whatever objections, suspicions, prejudices there may be concerning any other form of charity, concerning hospitals there can be none.  Every farthing bestowed on them must go toward the direct doing of good.  There is no fear in them of waste, of misapplication of funds, of private jobbery, of ulterior and unavowed objects.  Palpable and unmistakeable good is all they do and all they can do.  And he who gives to a hospital has the comfort of knowing that he is bestowing a direct blessing on the bodies of his fellow-men; and it may be on their souls likewise.

For I have said that these hospitals witness silently for God and for Christ; and I must believe that that silent witness is not lost on the minds of thousands who enter them.  It sinks in,all the more readily because it is not thrust upon them,and softens and breaks up their hearts to receive the precious seed of the word of God.  Many a man, too ready from bitter experience to believe that his fellow-men cared not for him, has entered the wards of a hospital to be happily undeceived.  He finds that he is cared for; that he is not forgotten either by God or man; that there is a place for him, too, at Gods table, in his hour of utmost need; and angels of God, in human form, ready to minister to his necessities; and, softened by that discovery, he has listened humbly, perhaps for the first time in his life, to the exhortations of a clergyman; and has taken in, in the hour of dependence and weakness, the lessons which he was too proud or too sullen to hear in the day of independence and sturdy health.  And so do these hospitals, it seems to me, follow the example and practice of our Lord Himself; who, by ministering to the animal wants and animal sufferings of the people, by showing them that He sympathised with those lower sorrows of which they were most immediately conscious, made them follow Him gladly, and listen to Him with faith, when He proclaimed to them in words of wisdom, that Father in heaven whom He had already proclaimed to them in acts of mercy.

And now, I have to appeal to you for the excellent and honourable foundation of St. Georges Hospital.  I might speak to you, and speak, too, with a personal reverence and affection of many years standing, of the claims of that noble institution; of the illustrious men of science who have taught within its walls; of the number of able and honourable young men who go forth out of it, year by year, to carry their blessed and truly divine art, not only over Great Britain, but to the islands of the farthest seas.  But to say that would be merely to say what is true, thank God, of every hospital in London.

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