Charles Kingsley - Discipline and Other Sermons стр 3.


For them, as to every earnest seeker after wisdom, that Heavenly Lady showed herself and her exceeding beauty; and gave gifts to each according to his earnestness, his purity and his power of sight.

To some she taught moral wisdomrighteousness, and justice, and equity, yea, every good path.

To others she showed that political science, whichas Solomon tells youis but another side of her beauty, and cannot be parted, however men may try, from moral wisdomthat Wisdom in whose right hand is length of days, and in her left hand riches and honour; whose ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.

To others again she showed that physical science whichso Solomon tells us againcannot be parted safely from the two others.  For by the same wisdom, he says, which gives alike righteousness and equity, riches and long lifeby that same wisdom, and no other, did the Lord found the heavens and establish the earth; by that same knowledge of his are the depths broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew.

And to some she showed herself, as she did to good Boethius in his dungeon, in the deepest vale of misery, and the hour of death; when all seemed to have deserted them, save Wisdom, and the God from whom she comes; and bade them be of good cheer still, and keep innocency, and take heed to the thing that is right, for that shall bring a man peace at the last.

And they beheld her, and loved her, and obeyed her, each according to his powers: and now they have their reward.

And what is their reward?

How can I tell, dear boys?  This, at least can I say, for Scripture has said it already.  That God is merciful in this; that he rewardeth every man according to his work.  This, at least, I can say, for God incarnate himself has said it alreadythat to the good and faithful servant he will say,Well done.  Thou hast been faithful over a few things: I will make thee ruler over many things.  Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.

The joy of thy Lord.  Think of these words a while.  Perhaps they may teach us something of the meaning of All Saints Day.

For, if Jesus Christ beas he isthe same yesterday, to-day, and for ever, then his joy now must be the same as his joy was when he was here on earth,to do good, and to behold the fruit of his own goodness; to seeas Isaiah prophesied of himto see of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied.

And so it may be; so it surely iswith them; if blessed spirits (as I believe) have knowledge of what goes on on earth.  They enter into the joy of their Lord.  Therefore they enter into the joy of doing good.  They see of the travail of their soul, and are satisfied that they have not lived in vain.  They see that their work is going on still on earth; that they, being dead, yet speak, and call ever fresh generations into the Temple of Wisdom.

My dear boys, take this one thought away with you from this chapel to-day.  Believe that the wise and good of every age and clime are looking down on you, to see what use you will make of the knowledge which they have won for you.  Whether they laboured, like Kepler in his garret, or like Galileo in his dungeon, hid in Gods tabernacle from the strife of tongues; or, like Socrates and Plato, in the whirl and noisefar more wearying and saddening than any lonelinessof the foolish crowd, they all have laboured for you.  Let them rejoice, when they see you enter into their labours with heart and soul.  Let them rejoice, when they see in each one of you one of the fairest sights on earth, before men and before God; a docile and innocent boy striving to become a wise and virtuous man.

And whenever you are tempted to idleness and frivolity; whenever you are tempted to profligacy and low-mindedness; whenever you are temptedas you will be too often in these mean daysto join the scorners and the fools whom Solomon denounced; tempted to sneering unbelief in what is great and good, what is laborious and self-sacrificing, and to the fancy that you were sent into this world merely to get through it agreeably;then fortify and ennoble your hearts by Solomons vision.  Remember who you are, and where you arethat you stand before the Temple of Wisdom, of the science of things as God has made them; wherein alone is health and wealth for body and for soul; that from within the Heavenly Lady calls to you, sending forth her handmaidens in every art and science which has ever ministered to the good of man; and that within there await you all the wise and good who have ever taught on earth, that you may enter in and partake of the feast which their mistress taught them to prepare.  Remember, I say, who you areeven the sons of God; and remember where you arefor ever upon sacred ground; and listen with joy and hope to the voice of the Heavenly Wisdom, as she callsWhoso is simple, let him come in hither; and him that wanteth understanding, let him come and eat of my bread, and drink of the wine that I have mingled.

Listen with joy and hope: and yet with fear and trembling, as of Moses when he hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God.  For the voice of Wisdom is none other than the voice of The Spirit of God, in whom you live, and move, and have your being.



(Preached at St. Olaves Church, Hart Street, before the Honourable Corporation of the Trinity House, 1866.)Psalm cvii. 23, 24, 28

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; these see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.  Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses.

These are days in which there is much dispute about religion and sciencehow far they agree with each other; whether they contradict or interfere with each other.  Especially there is dispute about Providence.  Men say, and truly, that the more we look into the world, the more we find everything governed by fixed and regular laws; that man is bound to find out those laws, and save himself from danger by science and experience.  But they go on to say,And therefore there is no use in prayer.  You cannot expect God to alter the laws of His universe because you ask Him: the world will go on, and ought to go on, its own way; and the man who prays against danger, by sea or land, is asking vainly for that which will not be granted him.

Now I cannot see why we should not allow,what is certainly true,that the world moves by fixed and regular laws: and yet allow at the same time,what I believe is just as true,that Gods special providence watches over all our actions, and that, to use our Lords example, not a sparrow falls to the ground without some special reason why that particular sparrow should fall at that particular moment and in that particular place.  I cannot see why all things should not move in a divine and wonderful order, and yet why they should not all work together for good to those who love God.  The Psalmist of old finds no contradiction between the two thoughts.  Rather does the one of them seem to him to explain the other.  All things, says he, continue this day as at the beginning.  For all things serve Thee.

Still it is not to be denied, that this question has been a difficult one to men in all ages, and that it is so to many now.

But be that as it may, this I say, that, of all men, seafaring men are the most likely to solve this great puzzle about the limits of science and of religion, of law and of providence; for, of all callings, theirs needs at once most science and most religion; theirs is most subject to laws, and yet most at the mercy of Providence.  And I say that many seafaring men have solved the puzzle for themselves in a very rational and sound way, though they may not be able to put thoughts into words; and that they do show, by their daily conduct, that a man may be at once thoroughly scientific and thoroughly religious.  And I say that this Ancient and Honourable Corporation of the Trinity House is a proof thereof unto this day; a proof that sound science need not make us neglect sound religion, nor sound religion make us neglect sound science.

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