Bret Harte - Snow-Bound at Eagle's стр 3.


Whatever I said, I suppose I am responsible for it, answered Hale haughtily.

Thats what gits me, was the imperturbable reply. Hes the best shot in Southern California, and hez let daylight through a dozen chaps afore now for half what you said.


Howsummever, continued Rawlins philosophically, ez hes concluded to go WITH ye instead of FOR ye, youre likely to hev your ideas on this matter carried out up to the handle. Hell make short work of it, you bet. Ef, ez I suspect, the leader is an airy young feller from Frisco, who hez took to the road lately, Clinch hez got a personal grudge agin him from a quarrel over draw poker.

This was the last blow to Hales ideal crusade. Here he wasan honest, respectable citizenengaged as simple accessory to a lawless vendetta originating at a gambling table! When the first shock was over that grim philosophy which is the reaction of all imaginative and sensitive natures came to his aid. He felt better; oddly enough he began to be conscious that he was thinking and acting like his companions. With this feeling a vague sympathy, before absent, faintly showed itself in their actions. The Sharpes rifle put into his hands by the stable-man was accompanied by a familiar word of suggestion as to an equal, which he was ashamed to find flattered him. He was able to continue the conversation with Rawlins more coolly.

Then you suspect who is the leader?

Only on giniral principles. There was a finer touch, so to speak, in this yer robbery that wasnt in the old-fashioned style. Down in my country they hed crude ideas about them thingsused to strip the passengers of everything, includin their clothes. They say that at the station hotels, when the coach came in, the folks used to stand round with blankets to wrap up the passengers so ez not to skeer the wimen. Thars a story that the driver and express manager drove up one day with only a copy of the Alty Californy wrapped around em; but thin, added Rawlins grimly, there WAS folks ez said the hull story was only an advertisement got up for the Alty.

Times up.

Are you ready, gentlemen? said Colonel Clinch.

Hale started. He had forgotten his wife and family at Eagles Court, ten miles away. They would be alarmed at his absence, would perhaps hear some exaggerated version of the stage coach robbery, and fear the worst.

Is there any way I could send a line to Eagles Court before daybreak? he asked eagerly.

The station was already drained of its spare men and horses. The undenominated passenger stepped forward and offered to take it himself when his business, which he would despatch as quickly as possible, was concluded.

That aint a bad idea, said Clinch reflectively, for ef yer hurry youll head em off in case they scent us, and try to double back on the North Ridge. Theyll fight shy of the trail if they see anybody on it, and one mans as good as a dozen.

Hale could not help thinking that he might have been that one man, and had his opportunity for independent action but for his rash proposal, but it was too late to withdraw now. He hastily scribbled a few lines to his wife on a sheet of the station paper, handed it to the man, and took his place in the little cavalcade as it filed silently down the road.

They had ridden in silence for nearly an hour, and had passed the scene of the robbery by a higher track. Morning had long ago advanced its colors on the cold white peaks to their right, and was taking possession of the spur where they rode.

It looks like snow, said Rawlins quietly.

Hale turned towards him in astonishment. Nothing on earth or sky looked less likely. It had been cold, but that might have been only a current from the frozen peaks beyond, reaching the lower valley. The ridge on which they had halted was still thick with yellowish-green summer foliage, mingled with the darker evergreen of pine and fir. Oven-like canyons in the long flanks of the mountain seemed still to glow with the heat of yesterdays noon; the breathless air yet trembled and quivered over stifling gorges and passes in the granite rocks, while far at their feet sixty miles of perpetual summer stretched away over the winding American River, now and then lost in a gossamer haze. It was scarcely ripe October where they stood; they could see the plenitude of August still lingering in the valleys.

Ive seen Thomsons Pass choked up with fifteen feet o snow earlier than this, said Rawlins, answering Hales gaze; and last September the passengers sledded over the road we came last night, and all the time Thomson, a mile lower down over the ridge in the hollow, smoking his pipes under roses in his piazzy! Mountains is mighty uncertain; they make their own weather ez they want it. I reckon you aint wintered here yet.

Hale was obliged to admit that he had only taken Eagles Court in the early spring.

Oh, youre all right at Eagleswhen youre there! But its like Thomsonsits the gettin there thatHallo! Whats that?

A shot, distant but distinct, had rung through the keen air. It was followed by another so alike as to seem an echo.

Thats over yon, on the North Ridge, said the ostler, about two miles as the crow flies and five by the trail. Somebodys shootin bar.

Not with a shot gun, said Clinch, quickly wheeling his horse with a gesture that electrified them. Its THEM, and theve doubled on us! To the North Ridge, gentlemen, and ride all you know!

It needed no second challenge to completely transform that quiet cavalcade. The wild man-hunting instinct, inseparable to most humanity, rose at their leaders look and word. With an incoherent and unintelligible cry, giving voice to the chase like the commonest hound of their fields, the order-loving Hale and the philosophical Rawlins wheeled with the others, and in another instant the little band swept out of sight in the forest.

An immense and immeasurable quiet succeeded. The sunlight glistened silently on cliff and scar, the vast distance below seemed to stretch out and broaden into repose. It might have been fancy, but over the sharp line of the North Ridge a light smoke lifted as of an escaping soul.


Eagles Court, one of the highest canyons of the Sierras, was in reality a plateau of table-land, embayed like a green lake in a semi-circular sweep of granite, that, lifting itself three thousand feet higher, became a foundation for the eternal snows. The mountain genii of space and atmosphere jealously guarded its seclusion and surrounded it with illusions; it never looked to be exactly what it was: the traveller who saw it from the North Ridge apparently at his feet in descending found himself separated from it by a mile-long abyss and a rushing river; those who sought it by a seeming direct trail at the end of an hour lost sight of it completely, or, abandoning the quest and retracing their steps, suddenly came upon the gap through which it was entered. That which from the Ridge appeared to be a copse of bushes beside the tiny dwelling were trees three hundred feet high; the cultivated lawn before it, which might have been covered by the travellers handkerchief, was a field of a thousand acres.

The house itself was a long, low, irregular structure, chiefly of roof and veranda, picturesquely upheld by rustic pillars of pine, with the bark still adhering, and covered with vines and trailing roses. Yet it was evident that the coolness produced by this vast extent of cover was more than the architect, who had planned it under the influence of a staring and bewildering sky, had trustfully conceived, for it had to be mitigated by blazing fires in open hearths when the thermometer marked a hundred degrees in the field beyond. The dry, restless wind that continually rocked the tall masts of the pines with a sound like the distant sea, while it stimulated out-door physical exertion and defied fatigue, left the sedentary dwellers in these altitudes chilled in the shade they courted, or scorched them with heat when they ventured to bask supinely in the sun. White muslin curtains at the French windows, and rugs, skins, and heavy furs dispersed in the interior, with certain other charming but incongruous details of furniture, marked the inconsistencies of the climate.

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