The room in which he was detainedthat lately occupied by the Mohocks, who, it appeared, had been allowed to depart,was calculated to inspire additional apprehension and disgust. Strongly impregnated with the mingled odours of tobacco, ale, brandy, and other liquors, the atmosphere was almost stifling. The benches running round the room, though fastened to the walls by iron clamps, had been forcibly wrenched off; while the table, which was similarly secured to the boards, was upset, and its contentsbottles, jugs, glasses, and bowls were broken and scattered about in all directions. Everything proclaimed the mischievous propensities of the recent occupants of the chamber.
Here lay a heap of knockers of all sizes, from the huge lions head to the small brass rapper: there, a collection of sign-boards, with the names and calling of the owners utterly obliterated. On this side stood the instruments with which the latter piece of pleasantry had been effected,namely, a bucket filled with paint and a brush: on that was erected a trophy, consisting of a watchmans rattle, a laced hat, with the crown knocked out, and its place supplied by a lantern, a campaign wig saturated with punch, a torn steen-kirk and ruffles, some half-dozen staves, and a broken sword.
As the carpenters gaze wandered over this scene of devastation, his attention was drawn by Mrs. Sheppard towards an appalling object in one corner. This was the body of a man, apparently lifeless, and stretched upon a mattress, with his head bound up in a linen cloth, through which the blood had oosed. Near the body, which, it will be surmised, was that of Abraham Mendez, two ruffianly personages were seated, quietly smoking, and bestowing no sort of attention upon the new-comers. Their conversation was conducted in the flash language, and, though unintelligible to Wood, was easily comprehended by this companion, who learnt, to her dismay, that the wounded man had received his hurt from her son, whose courage and dexterity formed the present subject of their discourse. From other obscure hints dropped by the speakers, Mrs. Sheppard ascertained that Thames Darrell had been carried offwhere she could not make outby Jonathan Wild and Quilt Arnold; and that Jack had been induced to accompany Blueskin to the Mint. This intelligence, which she instantly communicated to the carpenter, drove him almost frantic. He renewed his supplications to Sharples, but with no better success than heretofore; and the greater part of the night was passed by him and the poor widow, whose anxiety, if possible, exceeded his own, in the most miserable state imaginable.
At length, about three oclock, as the first glimmer of dawn became visible through the barred casements of the round-house, the rattling of bolts and chains at the outer door told that some one was admitted. Whoever this might be, the visit seemed to have some reference to the carpenter, for, shortly afterwards, Sharples made his appearance, and informed the captives they were free. Without waiting to have the information repeated, Wood rushed forth, determined as soon as he could procure assistance, to proceed to Jonathan Wilds house in the Old Bailey; while Mrs. Sheppard, whose maternal fears drew her in another direction, hurried off to the Mint.
In an incredibly short space of time,for her anxiety lent wings to her feet,Mrs. Sheppard reached the debtors garrison. From a scout stationed at the northern entrance, whom she addressed in the jargon of the place, with which long usage had formerly rendered her familiar, she ascertained that Blueskin, accompanied by a youth, whom she knew by the description must be her son, had arrived there about three hours before, and had proceeded to the Cross Shovels. This was enough for the poor widow. She felt she was now near her boy, and, nothing doubting her ability to rescue him from his perilous situation, she breathed a fervent prayer for his deliverance; and bending her steps towards the tavern in question, revolved within her mind as she walked along the best means of accomplishing her purpose. Aware of the cunning and desperate characters of the persons with whom she would have to deal,aware, also, that she was in a quarter where no laws could be appealed to, nor assistance obtained, she felt the absolute necessity of caution. Accordingly, when she arrived at the Shovels, with which, as an old haunt in her bygone days of wretchedness she was well acquainted, instead of entering the principal apartment, which she saw at a glance was crowded with company of both sexes, she turned into a small room on the left of the bar, and, as an excuse for so doing, called for something to drink. The drawers at the moment were too busy to attend to her, and she would have seized the opportunity of examining, unperceived, the assemblage within, through a little curtained window that overlooked the adjoining chamber, if an impediment had not existed in the shape of Baptist Kettleby, whose portly person entirely obscured the view. The Master of the Mint, in the exercise of his two-fold office of governor and publican, was mounted upon a chair, and holding forth to his guests in a speech, to which Mrs. Sheppard was unwillingly compelled to listen.
Gentlemen of the Mint, said the orator, when I was first called, some fifty years ago, to the important office I hold, there existed across the water three places of refuge for the oppressed and persecuted debtor.
We know it, cried several voices.
It happened, gentlemen, pursued the Master, on a particular occasion, about the time Ive mentioned, that the Archduke of Alsatia, the Sovereign of the Savoy, and the Satrap of Salisbury Court, met by accident at the Cross Shovels. A jolly night we made of it, as you may suppose; for four such monarchs dont often come together. Well, while we were smoking our pipes, and quaffing our punch, Alsatia turns to me and says, Mint, says he, youre well off here.Pretty well, says I; youre not badly off at the Friars, for that matter.Oh! yes we are, says he.How so? says I.Its all up with us, says he; theyve taken away our charter.They cant, says I.They have, says he.They cant, I tell you, says I, in a bit of a passion; its unconstitutional.Unconstitutional or not, says Salisbury Court and Savoy, speaking together, its true. We shall become a prey to the Philistines, and must turn honest in self-defence.No fear o that, thought I.I see how itll be, observed Alsatia, everybodyll pay his debts, and only think of such a state of things as that.Its not to be thought of, says I, thumping the table till every glass on it jingled; and I know a way asll prevent it.What is it, Mint? asked all three.Why, hang every bailiff that sets a foot in your territories, and youre safe, says I.Well do it, said they, filling their glasses, and looking as fierce as King Georges grenadier guards; heres your health, Mint. But, gentlemen, though they talked so largely, and looked so fiercely, they did not do it; they did not hang the bailiffs; and where are they?
Ay, where are they? echoed the company with indignant derision.
Gentlemen, returned the Master, solemnly, it is a question easily answeredthey are NOWHERE! Had they hanged the bailiffs, the bailiffs would not have hanged them. We ourselves have been similarly circumstanced. Attacked by an infamous and unconstitutional statute, passed in the reign of the late usurper, William of Orange, (for I may remark that, if the right king had been upon the throne, that illegal enactment would never have received the royal assentthe StuartsHeaven preserve em!always siding with the debtors); attacked in this outrageous manner, I repeat, it has been all but up with US! But the vigorous resistance offered on that memorable occasion by the patriotic inhabitants of Bermuda to the aggressions of arbitrary power, secured and established their privileges on a firmer basis than heretofore; and, while their pusillanimous allies were crushed and annihilated, they became more prosperous than ever. Gentlemen, I am proud to say that I originatedthat I directed those measures. I hope to see the day, when not Southwark alone, but London itself shall become one Mint,when all men shall be debtors, and none creditors,when imprisonment for debt shall be utterly abolished,when highway-robbery shall be accounted a pleasant pastime, and forgery an accomplishment,when Tyburn and its gibbets shall be overthrown,capital punishments discontinued,Newgate, Ludgate, the Gatehouse, and the Compters razed to the ground,Bridewell and Clerkenwell destroyed,the Fleet, the Kings Bench, and the Marshalsea remembered only by name! But, in the mean time, as that day may possibly be farther off than I anticipate, we are bound to make the most of the present. Take care of yourselves, gentlemen, and your governor will take care of you. Before I sit down, I have a toast to propose, which I am sure will be received, as it deserves to be, with enthusiasm. It is the health of a stranger,of Mr. John Sheppard. His father was one of my old customers, and I am happy to find his son treading in his steps. He couldnt be in better hands than those in which he has placed himself. Gentlemen,Mr. Sheppards good health, and success to him!