Robert Barr - A Rock in the Baltic стр 4.


I should do nothing of the kind, rejoined the girl earnestly, quite forgetting the shortness of their acquaintance, as she had forgotten the flight of time, while on his part he did not notice any incongruity in the situation. Id leave well enough alone, she added.

Why do you think that? he asked.

Your own country has investigated the matter, and has deliberately run the risk of unpleasantness by refusing to give you up. How, then, can you go there voluntarily? You would be acting in your private capacity directly in opposition to the decision arrived at by your government.

Technically, that is so; still, England would not hold the position she does in the world to-day if her men had not often taken a course in their private capacity which the government would never have sanctioned. As things stand now, Russia has not insisted on her demand, but has sullenly accepted Englands decision, still quite convinced that my act was not only an invasion of Russias domain, but a deliberate insult; therefore the worst results of an inconsiderate action on my part remain. If I could see the Minister for Foreign Affairs, or the head of the Admiralty in St. Petersburg face to face for ten minutes, Id undertake to remove that impression.

You have great faith in your persuasive powers, she said demurely.

The Lieutenant began to stammer again.

No, no, it isnt so much that, but I have great faith in the Russian as a judge of character. I suppose I am imagined to be a venomous, brow-beating, truculent Russophobe, who has maliciously violated their territory, flinging a shell into their ground and an insult into their face. They are quite sincere in this belief. I want to remove that impression, and theres nothing like an ocular demonstration. I like the Russians. One of my best friends is a Russian.

The girl shook her head.

I shouldnt attempt it, she persisted. Suppose Russia arrested you, and said to England, Weve got this man in spite of you?

The Lieutenant laughed heartily.

That is unthinkable: Russia wouldnt do such a thing. In spite of all that is said about the Russian Government, its members are gentlemen. Of course, if such a thing happened, there would be trouble. That is a point where were touchy. A very cheap Englishman, wrongfully detained, may cause a most expensive campaign. Our diplomatists may act correctly enough, and yet leave a feeling of resentment behind. Take this very case. Britain says coldly to Russia:

We disclaim the act, and apologize.

Now, it would be much more to the purpose if she said genially:

We have in our employment an impetuous young fool with a thirst for information. He wished to learn how a new piece of ordnance would act, so fired it off with no more intention of striking Russia than of hitting the moon. He knows much more about dancing than about foreign affairs. Weve given him a months leave, and he will slip across privately to St. Petersburg to apologize and explain. The moment you see him you will recognize he is no menace to the peace of nations. Meanwhile, if you can inculcate in him some cold, calm common-sense before he returns, well be ever so much obliged.

So you are determined to do what you think the government should have done.

Oh, quite. There will be nothing frigidly official about my unauthorized mission. I have a cousin in the embassy at St. Petersburg, but I shant go near him; neither shall I go to an hotel, but will get quiet rooms somewhere that I may not run the risk of meeting any chance acquaintances.

It seems to me you are about to afford the Russian Government an excellent opportunity of spiriting you off to Siberia, and nobody would be the wiser.

Drummond indulged in the free-hearted laugh of a youth to whom life is still rather a good joke.

I shouldnt mind studying the Siberian system from the inside if they allowed me to return before my leave was up. I believe that sort of thing has been exaggerated by sensational writers. The Russian Government would not countenance anything of the kind, and if the minor officials tried to play tricks, theres always my cousin in the background, and it would be hard luck if I couldnt get a line to him. Oh, theres no danger in my project!

Suddenly the girl came to a standstill, and gave expression to a little cry of dismay.

Whats wrong? asked the Lieutenant.

Why, weve walked clear out into the country!

Oh, is that all? I hadnt noticed.

And there are people waiting for me. I must run.

Nonsense, let them wait.

I should have been back long since.

They had turned, and she was hurrying.

Think of your new fortune, Miss Amhurst, safely lodged in our friend Mortons bank, and dont hurry for any one.

I didnt say it was a fortune: theres only ten thousand dollars there.

That sounds formidable, but unless the people who are waiting for you muster more than ten thousand apiece, I dont think you should make haste on their account.

Its the other way about, Mr. Drummond. Individually they are poorer than I, therefore I should have returned long ago. Now, I fear, they will be in a temper.

Well, if anybody left me two thousand pounds, Id take an afternoon off to celebrate. Here we are in the suburbs again. Wont you change your mind and your direction; let us get back into the country, sit down on the hillside, look at the Bay, and gloat over your wealth?

Dorothy Amhurst shook her head and held out her hand.

I must bid you good-by here, Lieutenant Drummond. This is my shortest way home.

May I not accompany you just a little farther?

Please, no, I wish to go the rest of the way alone.

He held her hand, which she tried to withdraw, and spoke with animation.

Theres so much I wanted to say, but perhaps the most important is this: I shall see you the night of the 14th, at the ball we are giving on the Consternation?

It is very likely, laughed the girl, unless you overlook me in the throng. There will be a great mob. I hear you have issued many invitations.

We hope all our friends will come. Its going to be a great function. Your Secretary of the Navy has promised to look in on us, and our Ambassador from Washington will be there. I assure you we are doing our best, with festooned electric lights, hanging draperies, and all that, for we want to make the occasion at least remotely worthy of the hospitality we have received. Of course you have your card, but I wish you hadnt, so that I might have the privilege of sending you one or more invitations.

That would be quite unnecessary, said the girl, again with a slight laugh and heightened color.

If any of your friends need cards of invitation, wont you let me know, so that I may send them to you?

Im sure I shant need any, but if I do, I promise to remember your kindness, and apply.

It will be a pleasure for me to serve you. With whom shall you come? I should like to know the name, in case I should miss you in the crowd.

I expect to be with Captain Kempt, of the United States Navy.

Ah, said the Lieutenant, with a note of disappointment in his voice which he had not the diplomacy to conceal. His hold of her hand relaxed, and she took the opportunity to withdraw it.

What sort of a man is Captain Kempt? I shall be on the lookout for him, you know.

I think he is the handsomest man I have ever seen, and I know he is the kindest and most courteous.

Really? A young man, I take it?

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