Meanwhile, in a room downstairs that good-natured veteran Captain Kempt was telling the latest stories to his future son-in-law, a young officer of the American Navy, who awaited, with dutiful impatience, the advent of the serene Sabina. When at last the ladies came down the party set out through the gathering darkness of this heavenly summer night for the private pier from which they were privileged, because of Captain Kempts official standing, to voyage to the cruiser on the little revenue cutter Whip-poor-will, which was later on to convey the Secretary of the Navy and his entourage across the same intervening waters. Just before they reached the pier their steps were arrested by the boom of a cannon, followed instantly by the sudden apparition of the Consternation picked out in electric light; masts, funnel and hull all outlined by incandescent stars.
How beautiful! cried Sabina, whose young man stood beside her. It is as if a gigantic racket, all of one color, had burst, and hung suspended there like the planets of heaven.
It reminds me, whispered Katherine to Dorothy, of an overgrown pop-corn ball, at which remark the two girls were frivolous enough to laugh.
Crash! sounded a cannon from an American ship, and then the white squadron became visible in a blaze of lightning. And now all the yachts and other craft on the waters flaunted their lines of fire, and the whole Bay was illuminated like a lake in Fairyland.
Now, said Captain Kempt with a chuckle, watch the Britisher. I think shes going to show us some color, and as he spoke there appeared, spreading from nest to mast, a huge sheet of blue, with four great stars which pointed the corners of a parallelogram, and between the stars shone a huge white anchor. Cheers rang out from the crew of the Consternation, and the band on board played The Star-Spangled Banner.
That, said Captain Kempt in explanation, is the flag of the United States Secretary of the Navy, who will be with us to-night. The visitors have kept very quiet about this bit of illumination, but our lads got on to the secret about a week ago, and Ill be very much disappointed if they dont give em tit for tat.
When the band on the Consternation ceased playing, all lights went out on the American squadron, and then on the flagship appeared from mast to mast a device with the Union Jack in the corner, a great red cross dividing the flag into three white squares. As this illumination flashed out the American band struck up the British national anthem, and the outline lights appeared again.
That, said the captain, is the British man-o-wars flag.
The Whip-poor-will speedily whisked the party and others across the sparkling waters to the foot of the grand stairway which had been specially constructed to conduct the elect from the tide to the deck. It was more than double as broad as the ordinary gangway, was carpeted from top to bottom, and on every step stood a blue-jacket, each as steady as if cast in bronze, the line forming, as one might say, a living handrail rising toward the dark sky.
Captain Kempt and his wife went first, followed by Sabina and her young man with the two girls in their wake.
Arent those men splendid? whispered Katherine to her friend. I wish each held an old-fashioned torch. I do love a sailor.
So do I, said Dorothy, then checked herself, and laughed a little.
I guess we all do, sighed Katherine.
On deck the bluff captain of the Consternation, in resplendent uniform, stood beside Lady Angela Burford of the British Embassy at Washington, to receive the guests of the cruiser. Behind these two were grouped an assemblage of officers and very fashionably dressed women, chatting vivaciously with each other. As Dorothy looked at the princess-like Lady Angela it seemed as if she knew her; as if here were one who had stepped out of an English romance. Her tall, proudly held figure made the stoutish captain seem shorter than he actually was. The natural haughtiness of those classic features was somewhat modified by a pro tem smile. Captain Kempt looked back over his shoulder and said in a low voice:
Now, young ladies, best foot forward. The Du Maurier woman is to receive the Gibson girls.
I know I shall laugh, and I fear I shall giggle, said Katherine, but she encountered a glance from her elder sister quite as haughty as any Lady Angela might have bestowed, and all thought of merriment fled for the moment; thus the ordeal passed conventionally without Katherine either laughing or giggling.
Sabina and her young man faded away into the crowd. Captain Kempt was nodding to this one and that of his numerous acquaintances, and Katherine felt Dorothy shrink a little closer to her as a tall, unknown young man deftly threaded his way among the people, making directly for the Captain, whom he seized by the hand in a grasp of the most cordial friendship.
Captain Kempt, I am delighted to meet you again. My name is DrummondLieutenant Drummond, and I had the pleasure of being introduced to you at that dinner a week or two ago.
The pleasure was mine, sir, the pleasure was mine, exclaimed the Captain with a cordiality equal to that with which he had been greeted. He had not at first the least recollection of the young man, but the Captain was something of an amateur politician, and possessed all a politicians expertness in facing the unknown, and making the most of any situation in which he found himself.
Oh, yes, Lieutenant, I remember very well that excellent song you
Isnt it a perfect night? gasped the Lieutenant. I think we are to be congratulated on our weather.
He still clung to the Captains hand, and shook it again so warmly that the Captain said to himself:
I must have made an impression on this young fellow, then aloud he replied jauntily:
Oh, we always have good weather this time of year. You see, the United States Government runs the weather. Didnt you know that? Yes, our Weather Bureau is considered the best in the world.
The Lieutenant laughed heartily, although a hollow note intervened, for the young man had got to the end of his conversation, realized he could not shake hands for a third time, yet did not know what more to say. The suavity of the politician came to his rescue in just the form the Lieutenant had hoped.
Lieutenant Drummond, allow me to introduce my wife to you.
The lady bowed.
And my daughter, Katherine, and Miss Amhurst, a friend of oursLieutenant Drummond, of the Consternation.
I wonder, said the Lieutenant, as if the thought had just occurred to him, if the young ladies would like to go to a point where they can have a comprehensive view of the decorations. II may not be the best guide, but I am rather well acquainted with the ship, you know.
Dont ask me, said Captain Kempt. Ask the girls. Everything Ive had in life has come to me because I asked, and if I didnt get it the first time, I asked again.
Of course we want to see the decorations, cried Katherine with enthusiasm, and so bowing to the Captain and Mrs. Kempt, the Lieutenant led the young women down the deck, until he came to an elevated spot out of the way of all possible promenaders, on which had been placed in a somewhat secluded position, yet commanding a splendid view of the throng, a settee with just room for two, that had been taken from some ones cabin. A blue-jacket stood guard over it, but at a nod from the Lieutenant he disappeared.
Hello! cried Katherine, reserved seats, eh? How different from a theatre chair, where you are entitled to your place by holding a colored bit of cardboard. Here a man with a cutlass stands guard. It gives one a notion of the horrors of war, doesnt it, Dorothy?