Both men were friends of Lady Ranscomb and frequent visitors to her fine house in Mount Street. Hughs father, a country landowner, had known Sir Richard for many years, while Walter Brock had made the acquaintance of Lady Ranscomb a couple of years ago in connexion with some charity in which she had been interested.
Both were also good friends of Dorise. Both were excellent dancers, and Lady Ranscomb often allowed them to take her daughter to the Grafton, Ciros, or the Embassy. Lady Ranscomb was Hughs old friend, and he and Dorise having been thrown together a good deal ever since the girl returned from Versailles after finishing her education, it was hardly surprising that the pair should have fallen in love with each other.
As they sat opposite each other that night, the young fellow gazed into her wonderful blue eyes, yet, alas! with a sinking heart. How could they ever marry?
He had about six hundred a yearonly just sufficient to live upon in these days. His father had never put him to anything since he left Brasenose, and now on his death he had found that, in order to recover the estate, it was necessary for him to marry Louise Lambert, a girl for whom he had never had a spark of affection. Louise was good-looking, it was true, but could he sacrifice his happiness; could he ever cut himself adrift from Dorise for mercenary motivesin order to get back what was surely by right his inheritance?
Yet, after all, as he again met Dorises calm, wide-open eyes, the grim truth arose in his mind, as it ever did, that Lady Ranscomb, even though she had been so kind to him, would never allow her only daughter to marry a man who was not rich. Had not Dorise told him of the sly hints her mother had recently given her regarding a certain very wealthy man named George Sherrard, an eligible bachelor who lived in one of the most expensive flats in Park Lane, and who was being generally sought after by mothers with marriageable daughters. In many cases mothersand especially young, good-looking widows with daughters on their handsare too prone to try and get rid of them because my daughter makes me look so old, as they whisper to their intimates of their own age.
After dinner all four strolled across to the Casino, presenting their yellow cards of admissionthe monthly cards granted to those who are approved by the smug-looking, black-coated committee of inspection, who judge by ones appearance whether one had money to lose.
Dorise soon detached herself from her mother and strolled up the Rooms with Hugh, Lady Ranscomb and Brock following.
None of them intended to play, but they were strolling prior to going to the opera which was beneath the same roof, and for which Lady Ranscomb had tickets.
Suddenly Dorise exclaimed:
Look over thereat that table in the corner. Theres that remarkable woman they call Mademoiselle of Monte Carlo!
Hugh started, and glancing in the direction she indicated saw the handsome woman seated at the table staking her counters quite unconcernedly and entirely absorbed in the game. She was wearing a dead black dress cut slightly low in the neck, but half-bare shoulders, with a string of magnificent Chinese jade beads of that pale apple green so prized by connoisseurs.
Her eyes were fixed upon the revolving wheel, for upon the number sixteen she had just thrown a couple of thousand franc counters. The ball dropped with a sudden click, the croupier announced that number five had won, and at once raked in the two thousand francs among others.
Mademoiselle shrugged her shoulders and smiled faintly. Yvonne Ferad was a born gambler. To her losses came as easily as gains. The Administration knew thatand they also knew how at the little pigeon-hole where counters were exchanged for cheques she came often and handed over big sums in exchange for drafts upon certain banks, both in Paris and in London.
Yet they never worried. Her lucky play attracted others who usually lost. Once, a year before, a Frenchman who occupied a seat next to her daily for a month lost over a quarter of a million sterling, and one night threw himself under the Paris rapide at the long bridge over the Var. But on hearing of it the next day from a croupier Mademoiselle merely shrugged her shoulders, and said:
I warned him to return to Paris. The fool! It is only what I expected.
Hugh looked only once across at the mysterious woman whom Dorise had indicated, and then drew her away. As a matter of fact he had no intention that mademoiselle should notice him.
What do you know of her? he asked in a casual way when they were on the other side of the great saloon.
Well, a Frenchman I met in the hotel the day before yesterday told me all sorts of queer stories about her, replied the girl. Shes apparently a most weird person, and she has uncanny good luck at the tables. He said that she had won a large fortune during the last couple of years or so.
Hugh made no remark as to the reason of his visit to the Riviera, for, indeed, he had arrived only the day previously, and she had welcomed him joyously. Little did she dream that her lover had come out from London to see that woman who was declared to be so notorious.
I noticed her playing this afternoon, Hugh said a moment later in a quiet reflective tone. What do the gossips really say about her, Dorise? All this is interesting. But there are so many interesting people here.
Well, the man who told me about her was sitting with me outside the Cafe de Paris when she passed across the Place to the Casino. That caused him to make the remarks. He said that her past was obscure. Some people say that she was a Danish opera singer, others declare that she was the daughter of a humble tobacconist in Marseilles, and others assert that she is English. But all agree that she is a clever and very dangerous woman.
Why dangerous? inquired Hugh in surprise.
Ah! That I dont know. The man who told me merely hinted at her past career, and added that she was quite a respectable person nowadays in her affluence. Butwell added the girl with a laugh, I suppose people gossip about everyone in this place.
Who was your informant? asked her lover, much interested.
His name is Courtin. I believe he is an official of one of the departments of the Ministry of Justice in Paris. At least somebody said so yesterday.
Ah! Then he probably knew more about her than he told you, I expect.
No doubt, for he warned my mother and myself against making her acquaintance, said the girl. He said she was a most undesirable person.
At that moment Lady Ranscomb and Walter Brock joined them, whereupon the former exclaimed to her daughter:
Did you see that woman over there?still playingthe woman in black and the jade beads, against whom Monsieur Courtin warned us?
Yes, mother, I noticed her. Ive just been telling Hugh about her.
A mysterious personeh? laughed Hugh with well-affected indifference. But one never knows whos who in Monte Carlo.
Well, Mademoiselle is apparently something of a mystery, remarked Brock. Ive seen her here before several times. Once, about two years ago, I heard that she was mixed up in a very celebrated criminal case, but exactly what it was the man who told me could not recollect. She is, however, one of the handsomest women in the Rooms.
And one of the wealthiestif report be true, said Lady Ranscomb.
She fascinates me, Dorise declared. If Monsieur Courtin had not warned us I should most probably have spoken to her.
Oh, my dear, you must do no such thing! cried her mother, horrified. It was extremely kind of monsieur to give us the hint. He has probably seen how unconventional you are, Dorise.