Baxi Nishant
© Baxi Nishant, 2019
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Mobile Trend Marketing
Nishant Baxi
Chapter 1 Locating Trends 4
Whats Hot Online Changes At Light Speed 4
Vision And Planning Can Put You On Top 5
Planning Pays Big Dividends 6
One Hour A Day Can Make It Pay 7
Getting Organized From The Get Go 8
Tools You Will Need 9
The FireFox Web Browser 9
Free Service Accounts and Tools You Will Need 9
A «My GOOGLE» Account 9
Login Database Tool 10
Use Gmail for all Your Hot Trends Projects E-mail 11
Organizing Your Trends System 11
Browser Set Up 13
Setting Up FireFox 13
SEO for FireFox Add On 13
Google Tool Bar for FireFox Add On 13
Dont Get Carried Away 13
Now Set Up Your Bookmarks Toolbar 14
Hot Trends 16
Insights 16
Checkout Trends 16
Google Sets 16
Google Alerts 16
Loading Your Blogger Tab 17
Staying Organized 18
Always Be Prepared To Take Advantage 19
Its More Than Just Record Keeping 20
Chapter 3 Using Google 22
What Are Hot Trends? 22
Chapter 4 Research 25
Picking A Hot Trend 25
How HOT is the trend? 25
When or If the Trend has Peaked 25
Can It be Monetized? 26
How long is the hot trend likely to stay hot 26
Researching Hot Trends Attitude 28
How Youll Make Money with Your Hot Trend Blog 29
Pay Per Click Systems 30
Ebay 31
Other Affiliate Programs 32
Blogging A Hot Trend 36
Hot Trend Blog Content 37
Your Blog Post Entering Your Post 38
Nothing Fancy 40
Setting Up PPC And More 41
Chapter 1 Locating Trends
Whats Hot Online Changes At Light Speed
New Internet marketing tools are coming online each and every day. Why should you care? Mainly because these new marketing trends and tools can have a dramatic impact on your online traffic, leads and sales. So much so, your online competitiveness can greatly depend on you finding and using these new marketing tools before everyone else does.
As Internet marketing grows more and more lucrative, it is becoming more competitive each day, so staying on top of whats happening in the industry has become vital to your online success. More importantly, if youre a full-time marketer like me, your livelihood will largely depend upon you being able to keep on up with of all the new ways of marketing on the web.
Again profiting from hot trends is only one of the newer ways you can leverage the power of the Internet. And as new ways to make money come online, others go by the wayside. There is no way to tell how long one money making method will last when it may be replaced by another.
So while profiting from hot trends appears to be something that will be with us for a good while (At least a year or two?), as fast as things change, you would be wise to not put all your eggs in this basket or any one online money making method. But that doesnt mean you get so many types of money making methods in play that you end up with none of them producing for you.
At the same time you need to start taking advantage of these marketing methods ASAP before too many people actually do see the profitability potential and the shear amount of competition starts eating into your returns for the time invested.
It will take some vision, forethought and planning to put yourself in a position whereby your potential competition will see your efforts as being pervasive and dominant in leveraging hot trends. Just like with many of the Internet Marketing methods you find where 4 or 5 marketers dominate those methods and you say to yourself, «Theyve got the market cornered on using this method», people will be saying that about you.
So lets seriously consider forethought and planning.
Vision And Planning Can Put You On Top
Plan your work and work your plan. You have probably heard that phrase a thousand times. But it has never been more true than it will be with setting up this, profiting from hot trends, system in such a way that you can implement it quickly and regularly as you find hot trends to capitalize upon.
Yes this system includes the plan to work this system effectively. However I am assuming you are approaching your Internet Marketing business with an overall plan with the primary goal of not just making money or generating revenues, but being profitable at it.
Some people will set down with this information and absorb it all in one day, and have their system up and operational in 2 days. That is what I would call a quick start. DO NOT think you have to do that yourself if you really dont have the time, study habits, computer skills or Internet
literacy to become accomplished at using this system in just a few days or even a week.
The advice in this guide assumes that you are managing or approaching your business in a professional manner by having established long term goals, short term goals and are implementing the daily task (As you currently understand them), to attain your goals.
If this assumption is not correct, once you have read this project guide through completely and you believe it may take you more time to set up your system and start using it than I have estimated in my description of a «Quick Start», at least set some short term goals and break them down into the daily tasks it will take to meet your short term goals. That way you stay on track to having your profiting from hot trends system in place in no more than a couple of weeks.
You will need to integrate using this profiting from hot trends system into your Internet Marketing Business Plan so you can spend about 5 to 10 man hours learning and setting up the system and then committing one hour a day for as many or few days you choose to incorporate profiting from hot trends into your regular daily work schedule.
Planning Pays Big Dividends
Without knowing exactly where you want to go, how can you possibly expect to end up exactly where you want to be without a map or plan that will allow you to get where you want to be. Planning will also allow you to expend the least amount of time, effort and for some, even money to get there.
One Hour A Day Can Make It Pay
Once your system is set up properly, youre comfortable with it and you have made a couple of test runs, it shouldnt take you more than an hour to have everything you need in place to start capitalizing on a hot trend project.
Your hour will follow this abbreviated time line:
20 minutes: Researching Trends for viability 10 minutes: Locate keyword heavy copy 10 Minutes: Set up your free blog 10 Minutes: Monetize your blog 20 Minutes: Promote your blog through back links
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