On the other hand, leading specialists in the field of genetics claim that it is impossible to generate a genetic code spontaneously, and the data by biologists, paleontologists, geologists and volcanologists, complementing each other, line up in one line, confirming the possibility of the existence of an intelligence that controls a lot of processes on Earth. Therefore, it would be logical to combine these observations, what the author of this book has tried to do.
The fact that it is the creationism that is the only alternative to Darwinism and that all ideas to justify the creation and not a spontaneous occurrence are classified as religious ones in the view of society constitutes the ideological problem. In this regard, religion has caused significant harm to the development of a real worldview. However, truth is not based on God but on scientific ideas. Therefore, the modern sciences task is not to neglect the idea of creating the world surrounding us just because it is close to religious dogmas.
The book attempts to overcome the barrier of the laws governing the protein life creation on Earths rejection only because these views somehow coincide with the divine creation and are used by theologians. Any scientific concepts that do not share the idea of God will expand our understanding of this most important process on Earth. The book is aimed at replacing both blind faith in the divine creation of the world, and existing views on the evolutionary spontaneous species origin. Even judging from religious positions, the faith of millions of people in the Creator determines the need to answer the question regarding His probable existence on a scientific basis. Then the mythical and deceitful ideas used by theologians to seize the minds of believers will disappear.
The purpose of the given book is to lay the foundation for a new scientific trend in the origin of life on Earths study, based not on religious beliefs or the evolutionary theory, but on the basis of universal principles of the intelligent matter development, from primitive thinking to a highly developed civilization, and also to determine the focus and causality of its behaviour. In order to perceive new ideas, it is necessary to get rid of the pressure of the knowledge system imposed by education and try to look at the surrounding phenomena from a different point of view.
The book systematizes numerous well-known facts gleaned from extensive scientific and educational literature, but interpreted from the point of view of the protein life technological origin. They do not pretend to be absolutely accurate, but they provide quite another point of views on the life on Earths occurrence and the role of a human being in this process. The task of the book is to show that the creation of protein life is the result of the highly developed civilizations activity in order to satisfy its energy needs.
The protein life on Earths occurrence vagaries and consistent patterns analysis is provided, which allows any reader to figure out where and in which cases one deals with random events, random probabilities and possible patterns.
The stated views are the basis for the fundamentally new trends in the scientific, technological, political and religious activities of a human being. They have the same rights to existence as well as the traditional evolutionary and religious views. If the protein world, including human beings, has been created for a specific purpose, then humanity should follow this goal and should not violate its implementation. At the end of the book, the need for the relationships reforming within the human society in accordance with biological laws and the programmed purpose of Homo sapiens as a species is being emphasized, and the possibility of the similar self-replicating structures creation to colonize areas unsuitable for living is substantiated.
The book is of a worldview nature and is designed for a wide range of readers of various specialties. The use of specific terms is as reduced as it has been possible. It is neither a popular nor a specialized monograph, since it examines well-known information, but from other scientific positions. Therefore, the book cannot be treated as a popular science one. The style of writing is best suited for the essay regardless of the relatively large volume.
The author has not knowingly set out factual material in accordance with the requirements of academic science while citing published sources. Thousands of various biological specialties researchers have already perfectly done it. Taking into consideration the fact that in most cases data provided can be found in any textbook or manual, as well as data by well-known authors, there has been no point in referring to them. At the end of the book there is a list of authors cited, whose papers are well known, and the reference to the main literature used for familiarization by interested readers is provided as well.
Chapter I
People have been asking themselves the question «How has the life on Earth originated and developed?» since ancient times, and the answer to it depended on ones imagination, knowledge and worldview. It is believed that there are three historical types of worldview: mythological, religious and scientific-philosophical one. Historically, religion has always been an instrument for the unification of peoples around a single power, the education of humility and equanimity of power, which, the way it was justified, was given by God.
Despite the fact that basically people agreed on the existence of higher forces in nature, they were represented differently in each tribe and each people had its own understanding of them, developing myths or certain religions. The essence of the religious type of worldview is based on the divine creation of the world and the life on Earths occurrence. Most religions set forth common themes about the origin of the Universe and Earth from abyss, as well as the animal and vegetable world by means of a «creation» volutionary act on the part of a higher being.
Paganism when people worshiped certain gods symbolized by them in the form of idols can be considered the earliest religion. The ancient Egyptian mythology does not provide a single version of the world creation; different theories existed in different regions of the country. Ra, the Supreme Sun God, considered the main Creator of the world, was the central point to unite all the theories. According to one version of the God RA emerged from a comprehensive chaos, that is, out of nowhere. He appeared to be the father of all other gods who embodied different elements and forces. An animal or a bird represents the deity giving birth to the Sun and creating the world in many ancient Egyptian legends. There are the traces of the legend according to which the Sun was believed to be borne by the sky in the form of the golden calf; the sky was believed to be a huge cow with the stars scattered over its body.
In other legends, neither animals nor birds are the creators of the world, but gods and goddesses. In one of these legends, the sky is represented in the form of Nut, the female goddess, whose body is curved above Earth, and the fingers and toes rest on Earth. Nut gives birth to a sunny baby, who then creates gods and people. According to later ideas, the creator god Khnum modeled the whole world on a potters wheel and created humans and animals in the same way.
As for the Chinese mythology, it was a man who occupied the central place, not God or any other higher power, and the male and female inception, not the elements, were the main active forces. According to the oldest and most famous ancient Chinese legend, Chaos initially reigned in the world, but once upon a time, two opposite inceptions, Yin (Darkness) and Yang (Light) spontaneously appeared from Chaos; they gave birth to the sky and Earth. The first man, Pangu, appeared immediately after it. He was not an ordinary man; he was huge and lived for a very long time. And when his hour came round at last, his body gave birth to nature and people.