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Sexual fantasies. What men hide
Research of male sexual fantasies
This book will focus on the sexual fantasies of men.
All that is hidden from women's eyes, without hiding it, will become available after reading the book.
I recommend it as a practical guide for women, in order to better understand their man and use his secret fantasies and features for the benefit of both of you in sex.
In general, this book is a continuation of the study of the sexual preferences of my patients and just women who wanted to participate anonymously in the study. According to the results of the previous study, the idea arose to study men's fantasies as well. For support and help in this matter, I turned to my colleague and friend Nikolos Dixon, a practicing urologist.
Also in this work on the study of male fantasies, I was helped by Augusta Kaufman (collecting personal data) and Olivia Brisquier (adapting the data obtained and confirming the astrological signs of men).
Together with Olivia, we have developed a formula for understanding men's fantasies. So it was decided to take into account not only the solar sign of a man, but also more characteristic manifestations of the ascendant and the signs filled with planets in the natal chart (stellium sign), as well as the position of Mars.
Therefore, it will only be a plus if you know a little astrology and can determine not only the zodiac sign of your man. It will be useful for you to find out his ascendant, because he also gives out his manifestations as the brightest-this is an indicator of personality, that the very first thing that catches your eye when meeting a man. The nature of preferences is determined by Mars and the sign most filled with planets. All this is important. But even if you only know the birthday of a man this is also good, then focus on this information when reading the book.
The questionnaire, previously developed for the study of women's fantasies, we adapted to the survey of men. And we conducted an anonymous survey, collecting data among the patients of Nikolos Dixon. 267 men aged from 21 to 78 years participated in the survey among his patients. Also, Augusta Kaufman collected information from men's clubs and gyms using an anonymous questionnaire. This is another 1396 men.
In general, 1,663 men were interviewed.
So it turned out to reveal the sexual preferences of men, taking into account their date of birth, erogenous zones, frequent fantasies and manifestations in sex, the choice of a relationship scenario.
So, next, you will be presented with the results obtained on the sexual preferences of men aged 21 to 82 years, belonging to different zodiac signs, mainly Caucasian and Negroid groups of nationalities.
Aries Man
The main topic that strongly turns Aries men on is sadistic games in any manifestation.
Aries is also active in the field of sex. Aries often does this quickly, even for the second and third time he is very passionate and impetuous. During sexual intercourse, Aries is so frantic that his partner may think that he will finish before orgasm.
He should be the first in everything, and it is reasonable to assume that if he is aggressive in business, conversations, then he will be the same in bed. Aries is controlled by Mars these are true warriors, they choose their own partner, and then hunt for her. The more difficult it is to get the object of desire, the better and more interesting it is for the Aries man. But sometimes, having received the desired woman and spent time with her, his ardor may fade, and he will go in search of a new desired prey.
For women of such a man, with the manifested fiery Mars, it is always worth being difficult to reach. This will ignite a constant passion in him.
Men of this sign often express their emotions during sexual intercourse, moaning, swearing. How Aries will behave during sexual intercourse is impossible to predict, just as it is impossible to predict his behavior at all.
One thing is for sure they want to be aggressive, straightforward, they want to be winners.
How to satisfy aries man?
To attract such a man, you need to be an inaccessible prey. And to satisfy him completely, you need to provide him with an abundance of sex and praise for his masculinity.
Aries loves when they are told flattering speeches during sexual intercourse. They also recognize diversity in sexual relationships, believing that nothing goes beyond the bounds of decency. They like sex at speed, driving, for example.
The soft color of the fire and the music excite them very much.
When Aries is threatened with nervous exhaustion, you can give your man a head massage and slowly involve him in sexual intercourse. He'll appreciate it.
A man born under the sign of Aries is naturally energetic and aggressive. If you try to maintain the pace set by him, you will run out of steam too quickly. Try to relax, and you will get more pleasure.
Erogenous zones.
The whole body, especially the head and face, are the erogenous zones of the aries man.
The most sensitive nerve endings in Aries are located on the head and face. Aries will respond to gentle stroking of the forehead or hair. You can comb them or just caress the top of your head. Swipe your finger on the temple of Aries or the skin under the hair, and this will be the beginning of a sexual relationship.
Fans of ear biting are guaranteed success. The Aries man will get started if you blow in his ear. The result can be achieved by biting his lip; from a gentle kiss on a closed eye, goosebumps will run down his back with pleasure. When dealing with an Aries man, run your fingers along his lips and back in a closed circle. The effect will be exciting.
Sexual fantasies of aries men.
Master and slave.
"Ride the filly."
The more pain I cause, the better.
The more partners and more often energetic sex-the better.
Quick sex. Unexpected places for sex. Standing sex.
Sex and speed (in a moving car, for example).
Sex by the fire, fireplace.
If your lover was born under the sign of Aries, you can be sure that he is aggressive, energetic and tireless. He's a straight-talking braggart. He may be impractical and impulsive, but he has imagination and soon gets turned on.
We can say about him "walking sex", since he is very charismatic and he has a lot of fans. He has a strong nature, intolerant of rules and conventions. Aries man will gladly perform a sexual act on the roof of a car, in a rushing boat, in a crowded bus!
You will get the pleasure you expect, and perhaps a little more than you are able to perceive. The Aries man is fickle, but he expects loyalty and loyalty from you.
He is attracted to active, impulsive women with sharp movements, with a thin build, who love to argue and defend their own opinion.
The sexual stimulus is an open fire by the fireplace, the flame of a candle, hot dishes served with fire.
The Aries sign controls the passions, and in sexual intoxication it is capable of absolutely everything.
Taurus Man
The main topic that strongly turns on taurus men is discharge. Liquids.
Most Taurus men work well sexually when they have a cozy home and a family where they can relax and restore energy.
Taurus men love the earthy, natural smells of their partner. They like the natural pheromones that the body secretes. But some of them go to extremes and are ready to literally get smeared in the partner's fluid, experiencing a pathological attraction to feces or urine. Also, men of this sign love oils, massages with oils, and sometimes jam. They can be food fetishists, when their partner smears cakes, creams all over the body and licks it off.
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